






  1. National currencies always have a(n) ______ over private currencies.
  2. interest B. advantage
  3. output D. production
  4. When a designer produces a new dress,he should always  ______ in mind his customer’s needs.
  5. carry B. take
  6. put D. bear
  7. If the world population is increasing continuously,food supplies will not be  ______ to feed  them.
  8. sufficient B. efficient
  9. equal D. effective
  10. They refused to sell their products at the low  ______ offered.
  11. price B. prize
  12. expense D. cost
  13. “You should be  ______,”he said to the judge.“It’s not their fault.”
  14. fair B. unforgiving
  15. rude D. unkind
  16. They all agreed that the first problem the new government would have to deal withwas unemployment.In this sentence,“deal with” can be replaced by  ______.
  17. do B. grasp
  18. cope D. tackle
  19. Although I spoke to him many times,he never pays  ______ to what I said.
  20. notice B. remark
  21. warning D. attention
  22. We try to buy these goods at the lowest price  ______.
  23. possible B. possibly
  24. possibility D. probably
  25. Our company is  ______ to that one in management.
  26. better B. superior
  27. excellent D. good
  28. If banks  ______ higher interest on loans to builders,how will that affect the cost of a new home?
  29. ask B. charge
  30. demand D. beg
  31. The government gave several good  ______ for increasing the tax on cars.
  32. purposes B. reasons
  33. questions D. problems
  34. We’ll have to find a new  ______ of income.
  35. source B. means
  36. way D. method
  37. The workers’ claim for a 10-percent pay rise has been under  ______ of the government.
  38. idea B. agreement
  39. consideration D. opinions
  40. The company decided to  ______ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.
  41. destroy B. resist
  42. deny D. cancel
  43. On the  ______ of our sales forecasts we may begin to make a profit next year.
  44. basis B. base
  45. case D. reason



  1. I didn’t mean  ______ anything but these apples looked so nice that I wouldn’t resist trying one.
  2. to eat B. eating
  3. eat D. having eating
  4. It was not until she had arrived home  ______ she remembered her appointment with the doctor.
  5. when B. that
  6. and D. so
  7. He has  ______ heavy a work load that it is difficult for him to find time to travel around.
  8. such B. too
  9. so D. much
  10. Since she has very high blood pressure,her doctor recommends that she  ______.
  11. not drink B. will not drink
  12. does not drink D. not to drink
  13. I didn’t pass the mid-term examination. What bad luck!But from now on,I will never forget  ______ my homework.
  14. to do B. do
  15. done D. doing
  16. The lawyer questioned the witness about  ______.
  17. what knew he B. what did he know
  18. he knew D. what he knew
  19. By 2003 my hometown had become  ______ industrial city in the province.
  20. one of the three largest B. a third largest
  21. the third largest D. the three largest
  22. The concept  ______ to describe the way nations behave,but it is equally applicable to individuals.
  23. is most often used B. most often use
  24. is often most used D. is most used often
  25. Japanese scientists do not know for sure  ______ Mount Fuji will erupt again.
  26. where B. that
  27. when D. which
  28. It’s not good laughing  ______ other people’s shortcomings.
  29. with B. on
  30. about D. at
  31. An object is said  ______ if its temperature is much higher than that of our bodies.
  32. to be hot B. as being hot
  33. hot D. as hot
  34. After that quarrel,Sam didn’t talk to Paul  ______.
  35. any more B. no more
  36. much longer D. no longer
  37. It allows advertisers to combine sight,sound and motion,thus  ______ to almost all the viewers’senses.
  38. appeal B. and appeals
  39. appealing D. appeals
  40. If it  ______ tomorrow,we’ll have to stay indoors.
  41. would rain B. will rain
  42. rained D. rains
  43. He  ______ the Chinese Volunteers Army in 1951.
  44. joined B. had joined
  45. has joined D. has been joined
  46. 购买完整本科目复习资料:搜索查看历年真题


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