




  I. Multiple choice: (1 × 15=15)

  Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices
marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

  1. The holiday is ______ and can be purchased at prices that are
competitive with mass-produced holidays.

  A. bought B. flexible

  C. happy D. tired

  2. The World Tourism Organization attempts to ______ tourist policies among

  A. make B. raise

  C. provide D. harmonize

  3. Travelers of interest to the industry are usually classified into those
whose travels require the use of _______ accommodation and those whose trips
last less than one day.

  A. weekend B. holiday

  C. overnight D. daily

  4. Young couples, whatever their job or income status, with small children
may find it difficult to______ .

  A. travel abroad B. visit neighboring countries

  C. do shopping D. have train trip

  5. In the case of tourists interested in other cultures, the location and
______ of the cultural event will determine the destination selected.

  A. association B. accessibility

  C. availability D. practicality

  6. Large travel agencies will have their ______ designed and prepared in
their own advertising department.

  A. brochures B. handouts

  C. reports D. programmes

  7. The vast size and the varied geography provide China with beautiful
______ and a dazzling array of natural and scenic wonders.

  A. plantations B. wildlife

  C. landscapes D. beach

  8. English inns gained a _____ for cleanliness and comfort.

  A. name B. tradition

  C. mark D. reputation

  9. One of the primary responsibilities of a manager is to assemble a ______
to assist in running the hotel.

  A. team B. director

  C. person D. housekeeper

  10. The importance of tourism to a country's economy can be measured by
looking at the ______ of national income created by tourism.

  A. overall B. proportion

  C. total D. extra part

  11. Tourism contributes to both preservation and development of the world's
cultural ______.

  A. awareness B. benefit

  C. heritage D. concept

  12. Countries subject to rapid growth in tourism will experience not just
economic change but also social and ______ effects.

  A. environmental B. political

  C. cultural D. transportation

  13. Cruises can be divided into three main categories depending on the
_____ of the trips.

  A. departure B. passengers

  C. features D. duration

  14. The travel and tourism industry also became a ______ for overseas
visitors to conduct commercial, scientific, technological and cultural

  A. management B. transport

  C. vehicle D. agency

  15. China's rapidly developing business ______ is already responsible for a
major part of the growth in tourism in recent years.

  A. market B. environment

  C. progress D. endeavour

  II. Reading comprehension: (2 × 10=20)

  Directions: Read the following passages and make your proper choices.


  Mount Ali has an elevation of some 3 000 metres above sea level. Here the
temperature drops as one ascends higher and higher so that in a short couple of
hours one can experience the weather changes in all the four seasons and admire
the kind of scenery and plant life peculiar to the climate of, so to say, all
the latitudes.

  A light railway and a highway thread their way uphill through tree-clad
slopes to the very summit of Mount Ali. The railway is 72 km long, beginning
from the City of Jiayi and terminating at Zhaoping. On its way, the train has to
cross 86 bridges, 66 tunnels and more than 30 gully crossings.

  Travellers in the train crawling its way slowly up the mountain can have a
real good time, feasting their eyes on the scenery and chatting to each other as
the mood carries them. After the train leaves the North Gate Station of Jiayi,
it runs on the plains at the foot of the mountain and one sees through the
window lush green bamboo groves and fields of densely grown sugar cane.

  As the train threads its way in the rugged hilly country crossing one clear
stream after another, one would feel as though he had entered a world as
ethereal as that in a Chinese landscape painting, passing now a woodland scene
and now a secluded ravine with a quiet-flowing mountain brook. The peace of mind
one enjoys while traveling in level country is suddenly shattered by the sight
of precipitous cliffsides. While the train makes it way in this pictorial world
of Mount Ali, travelers cannot help but marvel at the magic wonders of nature
and the wisdom and courage of the railway builders.

  16. Mount Ali is some 3 000 metres high, but it is easy to reach the peak
because you can get there by______.

  A. airplane B. helicopter

  C. coach D. bicycle

  17. Within a couple of hours visitors can see plant life that ______ four

  A. experience B. represent

  C. attract D. peculiar

  18. The railway is 72 km long, passing a lot of______.

  A. streams and caves B. rivers and valleys

  C. steep crossings D. underground roads

  19. The North Gate Station of Jiayi is______.

  A. on the plains B. at the foot of the mountain

  C. in hilly place D. in sugar cane fields

  20. As the train threads its way in the rugged hilly country the visitors
can enjoy______.

  A. Chinese landscape paintings B. the peace of mind

  C. a quiet-flowing brook D. a pictorial world of Mount Ali


  Professional travelers are similar to business travelers in many ways,
although this type of travel is more elastic than business travel. Professional
travel is built around the meeting and convention markets. These markets have
grown as transportation, especially by air, has become more available and
affordable. As professional travel continues to grow, new and expanded meeting
and convention facilities have been developed to satisfy this increasing demand.
Along with this growth, new management challenges have arisen to serve this
specialized market. Some of the key market segments for meeting participants or
attendees are associations, businesses, exhibitions and trade shows, religious
organizations, political parties, and governments.

  Many futurists have also predicted a decline in business and professional
travel with the introduction of teleconferencing. However, people continue to
have a strong desire to meet each other face-to-face. Although teleconferencing
serves to introduce people to each other electronically, they will eventually
want to meet in person to interact and network. This need for personal contact
and interaction has allowed the business travel market to grow even in the face
of advancing technology.

  In response to the needs of the business travel segment, tourism service
suppliers have offered a wide array of services and benefits. Airlines
instituted frequent-flier programs and service upgrades including business class
and provided corporate pricing, discounts and rebates, travel lounges, and
preferred check-ins. Amtrak developed club service with reserved seating, snack
and beverage service, telephones, and conference rooms on some trains. Car
rental companies, following the lead of airlines, established frequent-renter
programs, which provided corporate pricing, discounts, rebates, upgrades, and
special check-in procedures. Hotels and other lodging properties have provided
similar benefits to business travelers including corporate pricing, discounts,
and rebates; special floors and sections including business centers, frequent
stay programs, and upgrades.

