


(一) 课程内容

模块/主题 语言功能及商务技能
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11
Module 12

(二) 自学教材
《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)学生用书》 Cook, R. Pedretti, M. Stephenson, H.著 经济科学出版社 2008年10月第3版。
(三) 自学方法的指导
(3) 完形填空
附录  题型示例
Part I选择填空 (Multiple Choice) (15 points in all, 1 point for each)
Directions: Choose from the given choices the correct one and write the corresponding letter in the brackets.
(    ) Market share increased 3%, up to 8%.
A. to B. until C. up D. by
Part II 词形填空 (Word Form) (10 points in all, 1 point for each)
Directions: Choose from the given choices the correct one and write the corresponding letter in the brackets.
1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3( ) 4 ( ) 5( )
6 (   ) 7 ( ) 8( ) 9 ( ) 10( )
A. to boost B. losses C. affecting D. easier   E. dead   F. faxing 
G. typically  H. growth I. accounts J. to make  K. says    L. clearly 
Passage One
I am at present in the middle of a 10-day overseas sales visit and am 1 you about a problem which has arisen. Many of our latest cordless telephones (Malibu WMI) have serious battery faults 2 the handsets. Often the phone goes 3 after two or three minutes of use. This problem is becoming so acute that I am now advising the Company to recall all these models. This will 4 cost us a lot (perhaps up to $2000,000) but, more important, we are now losing old customers and allowing our competitors 5 their sales at our expense.
Passage Two
As the economy weakens, banks are increasingly squeezing customers who overdraw their bank 6. Bank of America and Washington Mutual have jacked up their overdraft fees and made it 7 for customers to be hit with multiple penalties. The changes come as banks grapple with growing 8 from bad mortgage loans. Overdraft fees have increasingly become a source of profits. Banks and credit unions collect about $17.5 billion in overdraft fees per year, the Center for Responsible Lending 9. Checking-account customers are “easy picking” for fees, says Jean Ann Fox of the Consumer Federation of America, because banks 10 can take any money owed out of a customer’s next deposit.
Part III 完形填空 (Cloze) (10 points in all, 1 point for each)
Directions: Fill in each blank in the passage the correct answer and write the corresponding letter in the brackets.
完形填空由一篇留有10个空格、篇幅在200-300单词左右的、有关商务题材的短文构成。每个空格为1题,每题有A、B、C、D 4个选项。要求应试者根据短文内容从每题的四个备选项中选出1个最佳答案。如:
Thomas Kingsley works for Meridian Finance in East London. He works 1 a sales executive. He 2 with a large number of small and medium-sized businesses in the London area. He advises them on the best financial products for their needs.
He is only in his office in the morning when he discusses clients 3 the Sales Manager. Then he travels around London to see his clients. He informs them 4 new products on the market. He keeps a 5 of any changes in the clients’ information so that he can offer advice if necessary. He 6 his paperwork and arranges 7 from home or from his car between appointments.
If any members would like 8 advice on insurance or any financial product, please do not 9 to phone Thomas or one of his colleagues 10 0207 236 4925. They will be happy to help you if they can.
(    ) 1. A. as B. like C. in D. to
(    ) 2. A. organizes B. provides C. manages D. deals
(    ) 3. A. with B. to C. from D. along
(    ) 4. A. about B. on C. to D. with
(    ) 5. A. notice B. record C. reference D. book
(    ) 6. A. does B. produces C. deals D. handles
(    ) 7. A. meets B. meet C. meeting D. meetings
(    ) 8. A. an B. a C. some D. any
(    ) 9. A. hesitate B. stop C. think D. afraid
(    ) 10. A. to B. on C. under D. for
Part IV阅读理解 (Reading Comprehension) (30 points in all, 2 points for each)
Passage One
Directions: Read the following passage carefully. Are the sentences Right or Wrong? If there is not enough information, choose Doesnt say. Write the corresponding letter in the brackets.
Attending Interviews
Good interviewers prepare their questions carefully in advance according to the candidate’s application and CV. So candidates need to prepare carefully. Here are some useful tips on answering interview questions.
(1) What dont you like about your current position?
No job is perfect; there’s always something we don’t like. Be honest but don’t give a list of complaints. The important thing is to talk positively about how you deal with problems at work.
(2) Where does your employer think you are today?
Be honest. If you lie to your current employer, you’ll lie to your next employer. Don’t phone in sick on the day of the interview. Take a day’s holiday but don’t say why.
(3) What are your professional objectives?
Think abut these before the interview. Your objectives should be relevant to the job you have applied for and achievable. If the new job can’t offer you everything you want, the interviewer will think that you probably won’t stay with the company very long.
(4) What are your weaknesses?
Be honest: no one is perfect. Think about this before the interview and choose your answer carefully. Talk about how you deal with a weakness; this is far more important than the weakness itself.
(    ) 1.Every candidate will be asked the same questions while attending interviews.
A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn’t say.
(     ) 2. You shouldn’t complain about your current position too much.
A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn’t say.
(     ) 3. You should arrange to have a day off for the interview.
A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn’t say.
