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Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)

Which of the following is ruled out in “small c culture”? 

  1. habits customs
  2. material production D. behavioral patterns

Language is used for conveying ideas, so its  and function must reflect these ideas.

  1. spelling
  2. pronunciation

In American English, 

successful by hard working.

  1. 66self-mademann “do-gooder”
  2. “individualist” D・”capitalist”

The English equivalent of Chinese expression is 


wrist watch pocket watch quartz watch

  1. The English speakers prefer  as is shown by the sentence “Besides football, the most popular games in the United States are baseball and basketball”.
  2. linear sentence patterns branching sentence patterns
  3. holistic thinking pattern D. indirect thinking pattern
  4. a) Bread and butter is my favorite breakfast.


The above examples show that English demonstrates more ” . relations than Chinese.

  1. lexical B. verbal
  2. paratactic D. hypotactic
  3. “Elizabeth” is a popular English girl’s name that is related to ..
  4. religion B. flowers
  5. weapons D. knowledge
  6. -去上班啊?—上班去了。

Which of the following pairs of English greetings does NOT function similarly to the above Chinese one? ; 

  1. ―How are you? —Fine, thank you.
  2. —Good morning. ― ood morning.
  3. —How do you do? —How do you do?
  4. —When shall we meet again? —Next Monday.
  5. The source of the allusion £Ca Pandora’s box” is

A ・ literature B. religion

  1. mythology D. history
  2. Which of the following proverbs is related to individualism?

A . A great ship asks deep water.

B» Tell money after your own father.

  1. Wine and wenches empty men’s purses.
  2. It is as hard to please a knave as a knight.
  • . Chinese learners of English as a foreign language have to remind themselves of the need

to  Chinese terms of humility when communicating with English native speakers. A. notice B. remember

  1. forget D. emphasize
  • .”Go the way of all flesh” is a euphemism, referring to .
  1. war B. death
  2. pregnancy D. sexual intercourse
  3. Oral English itself is not monolithic. When hearers, topics and environments change, the speakers’
  4. tones B. speaking styles
  5. tempos D. gestures
  6. In the sentence “All the figures were correct; they’d been checked. Yet the total came out wrong”, the logical relationship is
  7. causal B. additive
  8. temporal D・adversative
  9. The most salient feature of EST (English for science and technology) is, perhaps, its large number of
  10. technical B. practical
  11. realistic D. artistic
  12. Normally, a word borrowed from a foreign language will unde里o some degree of  to make it similar to the native words.
  13. nominalization B. naturalization
  14. verbalization D. simplification
  15. In the sense of facial management techniques, we try to hide emotions like jealousy, disappointment, or bitterness through .
  16. intensifying B・desintensifying
  17. neutralizing D. masking
  18. In English speaking countries, middle-aged or elderly women use more than girls or young women.
  19. gestures
  20. artifacts
  21. postures
  22. eye contacts
  23. Queen
  1. Congress Prime Minister

In the English sentence “They are friends”,all the three words are in plural forms, demonstrating grammatical  of the English language as regards the number, a grammatical category.

  1. implicitness B. instability
  2. consistency D. explicitness

Titles like “Mr.”, “Governor5‘ used as vocatives usually indicate  .

  1. respect B. distance
  2. familiarity D. popularity

Which of the following idioms are related to love and marriage? 

A ・ a nine days wonder B. a male chauvinist

C ・ to love at first sight D. to make bricks with straw

Both Chinese and English metaphorical expressions illustrate ideas as plants, such as

A ・ That’s a budding theory

B • Thafs an idea that ought to be resurrected

  1. 新思想萌芽
  2. 旧观念复活
  3. Which of the following questions may be offensive to English speakers when they are related to privacy?
  4. Whafs your annual income?
  5. How come you are still single?

C , Are you a Republican or a Democrat?

D ・ Which sports team are you in favour of?

Deduction refers to reasoning from the general to the particular or reasoning in which the conclusion about particulars follows necessarily from the

  1. detailed B. specific
  2. universal general
  3. American Marketing Association defines advertising as <6the nonpersonal communication usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about by identified sponsors through dififerent media”.
  4. products B. services
  5. ideas D. contracts
  6. Generally, Chinese speakers are more , preferring to hide their emotions in their hearts.
  7. arrogant B. reserved
  8. casual D. serious


HL Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)

  1. In English “Culture” is a loan word from Latin. In contrast, “文化”is a word in Chinese.
  2. Affective meaning is communication when the feelings or are expressed in language, such as “aha” and “Ybu’re a liar. I hate you for that”.
  3. The derivational morpheme in word “international” is .

34 ・ In response to compliments, Chinese people tend to be modest while western people tend to 膈二二J*:;

  1. Many English proverbs and idioms come from because it is one of the most extensively read books and the most influential religious classic work in the West.
  2. “She is besieged by suitors55illustrates the metaphor that love is  .
  3. Nowadays, in the United States, the black people are often referred to as  Americans, in which the color of the skin that caused them troubles and sufferings is not mentioned.
  4. The term Oext” refers to any piece of spoken or written , which expresses a complete meaning.
  5. Many technical terms in English are _ words from Greek or Latin.
  6. The space that exclusively belongs to its owner is referred to as
  7. Answer the following questions briefly. (12%)
  8. What are the three models for the analysis of culture?
  9. Explain the conceptual meaning of the Chinese term “社会科学”.
  10. Why are place names often used as brand names in Chinese culture?

44 ・ What are public territories?

  1. (18%)
  2. blank examination paper
  3. Seeing is believing.
  4. 史密斯教授
  5. 银行的钱都被抢光了。
  6. 黄泉
  7. 水管工(Note: Translate it with an English euphemism.)

VI- Discuss the following topics. (20%)

  1. Explain the English idiom 6CNot for all the tea in China”, and compare it with its Chinese translation equivalent to show the cultural differences.
  2. What is the typical text structure of letters of request in English? And how does it differ from that of Chinese letters?


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中国自考网 » 2022年4月自考00838语言与文化试题(历年真题)


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