

1.there be 结构

表示“某地或某时存在某物时”, 常用“there + be + 主语 + 地点/时间状语”结构。

  1. there be 的肯定结构

e.g. There is a map on the wall.

  1. there be 的否定结构

e.g. There isn’t any milk in the cup.

There were no buses there yesterday.

  1. there be 的疑问结构

e.g. — Are there any apples in the basket?

— Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

When will there be a volleyball match?

— There is a new student in your class, isn’t there?

— Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

  1. there be 结构中 be 的替代词

there be 结构中的 be 可用某些含有“存在”意义的其他动词代替。这些词有 exist, appear, enter,seem, be like to be (可能有), used to be (过去有), remain (还有)等。

e.g. There remained just twenty-eight pounds.

  1. there be VS. have

have 强调“拥有”, there be 强调“存在”, 只表示某地或某时存在某物,此物归谁所有, 并没有说明。

e.g. There are 60 minutes in an hour.

An ant has two stomachs in its body.


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