












Unit 41 L.8.81 Part ⅠWarming-up Exercises:Radio Station Signals P.1-1

Part Ⅲ How Smoking Mothers Affect Their Children p3-4,5

Unit 42 L.83 Part Ⅲ Science Report-Self-esteem p9-15,16

Unit 43 L.86 Part Ⅲ Words and Their Stories-To Face the Music p.18-32,33

Unit 44 L.87 Part Ⅲ Words and Their Stories-Dutch Treat p.21-38,39

Unit 45 L.89 Part Ⅰ Dictation:News Items p.25-46

Unit 46 L.91 Part Ⅱ Education in the United States (Ⅰ) p.32-60,61

part Ⅲ Education in the United States(Ⅱ) p.33-63

Unit 48 L.95 Part Ⅲ Remarks on Modern Education p.45-87,88

Unit 49 L.97 Part ⅡStudy for a Career in England p.50-100,101

L.98 Part Ⅱ Vocational Training Development p.53-106,107

Unit 51 L.101 Part Ⅱ Welcome to the Language School P.59-116,117

Part Ⅲ Choosing a Language p.60-118,119

L.102 Part Ⅱ Why Leern Foreign Language(Ⅰ) p.62-122

Part Ⅲ Why learn Foreign Languages (Ⅱ) P.63-124,125,126

Unit 52 L.103 Part Ⅰ The Enghish Dictionary p.64-127

Part Ⅲ Where Do These Words Come from? p.66-131

Unit 53 L.105 Part Ⅲ The Functions of a Newspaper p.72-145

L.106 Part Ⅱ Reading Newspapers p.74-148,149

Part Ⅲ Magazines p.75-151,152

Unit 54 L.107 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises p.76-153

L.108 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises p.79-162

Unit 55 L.110 Part Ⅱ congratulatory Telegram p.86-177,178

Unit 56 L.111 Part Ⅰ Warming up Exercises Eating Hbbits p.88-184

Part Ⅲ Kinds of Foods P.90-189

L.1123 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises Howe to Make Yorkshire

pudding p.91-190

Part Ⅱ English Cooking p.92-191,192

Unit 57 L.113 Part Ⅱ Frozen Foods p.95-196,197

L.114 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises:Synthetics p.97-201

Part Ⅱ The Story of Silk p.98-203

Part Ⅲ Clothing p.99-204,205

Unit 58 L.115 Part Ⅲ The Open-Air Museum p.102-211


Unit 61 L.121 Part Ⅲ Family Life and Changing Attitude p.3-5,6,7

Unit 62 L.123 Part Ⅱ change in Manner and Attitude p.8-21,22

L.124 Part Ⅱ Services for Elderly People p.11-29,30

Unit 63 L.125 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises p.13-33

Part Ⅱ Different Countries, Different Customs p.14-34,35

Part Ⅲ What Does Friendship Mean to You? P.15-37,38

L.126 Part Ⅲ Wedding Preference p.18-44,45

Unit 64 L.127 part Ⅱ Diy p.20-47,48

Part Ⅲ The Instinct for Keeping Useless Objects p.21-49,50

L.128 Part Ⅱ My Pet Hate p.23-52,53

Unit 65 L.129 Part Ⅱ The Business of Leisure p.26-60,61

Part Ⅲ What's Your Hobby? p.27-62,63

Unit 66 L.131 Part Ⅱ The National Health Service in Britain p.32-76,77

L.132 Part Ⅱ Short Dialogues (for Practice in Drawing Inference) P.35-83,84,85

Part Ⅲ life Expectancy p.36-86,87

Unit 67 L.133 Part Ⅱ Doctor's Advice p.-89,90

L.134 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises P.40-95

Unit 68 L.135 Part Ⅱ Ecology p.44-104,105

L.136 part Ⅱ What Are the Uses of the Computer P.47-111,112,113

Unit 69 L.137 part Ⅱ Preserving the Environment p.50-118,119

L.138 part Ⅱ Colour Psychology p.53-125,126

Unit 71 L.141 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises:Radio Program Reminders p.62-141

Part Ⅱ News(VOA) p.63-142,143

Part Ⅲ The Junior Olympic Grames p.64-144,145

L.142 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises: Phonetics: Contraction, Liaison and Weak Form p.65-146

Part Ⅱ New(VOA) p.66-147,148

Part Ⅲ Trophies for the Handicapped p.67-149,150,151

Unit 72 L 143 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises:Radio Pragram Reminders p.68-152

Part Ⅱ News(BBC) p.69-153,154

L.144 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises:Summarizing News Items p.71-159

Part Ⅱ News (BBC) p.72-160,161

Unit 73 L.145 145Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises:Radio Program Reminders p.74-166

Part Ⅱ New(BBC) p.75-167,168

Part Ⅲ Ingrid Bergman p.76-169,170,171

L.146 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises:Phonetics:Contraction,Li-aison and Weak Form p.77-172

Part Ⅱ News(BBC) p.78-173,174

Unit 74 L.147 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises p.80-178

Part News(BBC) p.81-179,180

L.148 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises: Summarizing Nes Items p.83-185

Part Ⅱ News(ABC) p.84-186,187

Unit 75 L.149 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises: Radio Program Reminders p.86-190

Part Ⅱ News(ABC) p.87-191,192

L.150 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exerciese: Phonetics:contraction, Liaison and Weak Form p.89-196

Part Ⅱ News(ABC) p.90-197,198

Unit 76 L.151 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises:Weather Bulletin p.92-202

Part Ⅱ The Movie Director p.93-203,204

L.152 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises p.95-209

Part Ⅱ The Phone Call p.96-210,211

Unit 77 L.153 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises p.98-218

Part Ⅱ Infomation p.99-219,220,221

L.154 Part Ⅱ At the Party

Part Ⅲ Why Go into Medical Profession? p.103-234,235,236

Unit 78 L.155 Part Ⅱ Forecasting the Weather P.105-238,239,240

Part Ⅲ Way Down Under P.106-240,241,242

unit 79 L.157 Part Ⅱ This is My Problem p.111-253,254.


1、全套教材共四册,本大纲所涉及的是第三、四两册。第三册包含20单元(Units41-61)第四册包含20单元(Units 61-80)

2、本大纲中每一点后的“L”代表“Lesson”;p后的第一个阿拉伯数字表示学生用书的页码,破折号后的阿拉伯数字表示教师用书的页码。如:“Unit 43 L.86…p.18-32,33”应理解为“第43单元,第86题……学生用书18页一教师用书32,33页”。


1、《英语听力入门》3,4(“Step by Step ”Books 3-4),张民伦、乐融融、黄震、金星男合编,华东师范大学出版社出版(1984年第一版)


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