

常用词汇: harmonious 和谐的 friendly 友好的 civilized 文明的 honest 真诚的credible诚信的 be public-spirited 有公德心的 be in order 有序的

peaceful 和平的 help each other 互助 care for each other 互相关心learn from each other 互相学习 build 创建 cherish珍惜take an active part in 积极参与 promote the friendship 增进友谊improve the relationship 改善关系 show love and concern for sb 爱护和关心某人

build a good relationship 建立良好的关系 trust each other 彼此信任communicate with 交流、沟通 the harmonious relationship between teachers and students 师生之间的和谐关系


Don’t hesitate to say “No”

It is very difficult to say “No” to a request, especially to a request from a close friend. However , on some occasions, you have to say “No”. For example , suppose one friend of yours asks you to take exams for him, and he promises to offer you some material benefits.To such request, definitely, you should say “No”.

In real life, there are many people who do not say “No” when they should do so. There are several reasons for this practice .One important one is that they fear they would lose the friend.

When we should say “No”, don’t hesitate to say so. Otherwise you do harm to both you and the one who made the request.For example, if someone bribes you and you don’t say “No” to it, both of you may end up in prison.

So do not hesitate to say “No”, when you need to do so.


常用词汇: science 科学 science and technology 科学技术 information 信息

email 电子邮件 robot 机器人 screen 荧光屏 mouse 鼠标 operate 操作

application 应用 invent 发明 invention 发明 smart 聪明的

electronic 电子的 laptop 手提电脑 equipment设备 software 软件

data 数据 database 数据库 battery电池 chip芯片 digital数字的

fax 传真 remote 遥远的 engineer 工程师 update 更新 virus 病毒

test out the theory by experiment 用实验检验理论 turn out 结果是……

范例: (2011年广州市高三年级调研测试——读写任务)

Blogging has become increasingly popular among middle school students. Some view it as a great way to share ideas and motivate students, while others fear it will interfere with students’study.

There are arguments both for and against student-blogging.On the negative side, if students blog too frequently it may interfere with their study.And if they are completely unsupervised, some inappropriate topics may be discussed. On the other hand, blogging allows students the chance to write about the things that are most important to them.Because they are interested in those topics, they will be more motivated to write, thus practicing their skills.It will also give the blog-readers the chance to practice their reading skills, too.Furthermore, blog-based discussions will help to develop students’ability to think independently and communicate with others. For these reasons, I am generally a big supporter of student-blogging.

Of course, there have to be some limits such as parents monitoring their children to make sure they don’t spend too much time on it and the subjects discussed are suitable.


常用词汇:sea 海 ocean 海洋 water 水 waterway 水道 river 河流 underground water 地下水 waves 波浪 deep 深的 shallow 浅的 dirty 脏的fresh water 淡水 serious严重的still 平静的 terrible 可怕的 sea port 海港 bank 岸 beach 沙滩 surface 水面 waves 波浪sea animals and plants 海洋动植物


Beihai Aquatic Products Museum(北海水产品展示馆) is located in the Seashore Park of Beihai City.Opened to the public in 1978, it is regarded as the largest aquatic products museum in China.Besides the sea animals and plants in South China Sea which are common in any kind of aquatic products museum, this museum also gives visitors an opportunity to see some special ones.A Dugong(美人鱼), which is quite rare on earth now, about 2 meters long, is now on display in the Sea Animal Hall.Some sea animals, such as the Chinese White Dolphin, which are protected by the Chinese government, are also on exhibition.


常用词汇: harmonious 和谐的 friendly友好的 civilized文明的 honest真诚的

credible 可信的 be public-spirited有公德心的 balanced 平衡的be in order有序的 peaceful和平的 live in harmony生活和谐sustainable development可持续发展等 help each ether互助care for each other互相关心 have deep love for 热爱 be concerned with 关心

build创建 cherish 珍惜 take an active part in积极参与pay attention to social moral讲究社会公德 protect the environment保护环境save energy节省能源 No pains, no gains.不劳无获。

can be achieved by hard work……可以通过劳动获得

It is difficult to find work in the present situation.在当前形势下,很难找到工作。

It is honorable to … ……是光荣的。

If everyone…for others and the society, our world will be …如果每个人为他人和社会做……, 我们这个世界将会……

Every one should…and devotes himself to building our motherland into a strong country.每个人应该……,为把我们祖国建设成为一个强大的国家而奉献自己的力量。


Is the Spirit of Lei Feng out of style?

