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高级英语  试卷
(课程代码  00600)
I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to Y. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (25 points, 1 point for each)
Many doctors working on the battlefield of terminal suffering think that only squeamishness demands a   1   difference between passive and active euthanasia on request. Their   2   for killing goes like this: one of a doctor’s   3   is to prevent suffering; sometimes that is all there is left for him to do, and killing is the only way to do it. There is nothing new in this view. When Hippocrates   4   his oath for doctors, which explicitly rules   5   active killing, most other Greek doctors and thinkers disagreed with his ban.

II. Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (15 points, 1 point for each)
26. Justice to all, regardless of race, sect or class, is the       right and the inescapable obligation of all.

A. inalienable B. unbelievable
C. unavoidable D. unattainable

Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding three items III, IV, V.

III. In this section, there are ten incomplete statements or questions, followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (20 points, 2 points for each)
41. The word “underlay” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to .

A. was the consequence of B. was the cause of
C. was the key to D. was the basis of

42. The best title for this passage is .

A. The Disappearance of Freedom B. The Development of Freedom
C. Importance of Freedom D. Roots of Freedom

VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (10 points, 2 points for each)
51. Absolute obedience to the ruler was what the leaders of the empires insisted on.

VII. Answer the following essay question in English within 80-100 words. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10 points)
56. What is your view on “freedom”?
VIII. Translate the following sentences into English and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (20 points, 2 points each for 57-60, 4 points for 61, 8 points for 62)
57. 我们的调查表明没有一家公司能够靠试图面面俱到、满足所有人的需求而成功。

62. 美国梦给老人这样的期望,只要他们一生努力工作,一切终会好的。今天的老人在成长过程中受到的教育是信奉自尊、自立、自主。很多都是能在逆境中生存下来的坚强而果断的人。但即使是坚强的人也会有需要得到帮助的时候。

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