- ‘应考者必须按试题顺序在答题卡(纸)指定位置上作答,答在试卷上无效。
- 涂写部分必须使用2B铅笔,书写部分必须使用黑色字迹签字笔。
- Word and Phrase Translation (20 points, 1 point each)
- Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the
Answer Sheet. | |
1. blood type | 2. flagship store |
3. start-up costs | 4. athletic disciplines |
5. electronic tickets | 6. strategic thinker |
7. Saudi Arabia | 8. wholemeal bread |
9. fair race | 10. expert panel |
- Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
11.资源税 | 12.心理学家 |
13-廉租房 | 14.城际高铁 |
15.能见度”” | 16.素津冀区域 |
17.纸质书 | 18.端午节 |
19.探月工程 | 20.奥林匹克精神 |
- Translation Revision (20 points, 2 points each)
- Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet.
原文: Adelaide enjoys a Meditenanean climate.
- 原文: You have to search to find London’s true delights.
- 原文:The year 1876 saw the invention of telephone by Alexander Bell. 译文:1876年见证了亚历山大贝尔发明了电话。
- 原文:As never before in their long history, universities have become instruments of
national competition as well as instruments of peace.
译文:很久以前几乎没有什么大学能成为提高国家竞争力与维护和平的工具。 改译:
- 原文:The Internet was buzzing this summer with some people sharing videos ofthemselves accepting the Ice Bucket Challenge.
译文:今年夏天,互联网上“嗡嗡嗡”不停地推送着一些人分享自己接受冰桶挑战 的视频。
- 原文:Nearly half of the world’s heritage sites could lose their glaciers by 2100 if greenhouse emissions continue at the current rate.
译文:如果温室气体继续以目前的速度排放,近半数世界遗产地将在2100年以前失 去它们的冰川。
- Correct or improve the translation of the following Chinese sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet.
译文:To write a preface to this collection of his essays gives me a great honor.
改译:I find it a great honor to write a preface to this collection of his essays.
- 原文:如果没有台风产生,赤道一带的热量就无法驱散。
译文: Without typhoon, the heat in the equatorial area shouldn’t be dispelled.
- 原文:得到消息后,他高兴地跳起来,拿出纸和笔,给父母留言说自己将去看好朋友。
译文: He heard the news, jumped up with joy, snatched a pen and a piece of paper, wrote his parents a message that he would go to see his good friend.
- 原文:如今,随着生态环境的不断改善,越来越多的鸟类在北京栖息。
译文:Today, as continuous improvement of the ecological environment, more and more species of birds dwell in Beijing.
- 原文:恐惧和信念每时每刻都会和我们同在,而我们总是根据它来行事的那种感情,即我们刻意培养的情感,将会支配我们的生活。
译文:Both fear and faith will be with us every minute of every day, but the emotion that we continually act upon, that is, the one we feed, dominates our lives.
- 原文:国家税收的严重流失,一方面使一部分人的财富迅速加大,另一方面又使国
译文:Such heavy losses of revenue have resulted from the rapid wealth accumulation of some people on the one hand, and the inability of the state to implement a redistribution of wealth on the other.
- Sentence Translation (20 points, 2 points each)
- Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
- To meet the power demands of modem devices, researchers have been looking for materials that can store more and more electricity. That’s where the use of industrial glass comes in.Industrial glass is stronger and more durable than the glass in household windowpanes and mirrors, and it’s more resistant to repeated chemical reactions.
- Pub etiquette is designed to promote sociability jn a society known for its reserve. Standing at the bar for service allows you to chat with others waiting to be served. The bar counter is possibly the only site in the British Isles in which friendly conversation with strangers is considered entirely appropriate and really quite normal behavior.
- As we need plain wholesome food fbr the body, so we must have serious reading for the mind.And here we can choose according to our taste. There are many noble books on history, biography, philosophy and science which we ought to read, and which will give us not only pleasure but an education.
- Society could not exist if we were all unflinchingly (不折不扌口地) We say we’re not upset when we are. We tell people they don’t look fat when they do. That’s fine because all of these lies are kinder than the truth, and there’s nothing wrong with a little kindness.
- Studies have shown that the more time a person spends in education when young, the lower the risk for dementia (痴呆)later on. But whether or not it’s the education itsel—and perhaps the associated higher socioeconomic status and healthier lifestyles—that affords this protection remained a mystery.
- Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet
- 新中国成立后,随着经济发展与科技进步,全国的文化事业日益繁荣兴旺。我们的 文化和教育都取得了巨大的成就。
- 王老师最近工作繁忙,他经常加班加点,而且还有三份报告需要完成,一份是明天 交,另一份是下周交,剩下的一份是下个月交。
- 如何在文化遗产的保护和利用之间达成平衡,需要凝聚政府和社会的力量。我们认 为,保护和利用并不是一对矛盾,而是一种相辅相成的关系。
- 有一种策略叫市场调整,指的是销售部经理们去寻求新用户、占领新市场。比如 说,现在学生们大量使用的双肩背包当初是为军用而设计的,不知你是否知道此 事?
- 在这个标志中,红色被演绎得格外强烈,激情被张扬得格外奔放。这是中国人对吉 祥、美好的礼赞,这是中国人对生命的诠释。
FV1 Passage Translation (40 points, 20 points each)
- Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
- ” ;
Much is right in the world, but also much is wrong. This book is mostly concerned with what is wrong. It is not a book of criticism and condemnation. It is one of explanation, optimism and hope. It promotes the doctrine that we, as individuals, can save our world.
Little is wrong in the world except what is caused by people’s intentional or unintentional misdeeds. True, there are occasional earthquakes, floods, windstorms or famine. But the seasons go along in reasonably orderly succession, and the vegetation renews itself each year without fail. That has been true in the past, and although the pattern may change at any time, it will presumably be true in the future. So it is clear that nature is not the culprit (罪 魁祸首).Most of everyone5s suffering is caused by people. There is no use dodging that basic fact.
- Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
42.上世纪七八十年代,人们的主要通信工具还是书信和电报。收到一封家书,不管是 大人还是孩子,总是迫不及待地拆开阅读。这几乎是那个年代远距离情感交流的唯一方 式。
改革开放四十年,也是中国通信行业飞速发展的四十年。从书信、电报到智能手机, 通信工具的变迁映射出人民生活的变化、社会的进步和经济的飞速发展,人与人之间的 通信更为便利和及时。
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中国自考网 » 2022年4月自考英语翻译试题