课程名称:听力 课程代码:00593
与课程内容有关的题目为问答题和听写,其中易占25%. 较易占25%, 较难占30% 左右, 难占20%左右。
I. Conversations: Multiple choices. (20%)
1. When does the conversation take place?
A. On Monday.
B. On Tuesday.
C. On Wednesday.
D. On Thursday.
2. What time will the man start off?
A. At two o’clock.
B. At four o’clock
C. At six o’clock
D. At eight o’clock
3. How will the man go to Paris?
A. By plane
B. By bus
C. By car
D. By train
II. Passages: True or False.(20%)
1. These computers contain all the addresses in the city. ( )
2. Computers help firemen in many ways.
3. Doctors can treat injured fire fighters quickly.
III. Spot dictation(60%)
People over the age of ________ in the United States are called senior citizens. The number of these people in ________ g rapidly because people are living longer than before. Their life is different from that of younger Americans. Most of them are ________ or no longer work full time.
For many senior citizens, the years after sixty-five are not________. They feel that their lives lose meaning after retirement. In addition, they may feel ________ being away from their families and the ________ they had in their work. Moreover, they become more ________ about their health as they grow older, and about their ________ if they live in big cities. Other senior citizens enjoy their lives. They feel________ to do what they were not able to when they were working and ________ families. They now have time to enjoy ________ and sports and travel.
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