There are some voices claiming lei Feng’s spirit has gone out of style in today’s society.They reason that in commodity economy people should seek more practical things, such as fame, money and the comfortable life.To them nothing is more important than those things, which are often regarded as views of present generation.

There are some other voices claiming that the spirit of lei Feng still has an enormous echo in millions of Chinese people.The great soldier’s story has such a strong influence on people’s ideas, values and ways of life that in every field of society there arise countless “Living Lei Fengs”, who follow the example of Lei Feng and serve the people heart and soul.

In my opinion, the spirit of Lei Feng will never be out of date.Instead, it has been brought forward.Today more and more “Lei Fengs” are coming forth from various circles, among whom “Xu Hu” has already set a good example to the whole nation.The spirit of Lei Feng—an unselfish spirit will always encourage us to go forward.


常用词汇: Study学习,研究 college大学 institute学院 department 部门,系

president 校长 recommend推荐 recommendation letter推荐信period时期,学时 major in主修  examination考试  dismiss 解散,开除term 学期  apply申请 timetable时间表 quiz小测验 optional lessons 选修课library图书馆 librarian图书管理员 curriculum 课程 course课程 test 测验effort 努力 research 研究 guarantee保证 point 点,分数 extra额外的qualify证明有资格 qualification 资格,条件 in terms of tuition 有关学费方面get/be admitted 被录取 apply for the university申请那所大学spare no efforts to do不遗余力地去做 quality education policy素质教育的政策


Study Overseas

With the improved living standard and China’s being more open to the world, more and more young people choose to pursue their higher education in Englishspeaking countries such as America, Britain or Australia.Frankly speaking, studying overseas has both advantages and disadvantages.

The main benefit of studying abroad is the academic one. Obviously in western colleges and universities, the laboratories are more sophisticated, and book resources more up-to-date. More importantly, they have first rate professors who are aware of the latest developments in their respective field.Hence, the standard of teaching is much higher. Besides , traveling abroad can broaden their mind and offer them greater opportunities to develop their independence.

Despite these obvious advantages, we should not overlook negative effects.One problem is the difficulty they have to adjust to a new culture.They may experience loneliness and homesickness, which will of course do harm to their study. Another is . the financial problem.It is not easy for ordinary students to cover high college cost.

While overseas study has its drawbacks, the advantages are obvious. Personally, I think it a good idea to study overseas , learning something different from our own country.



culture文化 civilization文明 education 教育 schooling 教育

literature 文学 cultural symbols文化标志 cultural background 文化背景

cultural differences 文化差异 elect 选举 election 选举 immigrate 移入immigration 移民入境 immigrant 移民 race 人种 racial 种族的

racism 种族歧视 majority 大部分 customs习俗 hardship 苦难

reform 改革 civil 国内的,公民的 state 州 live on 以……为主食

lead/live a…life 过……的生活 make a living 谋生 settle down 定居settlement 定居点 way of life 生活方式 diversity 多样性


Although the United States and Canada have diversity, American culture and Canadian culture arent too different and arent too similar.The United States is referred to as “the great melting pot of society” where people of all nations join together to form “a more perfect nation”. While Canada on the other hand has been compared to a mosaic(马赛克), where people are invited to join the nation and still retain their cultural identities, complete with traditions, languages and customs.

When it comes to language in the United States and Canada they both have English as one of the main languages.Since a lot of people speak French and 20% of the population of Canada are FrenchCanadian, on most things not only English is written but also is French, while in United States since they encourage people to be more into the “American culture” there will be less of different types of cultures but more of one.



topic 话题,主题 heated discussion 热烈的讨论 hot 热点 differ 不同,差异different不同的 ban 禁止 object to 反对 agree同意 disagree 不同意 be against 反对 be for赞成 in favor of 赞成 reasonable 合乎情理的argument 争论 advantage缺点 disadvantage优点 have an effect/impact/influence on 对……有影响 affect影响be worth considering值得考虑 be concerned about关心 in terms of从……角度contribute to solving the problem of 有助于……问题的解决a sound attitude 正确的态度 medical breakthrough 医学上的突破unethical 不道德的


With the College Entrance Exam coming, from time to time we hear students discuss whether Senior 3 students should take a lot of tonics (补品) to keep fit.There are different opinions about it.Some students object to taking tonics, because tonics will make them put on more weight, which is not appropriate for their health.

