
I. Reading Comprehension. (50 points, 2 points for each)

Directions: In this part of the test, there are five passages. Following eachpassage, there are five questions with four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choosethe best answer and then write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Jim Trelease has devoted the past 16 years to promoting what he considers thebest-kept secret in education today. “Most people don’t believe me when they firsthear it,”he says. “They dismiss it for three reasons: One, it’s simple. Two, it’s free.Three, the child enjoys it. So how good can it be?”

His audience tonight, mostly young parents and teachers gathered in the St.Helena, Calif., elementary-school auditorium, giggles nervously. “I know whatyou’re thinking,”Trelease says. “There are only 24 hours in a day. It’s true. Butwho ever told you that parenting was going to be a time-saving activity?”Treleasecontinues to persuade them that no matter how busy they are, the foremostnurturing they can give a child, next to hugging him, is reading aloud to him.

He backs up his pitch with facts. Numerous studies, including recent reportsby the Center for the Study of Reading and the National Council of Teachers ofEnglish, confirm that reading to children builds vocabulary, stimulates imagination,stretches the attention span, nourishes emotional development, and introduces thetextures and nuances of the English language. Reading aloud is, in essence, anadvertisement for learning to read.

Trelease laments that elementary-school students are too often conditioned toassociate reading with work. “We have concentrated so hard on teaching childrenhow to read that we have forgotten to teach them to want to read,”he says.

His audience is surprised to hear that only 22 percent of eighth-graders readfor fun daily, while 65 percent watch three hours or more of television each day.Research also indicates that average reading proficiency drops when TV viewingreaches about three hours a day. Their parents’ habits are no better: a recent surveyshows a decline in newspaper readership among U.S. adults.

Lest there be any doubt about the stakes involved, Trelease makes a boldclaim. Reading, he says, is the single most important social factor in American lifetoday. “The more you read, the smarter you grow. The longer you stay in school,the more money you earn. The more you earn, the better your children will do inschool. So if you hook a child with reading, you influence not only his future butalso that of the next generation.”

When his two children, Elizabeth and Jamie, were young, Trelease and hiswife, Susan, fed them as many books as meals. “I read to my kids because myfather had read to me,”he says. “I just wanted them to have the good feelings I hadhad.”

Questions 1-5 are based on Passage One.

1. What does the word “dismiss”(paragraph 1) mean?

A. send away B. ready to accept

C. approve of D. refuse to consider

2. Trelease’s speech focuses on______.

A. how to teach reading B. the importance of reading

C. why children read less D. the proper amount of reading

3. According to Trelease, what is missing in the practice of teaching reading in today’s elementary schools?

A. Teaching reading skills. B. Cooperating with parents.

C. Making children want to read. D. Providing good reading materials.

4. The audience is surprised by Trelease’s talk in that ______.

A. the majority of eighth-graders watch 3 hours TV daily

B. reading proficiency is mainly influenced by TV viewing

C. children tend to copy their parents’ bad habits

D. few adults read any newspapers nowadays

5. What does Trelease think of reading?

A. It is difficult but very important. B. It can help improve other skills.

C. It is the key to success in society. D. It should be taught by parents.

Passage Two

Questions arise after the vote of the environment committee of the SpanishParliament last month to grant limited rights to our closest biological relatives, thegreat apes – chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. The committee would bindSpain to the principles of the Great Ape Project, which points to apes’ humanqualities, including the ability to feel fear and happiness, create tools, uselanguages, remember the past and plan the future. The project’s directors, PeterSinger, the Princeton ethicist, and Paola Cavalieri, an Italian philosopher, regardapes as part of a “community of equals”with humans.

If the bill passes – the news agency Reuters predicts it will – it would becomeillegal in Spain to kill apes except in self-defense. Torture, including in medicalexperiments, and arbitrary imprisonment, including for circuses or films, would beforbidden. The 300 apes in Spanish zoos would not be freed, but better conditionswould be mandated.

What’s intriguing about the committee’s action is that it puts two slidingscales together that are normally not allowed to slide against each other: how muchkinship humans feel for which animals, and just which “human rights”each humandeserves.

We like to think of these as absolutes: that there are distinct lines betweenhumans and animals, and that certain “human”rights are unalienable. But we’rekidding ourselves.

