
1. fellow countrymen   手足同胞                       2. average height  中等身材
3. gleaming eyes  两眼闪着光辉                       4. in his middle twenties  二十五六岁
5. to be seated  坐下                                 6. stand squarely  端端正正地站着
7. more than ten years his junior  比他年轻十几岁        8. revolutionary road  革命道路
9. Chinese Communist Party  中国共产党               10. full member  正式成员
11. Membership    党籍                                12. keep a secret  保密
13.He was the last person whom I expected to meet.    我怎么也没想到会见到他。

Lesson 2

1. immeasurable contrast    迥然不同                   2. to and fro   走来走去
3. upturn face    微微仰着的面孔                       4. sweet spring   芬芳的春天
5. anger and bitterness      又气又恨                   6. dense fog/in a dense fog ((在)大雾(中)
7. tense and anxious  又紧张又着急                     8. 五一的下午 on the afternoon of the first May
9. 无言的呼唤     the wordless cry                      10. 探测绳  sounding line
11.走来走去   to and fro                                12.罗盘   compass

Lesson 3

1. 各种流派的  different schools                          2. 前两天 a few days ago
3. 受限制    restricted/be subject to                       4. 传统观念  traditional thinking
5. 不合理的制度   irrational system                       6. 最高境界 the highest ideals/states
7. 浓妆艳抹    heavy make-up                           8. 主人公   character
9. 花言巧语     flowery language       10社会进步和人性发展  social process and human development
11.literay circles    文学界                   12.与某人达到情感上的共鸣 identify with somebody

13.ugly monster  丑八怪                     14.  福利厂 welfare factory


Lesson 4

1. 工业革命 Industrial Revolution                              2. 多功能的机器multi-purpose machine
3. 出于自愿和兴趣  on one’s own account and out of interest     4. 新兴城市 the rising town
5. 大胆的举止      bolder manner                            6. 实干家 practical men
7. 交通动脉     arteries of communication                    8. in the air  正在酝酿之中
9.  a source of power       能源                            10. outstanding feature  突出的特点
11.conform to    遵从、信奉                                12.the Royal society  皇家学会

13.the church of England    英国国教                        14.cottage industry 家庭手工业

15.disel locomotive    柴油机车                              16.grammer school 文法学校





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