
Ⅰ. Give English equivalents to the following abbreviations: (10%)






Ⅱ. Put the following phrases into English: (15%)

1. 市场调研

2. 保兑信用证

3. 运输设备

4. 独家代理

5. 假远期信用证

6. 国际商会

7. 目的港

8. 索赔金额

9. 来料加工


Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions or adverbs: (15%)

1. Party A shall, ______ its own expenses, provide Party B with all components, auxiliary materials and other technical data.

2. The only possible explanation would be a case of damage ______ transit during the long sea voyage.

3. You may be assured that we provide quality equipment and material ______ our own manufacture at international market prices.

4. We are very keen ______ your new-type Woollens.

5. Shippers are requested to note particularly the exceptions and conditions of the document ______ reference to the validity of the insurance upon their goods.

6. This credit shall remain ______ force until 17th April, 2003 in China.

7. The insurance premium ______ covering this risk is in the region of 3%.

8. We hope that this unfortunate though minor incident will not mar our ______ very amicable relation.

9. Perhaps you will be so kind as to look ______ this possibility and let us have your views.

10. The JVC shall be exempted ______ income tax for the first three profit making years.

11. The lawyer cited proofs ______ defence of his client.

12. This stipulation is distinct ______ what is laid down in Clause 3 of the Contract.

13. We have made substantial concessions in our price ______ a view to narrowing the gap.

14. If there is any difference in page number and number of copies ______ defined above, it is necessary to refer to the relative items in the contract.

15. We infer ______ your remarks that you don't mind distant shipment.

Ⅳ. Match the words and expressions with the explanations:(10%)

Words and expressions:

1. recourse ( )

2. arbitrator ( )

3. demurrage ( )

4. consign ( )

5. beneficiary ( )

6. issuing bank ( )

7. broker ( )

8. presenting bank ( )

9. perils ( )

10. carrier ( )


A.a payee or recipient, usually of money

B.a charge payable to the owner of a chartered ship in respect of failure to load or discharge the ship within the time agreed

C.to deliver sth. to a person's custody, typically in order for it to be sold

D.an independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute

E.the legal right to demand compensation or payment

F.a person or company that undertakes the professional conveyance of goods or people

G.the bank that requests payment of a collection bill

H.a person who buys and sells goods or assets for others

I.accidents or casualties

J.the bank that opens a documentary credit at the request of its customer

Ⅴ. Translate the following sentences: (30%)

1.至少在10年内,在付给投资者的实际股息上课证的预扣赋税不超过10% 。


3.我方感到,如照你方所说,在别处销售这些手套没问题, 那真是求之不得。


5.产品目录手册中的标价包括包装费和运费, 凡购买一万件以上的大宗定购可享受百分之十的折扣。

6.In the case that no settlement can be reached through negotiation, both parties agree the case should be submitted for arbitration to a third country.

7.SCHINDLER shall pay an annual maintenance fee for each elevator or its equivalent exported for the average contract life of ten years.

8.That all profits, losses, costs, and liabilities will be distributed pro rata according to the shareholding of each party.

9.We have duly received your L/C covering the S/C No. 123.

10. Other suppliers have offered us the same commodity and have expressed their desire to do business with us.

Ⅵ. Letter-writing (20%)









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