


Complete each of the following sentences with a (compound) word derived from the one(s) given in brackets. Write your word on the ANSWER SHEET. (1 point each, 10 points in all)

  1. “Darkness” is a subjective word; it depends on what your  is and how you live your life, (view, point)
  2. After months of living in a tropical climate, I found that Spain was cool by . (compare)
  3. The conclusions of the survey are because the research was based on a very small sample of people, (question)
  4. When animals have more food, they generally  faster, (multiple)
  5. With a little more effort, what seemed  failure may turn to glorious success, (hope)
  6. The proposal deserves support as it gives to the needs of children, (prior)
  7. Writers are always critical of themselves and Fm no . (except)
  8. It suddenly became  for people to share their privacy in WeChat Friend Circle, (fashion)
  9. This old method is  used in modem laboratories, (rare)
  10. Unfortunately, I failed to get the needed information because our records were . (complete)



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中国自考网 » 2020年8月自考00795综合英语(二)历年真题下载


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