
I. Give the English equivalents to the following abbreviations. (本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
1. AWB

2. D/A

3. ETD

4. MI

5. TT

II. Put the following phrases into English. (本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)





III. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases from the box. (本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

To from with within
Of under in at

11. We will have time to make any needed adjustments ______the expectation that our group will be able to place orders in January.

12. ______addition, we are sending you two finished men’s shavers.

13. The parties shall contribute ______the JVC and share equity participation in the JVC in a ratio of 75 per cent and 25 per cent in the following manner.

14. The delivery of 8000 metric tons of Aluminium Ingots would have to be completed ______a period from January to June, 1987.

15. Please negotiate bills drawn ______ this Credit to the debit of our Kuala Lumpur Office Account with you, under your advice to us and them.

16. We would kindly ask you to arrange for these to be assayed by your laboratories, and advise us ______ their results.

a great deal in possession of in the field

business relationship on account of subject to

in accordance with in duplicate connection with rest with

take into look into

17. Because Mr. Wang travels______ of his time, it is necessary for him to plan now for January.

18. Sales targets shall be arranged ______ the production objectives.

19. Perhaps you will be so kind as to ______ this possibility and let us have your views.

20. We have pleasure in enclosing our Sales Confirmation No.2564 ______, one of which please sign and return to us at your convenience.

21. Our buyers have already suffered a lot of financial losses ______ the delay in shipment of this order.

22. We are now ______ your letter of the 24th Oct.

23. The contents of advertisement are ______ the approval of the company.

24. We should carry out appropriate research and development ______ of computer.

25. We will be able to develop and continue a strong ______ with our customers for the future.

IV. Reading comprehension. (本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)

A. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Thank you for your letter of 10 October. We are surprised to hear that you consider our price for tin plate sheets too high. Much as we would like to do business with you, we regret to say that we cannot entertain your counter offer. The price we have quoted is quite realistic. We would point out that we have received substantial orders from other sources at our level. If you could improve your offer, please let us know. Since suppliers of this product are limited at the moment, we would ask to act quickly.

26. Please choose a suitable title for the passage(   )

A. Declining a Counter OfferB. Accepting a Counter Offer

C. Improving a Counter Offer D. Complaining High Price

27. The word “improve” means(   )

A. motivate B. make

C. modify D. produce

28. “The price we have quoted is quite realistic” means(   )

A. The price we have quoted is very dear

B. The price we have quoted is very reasonable

C. The price we have quoted is very expensive

D. The price we have quoted is very high

B. Read the passages and answer the following questions.

Your fax of yesterday has been noted with many thanks. We basically agree to your proposal that payment be made by L/C at 30 days’ sight which is to be opened once the production for your order has started. But as the tiles you require are to be made to your specifications and with the brand name you designate, new dies have to be specially built, and it will take two additional weeks to make the devices.

Considering the risks which might occur during the relatively lengthy lead time, we require that 5% of the total amount of the proposed deal be paid in cash on the very day the relevant contract is signed. The balance of HK$11,200 to be covered by a 30-day time L/C, which must reach us 45 days before the shipment date you proposed.

We trust that this slight alteration in your proposal will meet with your approval. And let’s look forward to a happy cooperation between our two firms.

29. What is this article about?(   )

A. the production of new dies B. payment

C. contract D. cash payment

30. What kind of L/C is it?(   )

A. sight L/C B. irrevocable L/C

C. L/C at 30 days’ sight D. confirmed L/C

C. Read passages B again and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

31. The Credit is not to be opened till the production for the order has started.( )

32. “Lead time” means the time needed for producing the product.( )

33. A small change is required in the proposed method of payment.( )

34. The majority of the payment will be paid in cash.( )

35. The balance of HK$11,200 to be covered by a 30-day time Credit must reach us 45 days before the shipment date you proposed.( )

V. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
36. We have offered to accept payment for this machinery in the form of buy-back of glass.

37. We hope we would be paid in same coin from your end.

38. Partial shipment and transshipment are allowed.

39. Part A shall remit the total sum in U.S. dollars to Party B within one month’s period of time.

40. This is quite irrelevant to the present dispute between the parties.

VI. Translate the following sentences into English. (本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)
41. 此信用证必须在装船期开始时使卖方收到。

42. 承运人在装船时未核对重量和品质。

43. 我们已将你方寻价转交给他们办理。

44. 我们对你们的新式毛织品有浓厚的兴趣。

45. 本信是关于大米业务。

VII. Letter-writing. (本大题20分)
46. 根据以下所给内容用完整的书信格式(包括信头、信内地址、称呼、正文、结束语、结尾敬语和签名)拟一封信:

1)我方:(Wang Bing, Sales Manager, Gentpace International Trading Co. Ltd. 地址: 23 Da’an Street, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. Tel: 0451-4521006, Fax: 0451-4521003, Zip Code: 531200)确认对方(Mr. Anish Amin, managing director, Footwear(Fiji) Limited, G.P.O. Bos 571, Suva, Fiji)3月24日的来信和订单,并表示感谢。




5) 如还有疑问,请告知我们。




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