
福建中考总复习九年级上册Unit 2笔记

1. What a shame! 真可耻!

shy(形容词)害羞的+名词 shame (名词)羞耻

She is a shy girl.

2. Look, there are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the streams.

several 许多的=many waste water 废水 pour—into—把—排入—

My father can speak several languages.家父会说数种语言

3. Everything has changed. 一切都变了。

4. It&39;ve got a pain in my throat. 呼吸对我来说有困难。我的嗓子疼。 The bee bites me on the head. 蜜蜂蛰了我的头

breathe (动词)呼吸 breath (名词)呼吸

take a deep breath 深呼吸 out of breath 上气不接下气

breathing problem 呼吸问题

It&39;ve been like this since last week.自从上周以来我就已经这样了。

6. Have you seen a doctor? 你已经看过医生了吗?

7. The chemical factory produces terrible gas. 化工厂生产可怕的空气。

chemistry (名词)化学 chemical(形容词)化学的,化工的

8. I&39;t bear the environ八闽自考英语文案作文ment here. 我总是心情不好,因为我无法忍受这里的环境。bear 熊 bear 忍受=stand

9. Although I agree with you, I have a better idea. 尽管我同意你的看法,但是我还有个更好的主意

although=though虽然——但是—— 不与but 连用

He went to work although he was sick.= Although he was sick, he went to work
=He he was sick, but he went to work

10. By the way, have you notice the dead fish in the river?


There is a notice on the office gate saying &34;.


Did you notice Jack come in? 你注意到杰克进来了吗?

11. Air pollution is harmful to people&39;t make a noise in the library. 你不可以在图书馆发出噪音。

noisy (形容词)吵闹的+名词

Living in a noisy place for a long time can make you deaf. 长期住在嘈杂的环境下,容易变聋

13. It not only disturbs others but also does great harm to people&39;t see anything.

just now刚才(过去式) now(现在进行时) 现在

I saw him just now. 我刚才看见他了。
He is playing the guitar now. 他现在在弹钢琴。

19. People have cut down too many trees. As a result, a lot of rich land has changed into desert.

cut down砍伐 As a result结果 change into变成, =translate into翻译成

Can you translate(change) the Chinese into English.

20. How can that affect the weather?那些是如何影响天气的呢?

affect (动词)影响 effect(名词)效果

21. How can we avoid a serious water shortage?我们该如何防止严重的水资源短缺呢?

avoid doing sth 避免做某事 be short of —-缺少—– the shortage of—什么的短缺

You&39;s largest producer and user of coal.

27. Air pollution has become a serious problem. 空气污染成为了一个严重的问题。

pollute (动词)污染 pollution (名词)污染

The gas pollutes the air. 那些气体污染了空气。

28. None of us likes pollution. 我们没有一个人喜欢污染。

29. We shouldn&39;t spit anywhere in public. 不在公共场合随地吐痰。

31. Don&39;ve done are very good for the earth while others are bad.

while 当—-时候 while 然而

35. The heat from the sun can&39;s a pleasure. 不用谢。

43. Would you like to be a greener person? 你想成为一个更环保的人吗?

44. You ought to shut off the electricity when you leave a room.

ought to do sth 应该做某事 ought not todosth不应该做某事

He ought not to shout at you. 他不应该这样对你吼。

45. Take a cloth bag when you go shopping. 当你去购物时带个布袋。

46. Easier said than done. 说来容易做来难。

47. Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于言辞。

48. people produce power from coal人们用煤炭发电,

power 动力,电,权利

49. The cost is high. 成本比较高。
cost (动词)花费 cost (名词)费用

Price 价格(只有高低) 东西是贵贱

The price of the book is high=The book is expensive=The cost of the book is high
high price 高价 low price 低价 expensive 贵 cheap 便宜的

what’s the price of the book?=How much is the book?这本书多少钱?

50. Electric vehicles were developed in the 1990s.

51. We don’t allow going out without breathing mask. 没有带口罩不允许出门。

allow doing sth 允许做某事

allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事
My mother doesn't allow me to smoke

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