

  1. Mental Illness Hits Small Business Owners HardWhilethereis a growingfocuson mentalhealthin theworkplace,therearefewer resources and support available to those running small businesses.There are many reasons people choose to have their own business being theirown boss, working on something they love, being able to set their own hours,or having some control over whom they work with. Yet the reality many smallbusiness owners face is far less attractive-financial stress, long working hoursand unclear boundaries between work and family life. And all of these factorscan have a huge impact on their mental health.Leanne Fawkner is a business owner of an award-winning skin-care range(系列产品)She knows very well the impact that a small business can have on, themental health of its owner. When her successful business struggled due to theglobal financial crisis, she suffered a lot mentally. “As business slowed, I wasmoreandmoreaffected,”shesays.”Icouldn’tseparatemyselffrommybusiness. It was the worst experience of my life. I could no longer go to workand was crying all day ?Fawkner was diagnosed with depression. She had to take several months offwork. Fortunately, her husband was able to keep things going while Fawknerwas recovering. She saw a counselor (咨询师)for help and took part in aworkplace mental health promotion program. This program was designed forsmall to medium business owners.”The stories on the DVD in the program were so helpful. I was crying because Ididn’tfeelsoalone.”ForFawkner,smallbusinessownersareoverlooked.
  2. While employees in larger organizations often have access to employeeassistance programs, small business owners ar


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