In an interview, Mr. Singer described just such calculations behind the GreatApe Project: he left out lesser apes like gibbons because scientific evidence ofhuman qualities is weaker, and he demanded only rights that he felt all humanswere usually offered, such as freedom from torture – rather than, say, rights toeducation or medical care. Depending on how it is counted, the DNA ofchimpanzees is 95 percent to 98.7 percent the same as that of humans.

Nonetheless, the law treats all animals as lower orders. Human Rights Watchhas no position on apes in Spain and has never had an internal debate about who ishuman, said Joseph Saunders, deputy program director. Meanwhile, even indemocracies, the law accords diminished rights to many humans: children,prisoners, the insane, the senile. Teenagers may not vote, courts can order surgeryor force-feeding. Spain does not envision endowing apes with all rights: to drive, tobear arms and so on. Rather, their status would be akin to that of children.

Questions 6-10 are based on Passage Two.

6. The environment committee of the Spanish Parliament voted to give limited rights to apes, because ______.

A. apes are protected by law B. apes share some human qualities

C. apes are maltreated by people D. apes have very high intelligence

7. If the bill passes, in which circumstance can an ape by killed?

A. When it is seriously sick. B. When it has infectious diseases.

C. When it is used in medical tests. D. When it threats people’s safety.

8. The author’s attitude towards the committee’s action is ______.

A. supportive B. doubtful

C. indifferent D. interested

9. Which of the following opinions would the members of the Great Ape Project agree?

A. Gibbons do not fall into the category of apes.

B. Gibbons enjoy the same rights as chimpanzees.

C. Apes should have limited rights like children.

D. Apes should be freed from national zoos.

10. By saying “Teenagers may not vote, courts can order surgery or force-feeding”, the author means ______.

A. not all people have the same undeniable rights

B. teenagers can’t take so many responsibilities

C. courts can make important decisions for people

D. inequalities also exist in democratic countries

Passage Three

As a professor of business and government policy, I’ve long been interested inthe pursuit of happiness as a national concept. According to hundreds of reliablesurveys of thousands of people across the land, happy people increase ourprosperity and strengthen our communities. They make better citizens – and bettercitizens are vital to making our nation healthy and strong. So when Ichanced upondata a couple of years ago saying that certain Americans were living in a mannerthat facilitated happiness – while others were not – I jumped on it.

I wanted to be able to articulate which personal lifestyles and public policieswould make us the happiest nation possible. I also wanted to know which of myown values were the most conducive to happiness. I had always thought thatmarching to the beat of my own drummer and making up my own values as I wentalong were the right things to do, and that traditional values, to put it bluntly, werefor fools.

Turns out that I was in for some surprises.

You might suspect that Americans are getting happier all the time. After all,many (though clearly not all) are getting richer, and this should make them betterable and equipped to follow their dreams. On the other hand, there’s a lot of talkabout the good old days, when kids could play outside without any worry aboutbeing kidnapped. And there’s a great deal of stress in this country right now, due tofinancial concerns, negative workplace environments, and chronic health problems,among other pressing issues.

But average happiness levels in America have stayed largely constant formany years. In 1972, 30 percent of the population said they were very happy withtheir lives, according to the National Opinion Research Center’s General SocialSurvey. In 1982, 31 percent said so, and in 2006, 31 percent said so as well. Thepercentage saying they were not too happy was similarly constant, generallyhovering around 13 percent.

The factors that add up to a happy life for most people are not what wetypically hear about. Things like winning the lottery and earning a master’s degreedon’t make people happy over the long haul. Rather, the key to happiness, and thedifference between happy and unhappy Americans, is a life that reflects values andpractices like faith, hard work, marriage, charity, and freedom.

Questions 11-15 are based on Passage Three.

11. What is the author’s interest as a professor of business and government policy?

A. How to improve community. B. What contributes to a happy nation.

C. How to promote prosperity. D. What makes people good citizens.

12. The phrase “marching to the beat of my own drummer”is closest in meaning to ______.

A. playing one’s favorite instrument B. catching the rhythms of music

C. doing things at one’s own will D. defying the traditional values

13. What can be learnt about the “good old days”?

A. The economy did better. B. There was less health concern.

C. People had more dreams. D. There were fewer crimes.

14. We know from the passage that average happiness levels in America ______.

A. remain stable for decades B. improve although not obviously

C. fall despite economic boom D. undergo scientific analysis yearly

15. From the last paragraph we can tell that the difference between winning the lottery and hard work is ______.

A. winning a lottery doesn’t bring sustained happiness

B. winning a lottery mainly depends on sheer luck

C. hard work is a virtue which people are proud of

D. hard work can make people feel accomplished

Passage Four

eBay scored an important victory in an American court on Monday on howmuch checking it is required to do of its auction listings, but the decision was incontrast to recent European court rulings.