  21. A lot of professional travelers are planned to attend some kind

  A. associations B. political parties

  C. conferences D. specialized markets

  22. As a result of modern communication facilities some people believe that
business and professional travel may ______.

  A. develop B. reduce

  C. disappear D. grow

  23. In order to attract professional travelers the airlines offer them many
kinds of______.

  A. special floors B. discounts

  C. business centers D. beneficial treatments

  24. Electronic technique helps achieve the purpose of professional
activities, but people have a strong desire to meet each other ______.

  A. in business B. in public

  C. in office D. in person

  25. From the article we can come to the conclusion that professional travel
will not______.

  A. decline B. increase

  C. advance D. stop

  Ⅲ. Cloze: (1 × 15=15)

  Directions: Choose the one from the given A, B, C and D to complete the
passage properly.

  A hotel does certain things to protect its guests and their possessions.
For example, front desk agents should never give 26 , messages, or mail to
anyone who does not show proper 27 .The hotel should also have a policy that 28
employees from 29 out guest information, such as room numbers, 30 callers or

  Most hotels have three levels of key security: emergency keys, master keys,
and individual guestroom keys. Only a(n) 31 key can be used to get into all
guestrooms, even those that 32

  double-locked, so it is a very restricted key. Most employees have master
keys that allow 33

  to rooms that are not double-locked. Guests have one or two individual
guestroom keys, 34

  cannot open double-locked rooms, given to them by the front desk agent.
Guests feel most 35

  when they know that they can double-lock their doors from the inside.
Guests having very 36

  possessions may choose to use hotel safe deposit boxes, if they are

  Escape procedures are 37 concern of hotels, 38 emergencies. Most hotels
have fire alarms or an alert system to 39 guests of danger. Hotels also have
procedures for giving

  40 aid to injured guests.

  26. A. possessions B. guests C. news D. keys

  27. A. indentification B. photo C. letter D. card

  28. A. protect B. prevent C. prohibit D. pretend

  29. A. giving B. taking C. carrying D. fetching

  30. A. for B. to C. with D. of

  31. A. restricted B. individual C. master D. emergency

  32. A. is. B. was C. are D. were

  33. A. entry B. service C. sales D. business

  34. A. that B. which C. who D. of which

  35. A. worry B. anxious C. glad D. safe

  36. A. large B. worth C. cheap D. valuable

  37. A. else B. other C. another D. some

  38. A. in case of B. in advance of C. regardless of D. as well as

  39. A. inform B. expect C. warn D. recall

  40. A. next B. first C. urgent D. last

  IV. Phrasal verbs: (1 × 10=10)

  Directions: Fill in the blanks with the proper phrasal verbs given below.
Make some changes if necessary.

  ascribe to give way to

  bring into point out

  bring…into full play set up

  call for tailor to

  contribute to vary in

  41. Rapid development _____________government regulations and

  42. Tourism _____________sharply _____________international focus at the
end of the Second World War.

  43. In the second half of the twentieth century, the development of air
transport_____________ the growth of tourism.

  44. The airlines decided against_____________ their own chain of direct
sales offices.

  45. Business travel has_____________ each executive's needs.

  46. The position of subdepartmental heads_____________ importance with the
size, type and ownership of the hotel.

  47. They _____________that the downtown-to-downtown routing of trains
actually saves passengers' time.

  48. It is easy _____________cultural decline_____________ the impact of

  49. Although China has many advantages in its diversity of tourist
resources, these may not _____________ due to many factors.

  50. Small roadside inns gradually_____________ large, more elegant city

  Ⅴ.Phrase translation: (1 ×20=20)

  Part One

  Directions: Translate the following into Chinese.

  51. a period of transition 52. nature preserves

  53. use…as launching pads 54. on a multilateral basis

  55. delivery dates 56. history and antiquity

  57. the sales department 58. the market gaps

  59. modern service industry 60. performing cruising and ferrying roles

  Part Two

  Directions: Translate the following into English.

  61.外国专家 62.广告部

  63.经济衰退 64.国际酒店连锁集团

  65.以市场为导向的改革 66.促进国民经济发展

  67.一家盈利的公司 68.文化快餐

  69.航空包价旅游 70.旅游业对环境的影响

  Ⅵ.Passage translation: (10 × 2=20)

  Directions: Translate the following passages into Chinese.

  71.In general, the world's developed nations, owing to the advanced
development of their economies and scientific technology, have experienced high
levels of tourism demand and supply. Tourist facilities and services have been
expanded and developed around the world to meet the rising demand of travelers
from developed countries. But, the unbalanced levels of economic growth among
different countries have led to disparities in tourism development. In
developing countries, the low level of economic livelihood restricts the
development of a domestic tourism industry. This is true even in those countries
with a strong international tourism sector. Most of the people in the developing
world are still struggling to make ends meet. Thus, leisure travel for them
remains a distant dream.

  72. Generally there are two types of tour guides, one in charge of local
sightseeing and the other accompanying a group throughout its travels and making
all the arrangements for the group. In China, they are usually known as local
guide and national guide. The sightseeing guide must be familiar with the points
of interest that he is showing to the visitors. He usually gives prepared talk
but he must also be prepared to answer a lot of questions. And of course he has
to deal with any problems that occur during the tour. These may include bad
weather, sudden illness, an accident and so on. It would be impossible to name
everything that might happen. A sightseeing guide needs two qualities—an
outgoing personality and language skill.



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