(    ) 4. You should apply for what suits your current position.
A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn’t say.
(    ) 5. You shouldn’t mention anything about your weaknesses.
A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn’t say.
Passage Two
Directions: Read the following passage carefully and complete the sentences or answer the questions with the correct choice. Then write the corresponding letter in the brackets.
Last year saw both the continued development of trends within the industry and some unexpected results. The domestic British market saw further steady growth but could be overtaken by US sales next year. As in 1997, sales in the USA rose sharply with the successful release of three new computer games. However, hopes of the European market showing the same rate of growth were affected by a strong pound.
Computer games increased their domination of sales in 1998 with the football game The Golden Boot: France 98 selling over 100,000 units in World Cup year. Other sports titles are now amongst the company’s top brands.
The company also enjoyed a sharp rise in sales of educational products. Our new range of interactive multimedia products, Schoolware, launched in late 1997, is now a top-selling brand. Further Shcoolware titles to be launched this year should ensure continued growth in this market.
Sales figures for 1998 show very clearly the changing face of the company’s activities. Millennium Software is now a producer of entertainment and educational products. In order to adapt to these markets, the company will have to expand by increasing its product range and reducing its development times.
Moreover, the company faces new challenges in distribution. Large retail chains with pan-European buying power are becoming increasingly dominant in the distribution of computer software. These superstores now offer competitive prices and a narrow product range based on top-selling titles. With computer shops, they now account for nearly two thirds of sales.
(    ) 6. This passage is most likely to be extracted from .
A. the company profile of Millennium Software
B. the Millennium Software 1998 Annual Report
C. the Millennium Software new products catalogue
D. a note in Millennium Software
(    ) 7. has led to the increase of sales in the European market.
A. The successful release of new computer games
B. A strong pound
C. The variety of products
D. The increase of pan-European buying power
(    ) 8. The following statement is NOT true.
A. Millennium Software has always been a producer of entertainment and educational products.
B. Superstores sell more Millennium Software than computer shops.
C. In future the company will have to produce new games more quickly.
D. Schoolware is one of the educational products of Millennium Software.
(    ) 9. According to the passage, is offered by the large retail chains.
A. high prices B. lowest prices
C. a narrow product range D. a broad product range
(    ) 10. The following statement is true.
A. PCs are the most popular games machine for Millennium Games.
B. Superstores sell a wide range of computer software.
C. Sales increased sharply in the company’s home market last year.
D. The company is developing its range of multimedia educational software.
Passage Three
Directions: Read the following passage carefully and complete the sentences or answer the questions with the correct choice. Then write the corresponding letter in the brackets.
The expression benchmarking has become one of the fashionable words in current management discussion. The term first appeared in the United States in the 1970s but has now gained world wide recognition. But what exactly does it mean and should your company be practicing it?
One straightforward definition of benchmarking comes from Chris Tether managing director of a New Zealand-based consultancy firm specializing in this area. “Benchmarking involves learning about your own practices, learning about the best practices of others, and then making changes for improvement that will enable you to meet or beat the best in the world.” The essential element is not simply imitating what other companies do but being able to adapt the best of other firms’ practices to your own situation.
Instead of aiming to improve only against previous performance and scores, companies can use benchmarking to inject an element of imagination and common sense into their search for progress. It is a process which forces companies to look closely at those activities which they may have been taking for granted and comparing them with the actives of other world-beating companies. Self-criticism is at the heart of the process although in some cases this may upset managers who are reluctant to question long established practices.
The process of identifying best practice in other companies does not just mean looking closely at your competitors. It might also include studying companies which use similar processes to your own, even though they are producing different goods. The point is to look at the process rather than the product. For example, Italian computer company Arita wanted to improve the quality of its technical manuals and handbooks. Instead of looking at manuals produced by other computer companies, Arita turned to a publisher of popular handbooks such as cookery books, railway timetables and car repair manuals. As Arita’s Technical Director Claudio Benclii says, “All of these handbooks are communicating complex information in a simple way – exactly what we are aiming to do. And in many cases they succeed far better than any computer company.”