Moreover, the parents will have a great impact on the Senior 3 students if they show too much concern by offering them tonics, which is bound to bring more stress to the Senior 3 students.They will feel cast down and ashamed when they can’t get a high mark as their parents have expected.Besides, they don’t think their effort will pay off only if they take tonics.However, some students-opinion completely differs from it.They are in favor of the opinion that it is easy for the Senior 3 students to feel tired by working hard, and tonics can help to bring themselves back to energy as soon as possible, so it is good to take some tonics.


常用词汇:invent 发明 invention 发明 inventor 发明家 create 创造 creative 有创造力的 patent 专利 spare time业余时间 favorite最喜欢的interest兴趣 hobby爱好 appetite嗜好 taste口味 read novels读小说play football/basketball打足球/篮球 surf the internet上网 chat online在线聊天play games玩游戏 collect stamps集邮 make e-friends交网友climb mountains爬山 watch TV看电视 enjoy popular music喜欢流行音乐be interested in对……感兴趣 develop an interest in 在……方面发展兴趣be fond of 喜欢… be keen on 喜欢…… have love for 喜爱……have a taste in对……有兴趣


Leonardo da vinci, whose family was poor, was born in 1452.Besides painting, he also became interested in machines when he was a boy.By studying and drawing them, Leonardo gained knowledge about their design and structure.Different from others, his drawing skills enables him to produce clear drawings of his mechanical ideas easily.Even more than 150 years later, many of his designs can still be used to create perfect working machines.While making inventions Leonardo was also painting.Today we think of him as one of the greatest painters, but if he had never been a painter, we would still appreciate him as one of the greatest inventors of his time.



adapt 改编 adaptation 改编本 classic literature 古典文学

contemporary literature现代文学 popular literature 大众文学 novel 小说

bestseller 畅销书 masterpiece杰作 play 戏剧 story 故事 ending 结局

pun 双关语 act 幕 scene场 plot 情节 episode 逸事 poetry 诗歌

pronounce 发音 pronunciation 发音 classic 经典著作 classical 古典的

be regarded as被认为…… make one’s acquaintance与……结识

make a fortune 发财 pass off …as 冒充……

in artistic terms 从艺术的角度来说


Review of Emma by Jane Austin

This book tells the story of a rich, young lady two hundred years ago who enjoys planning the marriages of all her friends.However, it turns out that her plans are not successful.It is a very amusing book which anyone will enjoy.

The part I enjoyed best was when Emma goes home with a young man who she thinks is in love with her friend.Only then does she discover that the man wants to marry her because she is rich.He proposes marriage and she is very shocked and rude to him.

The humor lies in the fact that Emma thinks she understands everybody around her.In fact everyone else is more aware of the true state of affairs than her.

I enjoyed this book because it showed me that people can make themselves believe that what they want to happen will happen.


常用词汇:history历史 in history历史上 ancient古代的 ancestor祖先 dynasty朝代

date back to/date from 追溯到has/possess a history of 有……的历史 historian 历史学家 emperor 皇帝memory 回忆 primitive 原始的 unforgettable 难忘的 remind …of 记起……memory 记忆 in memory of 为纪念……look at the problem from a historical point of view 用历史观点看问题


Davidson Black was a Canadian doctor who helped develop the techniques that led to the discovery of the bones in the Zhoukoudian Caves, near Beijing.He was a specialist in the study of bones and found it challenging to search for and identify bones of early people.As the university in which he worked was aware of the significance of his work, they gave him ample free time to do the research.And at last, it was his assistant, Pei Wenzhong, who made the discovery of these primitive bones and sharpened stone tools.Dr.Davidson thought highly of Pei Wenzhong because of his talent and hard work.


