



Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinishedstatement or question, four sugested answers marked A, B, C and D are given.Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question.Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on theANSWER SHET. (30 points, 1 point each)

1. Birmingham dominates the extensive built up area of the metropolitan area in the UK.

A. Greater Glasgow

B. Greater Manchester

C. West Midlands

D. West Yorkshire

2. Among the contemporary Celtic languages, is the strongest.

A. Welsh

B. lrish

C. Cormish

D. Scottish Gaelic

3. The name Tuesday derives from Tiu, which originally referred to in Teutonic religion.

A. the king of heaven

B. the god of war

C. the god of storms

D. the goddess of peace

4. The feudal system in England was compltely established under the rule of

A. Henry 1

B. James II

C. William the Conqueror

D. Alfred the Great

5. broke out between the House of Lancaster and the House of York in the 15th century in England.

A. The Hundred Years' War

B. The Wars of the Roses

C. The Peasant Uprising

D. The Civil Wars

6. After the Seven Years' War between Britain and France, French rights in Canada were guaranteed by

A. the 1763 Treaty of Paris

B. the Quebec Act of 1774

C. the CanadaAct of 1791

D. the British North America Act of 1867

7. In 1911,____ was passed, severely limiting the powers of the Lords and establishing the Commons as the supreme legislative body of Britain.

A. the TestAct

B. the Militia Bill

C. a Home Rule Bill

D. the Parliament Act

8. were Britain's two political parties originating with the Glorious Revolution(1688).

A. Whigs and Tories

B. Protestants and Catholics

C. Separatists and Congregationalists

D. Cavaliers and Roundheads

9. It is generally accepted that the moderm game of football (soccer) originated in.

A. England

B. Scotland

C. Wales

D. Ireland

10. As the last of the original 13 English colonies established in America, was settled

in 1733.

A. Maryland

B. Massachusetts

C. Virginia

D. Georgia

11. In 1774, the First Continental Congress was held in which encouraged Americans to boycott British goods.

A. Trenton

B. Boston

C. Concord

D. Philadelphia

12. In_____, Native Americans were granted US citizenship by Congress.

A.1830 .




13. In the US, all the states except

have a bicameral legislature.

A. New York

B. Nebraska

C. New Mexico

D. Rhode Island

14. The Great Gatsby, an American novel written by _, captures fundamental aspects of the national experience and character.

A. F. Scott Fitzgerald

B. Herman Melville

C. William Faulkner

D. John Steinbeck

15. In 1903,

made the first successful flight in an airplane.

A. the Wright brothers

B. John D. Rockefeller

C. Henry Ford

D. the Duryea brothers

16. The Soviet Union and the US were at the edge of a nuclear conflict during 1962.

A. the Star Wars

B. the Korean War

C. the Suez Canal Crisis

D. the Cuban missile crisis

17. The compromise over slavery in 1850 allowed

to enter the Union as a free state.

A. Califomia

B. Maryland

C. Kansas

D. Maine

18. The Great Society initiatives were first announced by President

A. John F. Kennedy

B. Herbert Hoover

C. Lyndon B. Johnson

D. Franklin D. Roosevelt

19. Which of the following languages has official status in the commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the state of New Mexico?

A. ltalian.

B. Spanish.

C. French.

D. Portuguese.

20. In a wide belt between the Canadian Shield and the western mountains, stretching from the border with the US to the shores of the Arctic Ocean, is the region known as

A. the Cordilleran Region

B. the Appalachian Region

C. the Great Lakes

D. the Interior Plains

21. Which is the largest city in Canada?

A. Vancouver.

B. Montreal.

C. Toronto.

D. Ottawa.

22. To tackle the problem of overfishing, Canada placed a moratorium in 1992 on. fishing in the Atlantic Provinces to allow the stocks to replenish.

A. cod

B. salmon

C. haddock

D. tuna

23. The central region of Australia is called

A. the Outback

B. the Central Lowlands

C. the Great Barrier Reef

D. the Great Dividing Range

24. is celebrated on January 26 to commemorate the arrival of the British First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788.

A. Harmony Day

B. Australia Day

C. Foundation Day

D. Proclamation Day

25. The novel Schindler 's List was witten by the Australian writer.

A. Henry Lawson

B. Joseph Furphy

C. Miles Franklin

D. Thomas Keneally

26. With the ratification of.

in 1947, New Zealand became fully independent within

the Commonwealth.

A. the Canberra Pact

B. the Colombo Plan

C. the Land for Settlements Act

D. the Statute of Westminster

27. The first female prime minister of New Zealand, Jennifer Shipley, took office in





28. The

sector accounts for about two thirds of the labor force and the national income in New Zealand.

A. forestry

B. manufacturing

C. service

D. mining

29. The central plain area of Ireland is characterized by many lakes, low ridges and .

A. rivers

B. bogs

C. heaths

D. glaciers

30. English was first introduced to Ireland during.

A. the Norman invasion

B. the Tudor Conquest

C. the Cromwellian conquest

D. the Roman invasion


Choose 10 answers from the box and write the correct letter in the blanks 31- 40 on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points, 2 points each)

31. Britain supported military action to overthrow the Iraqi govermment of Saddam Hussein,

which was alleged to possess .

32. Modern English is derived primarily from spoken by the Angles, Saxons, andJutes and heavily influenced by the language of the Vikings.

33. , located in northwesterm Arizona and carved by the Colorado River, is one of nature's most impressive sights.

34. The period of political, social, and economic changes in the South after the American Civil War is known as .

35. Canadian culture, in its broadest sense, is a mixture of British, and American infuences.

36. is the most important seaport in eastern Canada.

37. As two major parties in Australia, and the Liberal Party have tended to dominate federal elections for more than a century.

38. In New Zealand, the British monarch is the formal head of state and is represented by

39. The novelist is the first Australian to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

40. The life of the Irish writer is celebrated annually on June 16 in Dublin asBloomsday'.


A. French

B. Reconstruction

C. Booderee

D. The Grand Canyon

E. a Govermor-General

F. James Joyce

G. the Germanic dialects

H. Montreal

I. Little Rock

J. Patrick White

K. the Australian Labor Party (ALP)

L. weapons of mass destruction (WMD)



Define the following terms in English. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET in around 40 words. (10 points, 5 points each)

41. The Open University

42. Waitangi Day


Give a brief answer to each of the following questions. You are required to use complete sentences. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (30 points, 3 points each)

43. What aspects of the Norman legacy were to contribute to domestic unrest in England in the 12th and 13th centuries?

44. From which parts of England did Parliament derive its strongest support in the First Civil War?

45. What religious sect did Mary Tudor attempt to reconvert England to after her ascent to the throne?

46. Why is the English Civil War regarded as the begining of moderm world history?

47. What is the most important farm activity in New England?

48. What doeschecks and balances' mean in the system of the US govemment?

49. Why did the Canadian government work out a series of treaties with Indians during the 19th century?

50. What may lead to a constitutional crisis in Australia?

51. How did Ireland's membership of the European Communities impact on the country?

52. What were the reasons for the population decline of Ireland from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century?


Write 100-120 words on the following topic on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

53. What impact did the 1812 war between the United States and Britain have on the development of the United States?



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