1.It is a small word yet it has anamazing impact upon us.这个单词虽然短小, 但是对我们的影响力却是相当惊人。
impact意思是“巨大影响;强大作用”。have an impact on/upon..是固定搭配,意 思是“对……产生巨大的影响”。例如:
There’s no question that the ads had areal impact on the public.毫无疑问,这些广 告对公众确实产生了影响。
The computer revolution had an impacton the rate of technological change.计算机 革命对技术变革的速度产生了巨大的影响。
相同意思的表达法还有:have aneffect/influence on,shape(作动词用),influence (作动词用)。例如:
Einstein had an effect/influence onscience and history that only a few men have ever achieved.爱因斯坦对科学和历史的影响巨大,很少有人能与他相提并论。
Fathers have a strong effect/influenceon their children’s personalities.父亲对孩子 们的个性具有很大的影响。
Like it or not,ourfamilies shape our lives and make us what we are.无论喜欢与否,我们的家庭影响我们的生活,决定我们成为什么样的人。
Can they shape public opinion?他们能影响公众舆论吗?
Newspapers influence the current ofthought.报纸影响思想潮流。
2.How often do you use the word trywhen talking about the things that matter to you?谈论那些你重视的事情时,有多少次你会用到“尽量”这个单词?
Money is the only thing that maters tothem.对他们来说,钱是唯一重要的东西。
It doesn’t maer much whether we gotogether or separately.我们是一起去还是分 头去,这并不太重要。
Her opinion counts because of herexperience.因为她有经验,所以她的意见很重要。
Good manners count little or nothingwith some people.在有些人看来礼貌不重要。
3.Eliminate the word try from yourdictionary and see how your life improves.把“尽量”这个词从你的词典中清除,然后看看你的生活会有怎样的改善。
She went through the compositioncarefully to eliminate all errors from it.她认真地 检查了作文,以排除所有的错误。
We’ll have to be determined if we wantto eliminate pollution.如果要消除污染,我 们就得下定决心。
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