II. You will hear 10 statements and decide which one is closest in meaning to the sentence you have heard. The statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE.
(2’X10 = 20%)
1. A. Lora stopped talking to us.
B. We kept talking to Lora to congratulate her.
C. Lora kept talking to us because she was excited.
D. We had to keep silent because Lora was excited.
2. A. It’s impossible for us to know the answer now.
B. John is here now, yet he doesn’t know the answer.
C. We wish John weren’t here now.
D. John refused to tell the answer.
3. A. My teacher in college was run over yesterday.
B. I ran after Mr. Former in college.
C. I met the one who used to my teacher in college by accident yesterday.
D. My teacher ran to me in college yesterday.
4. A. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.
B. Frankly, I agree with you very much.
C. I wonder if you agree with me.
D. I regret to tell you I disagree with you.
5. A. Where was my father last night?
B. My father didn’t tell me who had come last night.
C. I am not sure whether I should go.
D. Where I had been remained unknown to my father.
6. A. It’s going to be very cold tomorrow.
B. We can freeze the food tomorrow as the weather has said.
C. The weatherman said it’s going to be warm tomorrow.
D. The scarf will be available to the weatherman tomorrow because it’s cold.
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