


20194月英语写作自考Write an outline. (20 points)

Read the following passage carefully and compose a “Topic Outline” for it.

How to Make Friends

What are friends for? This isn’t a rhetorical question, but of essential concern fbr everybody. We might find friends extremely valuable in difficult situations. The truth is that friendship is always one of life9s most important features, and one too often taken for granted. As a matter of fact, making friends requires time and effort, sometimes involving strategy.

The human desire fbr companionship may be boundless, but research suggests that our social capital is finite—we can handle only so many relationships at one time. Social scientists have used a number of ingenious approaches to gauge the size of people’s social networks; these have returned estimates ranging from about 250 to about 5,500 people, though a Stanford thesis focusing exclusively on Franklin D. Roosevelt, a friendly guy with an especially social job, suggested that he might have had as many as 22,500 acquaintances. Looking more specifically at friendship, a study using the exchange of Christmas cards as an indicator for closeness put the average person’s friend group at about 121 people.



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