常用词汇:sports 运动 football足球 basketball篮球 running跑步 swimming 游泳 marathon 马拉松 the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 sportsman 运动员 athlete运动员 break Guinness record破吉尼斯世界纪录 conventional sport 传统体育 gym体育馆 sports can keep us healthy运动可以使我们健康 take exercise做运动 take part in different kinds of sports参加不同的运动 spirit 精神 motto 格言,口号 inspiring鼓舞的 impressive印象深刻的 exciting 兴奋的 fascinating 迷人的 unbelievable 难以置信的 be of significance 具有重要意义


常用词汇:sea 海 ocean 海洋 seaman 海员 explorer 探险家 coastline 海岸线 seaweed 海草 longitude 经度 latitude 纬度 water resource 水资源 water pollution 水污染 water shortage 水匮乏 protect the water resources from being polluted 保护水资源不受污染 take up 占据 cope with the problem of water pollution 处理水污染问题

范例:(10年福建高考题) 

Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning.I’m Li Hua from Fujian, China.It’s my great honor to be here to say something about the global water shortage and ways of dealing with it. As we know, the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe mainly

due to global warming, environmental pollution and the ever-increasing population. Therefore, it’s high time we did something about it.

Firstly, an effective way, I think, is to reserve water in a scientific way for future use.Secondly, new methods need to be developed to use the existing water resources, for example, tu八闽自考本科报名网站靠谱rning sea water into fresh water.Thirdly, we must stop water pollution by law.Last but not least, it’s everyone’s responsibility to make good use of water, such as recycling and saving water in our daily life.

In conclusion, people around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage, protect the present water resources and explore potential ones scientifically.

That’s all. Thank you.


常用词汇:geography 地理 continent 大陆 ancestor祖先 beach 沙滩 port港口 dynasty朝代 Oceania大洋洲 Pacific太平洋 primitive原始的 desert沙漠 industry 工业 agriculture农业 urban城市的 rural农村的 developed 发达的 developing 发展中的 promising有前途的 prosperous繁荣的 area地区 population人口 be situated in 位于…… consist of由……组成 own a diverse culture 拥有多元文化 be rich in natural resources 自然资源丰富


Australia and New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand, well-known as the two main countries in Oceania,

somewhat resemble each other but differ in some aspects meanwhile.

As for similarities, firstly, they are both located in the South Pacific Ocean, with very short distance between them. Besides, they both regard English as the official language, though they both own a diverse culture and various languages. In addition, both of them gain international fame for their large sheep population and prosperous wool industry.

Distinctions are clear to see. Australia is composed of the Mainland and Tasmania, while New Zealand consists of the South Island and the North Island. Moreover, New Zealand has a smaller population of about 4,500,000, only one-fifth of that of Australia, a total of about 20,000,000. Furthermore, Australia resembles the USA in size.On the contrary, New Zealand covers an area smaller than Japan.


常用词汇:plant 植物 flower 花 branch 树枝 bloom 开花 seeds 种子 root 根 fade 凋谢 in full bloom 正在盛开 soil 土壤 crops 庄稼 grass 草 with leaves 有叶子 be aware of the importance of plants 意识到植物的重要性 fragrant 芳香的 live in special environment 生长在特殊的环境


Lotus(荷花) lives in water.It can be divided into two parts.One part is made up of flowers and leaves, and the other refers to its roots.You can only see the flowers and leaves above the surface of water.The flowers are big and beautiful with light sweet smell giving out.The leaves look like big green plates covering the surface of the water

and supporting the flowers.The roots, growing deep into the mud of the pond, can be made into several kinds of foods.

Lotus is very popular with people because of its beauty and special spirit.A lot of famous poets, both ancient and modern, have written plenty of poems to praise lotus spirit of growing in the dirty mud but giving beauty to the world.And artists also draw pictures for it.



advertise 登广告 advertising 广告业 advert/advertisement 广告 advertiser 广告商 honest 诚实的 honesty 诚实 inform 通知 information 信息 technique技巧 educate 教育 be exposed to 接触 be flooded with 泛滥成灾 when it comes to advertising 涉及广告时  it is one’s duty to do 做……是某人的责任 have an influence on 对……有影响 on TV 在电视上 on the radio 在广播中 in newspapers 在报纸上 in magazines 在杂志上



Nowadays, more and more advertisements appear on newspapers, broadcasts,

magazines as well as streets. People have different views on advertisements.

Some people think advertisements can help people to have a wide choice of goods and they help consumers know the goods and businessmen better.The consumers can gain not only knowledge of goods but also artistic enjoyment.

Contrary to those people, many others think advertisements are very unpleasant.Consumers are often cheated by the false advertisement on which consumers always waste a great deal of time.What is more, consumers felt annoyed to be interrupted when they are watching TV plays.So advertisements should be limited.

But whether you like it or not, advertisements have become a part of our life.

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