(    ) 11. According to the writer, benchmarking must always involve .
A. changing your activities on the basis of new information
B. copying exactly what your competitors do
C. identifying the best company in your market
D. collaborating with other companies in the same field
(    ) 12. Some managers may resist benchmarking because .
A. it takes their activities for granted
B. it makes them examine the way they work
C. it makes others question their efficiency
D. it gives them a lot of extra work
(    ) 13. You should compare yours with .
A. those producing similar goods
B. those communicating most effectively
C. those using similar processes
D. those leading the domestic market
(    ) 14. Arita found that a publishing company could .
A. make more money than a computer firm
B. produce technical manuals for them
C. show them how to improve their own manuals
D. help them move into new markets
(    ) 15. The writer’s purpose in writing this article is .
A. to recommend the process of benchmarking
B. to criticize the firms that do not carry out benchmarking
C. to give information about benchmarking
D. to explain why benchmarking does not suit every firm.
Part V完成对话 (Conversation Completion) (10 points in all, 1 points for each)
Directions: Choose from the twelve choices below the correct phrase or sentence to fill the ten gaps in the conversation and write the corresponding letter in the brackets.
1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3( ) 4 ( ) 5( )
6 ( ) 7 ( ) 8( ) 9 ( ) 10( )
A. I’m assuming you’re dealing with that
B. I’ve got all that
C. We sell that in rolls of fifty metres
D. They’re a new customer at Campfield Retail Park
E. So I’ll put down sixty then
F. And you’ll need the product name
G. I’ll give you a reference first
H. no discount to begin with
I. Should I put the normal thirty days payment terms
J. I’ve just visited a company and I need a quotation to go in the post to them tonight
K. I’ll prepare that
L. No E at the end 
Jill: Hello. Jill speaking.
Robert: Jill, it’s Robert. 1. Can you do one?
Jill: Sure. If you give the details …
Robert: OK, 2. X-B-2-8-double-3-6.
Jill: Right. And who’s the quotation for?
Robert: Johnston Ltd. 3.
Jill: Is that J-O-H-N-S-T-O-N-E ?
Robert: 4.
Jill: Right. And what is the quote for?
Robert: The white patterned cotton.
Jill: 5.
Robert: Well, they want three thousand metres altogether.
Jill: 6.
Robert: Fine. 7. It’s Cascade, C-A-S-C-A-D-E.
Jill: Oh yes, I know. 8?
Robert: Well, they actually wanted sixty days credit, but as they’re new customers, I’ve insisted on twenty-one. We can review it later.
Jill: Ok, fine. And, er, 9?
Robert: They originally wanted thirty per cent but we compromised on seventeen even though it’s more than the fifteen we usually offer-I think they could be a good account to win.
Jill: Yes.
Robert: So it should be five thousand, seven hundred and fourteen pounds altogether to pay.
Jill: Right, 10. I’ll make sure …
Part VI商函写作1 (Business Writing1) (10 points)
Directions: Read the e-mail and Leslie’s note. Use them to write an E-MAIL to Sandy. Write 40-50 words.

Don’t forget Mike’s going to Paris the day after tomorrow and we need to arrange a meeting to discuss our marketing strategies. Can you call him before he goes?


To Do
l Call Mike re: meeting – When? Mon. a.m.
l Thank Sandy for reminder and check if she can come.

Part VII商函写作2 (Business Writing2) (15 points)
Directions: Read the letter from a salesperson enquiring about the transport and accommodation arrangements for a conference you have organized.

Dear Paul,
I am writing to confirm my attendance at this year’s sales conference from 24th to 27th October.
I will be arriving in 24th and would like to stay until the 28th so that I can do some sightseeing. Could you possibly reserve me an extra night in the same hotel? I would also be very grateful if you could recommend some places for me to visit in my free time.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Write a REPLY of 70-80 words:
agreeing to make the hotel booking;
explaining that she will have to pay for the extra night;
asking her for her flight details;
suggesting places for her to visit.

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