In a long-awaited decision in a four-year-old trademark lawsuit against eBaybrought by the jeweler Tiffany & Company, Judge Richard J. Sullivan of theFederal District Court in Manhattan ruled that the online retailer does not have alegal responsibility to prevent its users from selling fake items on its onlinemarketplace. The verdict reaffirms that Internet companies do not have to activelyfilter their sites for trademarked material. Rather, they can rely on intellectualproperty holders to monitor their sites, as long as they promptly remove materialwhen rights holders complain.

“The court ruled that eBay does in fact meet its responsibilities regardingfakes,”said Rob Chesnut, senior vice president and legal counsel at eBay. “Weaggressively fight fakes not only to meet our limited responsibilities, but alsobecause fakes hurt the eBay community.”James B. Swire, counsel for Tiffany anda partner at the law firm of Arnold & Porter, said he was “shocked anddisappointed”in the ruling. “The principal purpose of trademark law is first toprotect consumers and then to protect brand owners,”he added. “You don’t get areal sense of that in this decision.”Mr. Swire said that Tiffany was likely to appealthe decision to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

The ruling is a shift in eBay’s recent courtroom fortunes. A week ago, aFrench judge ordered eBay to pay 40 million euros ($63.2 million) to the Frenchluxury goods maker LVMH Moёt Hennessy Louis Vuitton over faking charges. InApril, a German appeals court ruled that eBay must take preventive measuresagainst the sale of fake Rolex watches.

If those judgments are upheld in appellate court, eBay could have a potentialproblem on its hands. Though it operates a single global marketplace – buyers inEurope see the same items that buyers in the United States do – eBay would belegally required to do more abroad to fight faking than it is required to do at home.American shoppers on eBay will see no change in the company’s listings, but howthe various rulings will affect the listings in Europe remains to be seen.

Questions 16-20 are based on Passage Four.

16. Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of the passage?

A. Americans and Europeans see different items on eBay.

B. Americans care less about brands than Europeans do.

C. European courts are generally stricter than American courts.

D. Same charge against eBay has different results in the U.S. and Europe.

17. What can we learn from court’s ruling over the lawsuit against eBay brought by Tiffany & Company?

A. The court is partial towards eBay in this law case.

B. eBay doesn’t have to remove fake items in any case.

C. eBay is free of legal responsibilities to filter out fakes.

D. Trademarked material sold online is not protected by law.

18. According to Rob Chesnut, eBay fights fakes because ______.

A. it is beneficial to eBay itself B. rights holders ask them to do so

C. it is the court’s ruling D. Tiffany appeals to higher courts

19. What’s the result of the charge against eBay by luxury goods maker LVMH Moёt Hennessy Louis Vuitton?

A. eBay must take preventive measures against fakes.

B. eBay must pay a large amount of money to LVMH.

C. eBay must not auction LVMH goods on its site.

D. eBay must not ever list fakes on its site.

20. The effect that French and German courts’ ruling may have on eBay is ______.

A. eBay may face a shrinking market in Europe

B. eBay may have to do more to fight fakes in Europe

C. eBay may provide different items in the U.S. and Europe

D. eBay may operate on different systems in the U.S. and Europe

Passage Five

“Everyone has an idea,”says 21-year-old serial entrepreneur Ben Kaufman.“Every day, people walk around going ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if…’. I want to harnessthose ideas and let people have a forum.”

Kaufman did that as the founder of Mophie, a start-up that makes innovativeiPod accessories. But he needed to outdo himself. Instead of setting up a traditionaldisplay booth at last year’s Macworld convention, Kaufman handed out pads andpencils and invited attendees to sketch the products they wanted. Hundreds ofpeople participated. Within 72 hours, Kaufman and his team had created threefinished products, including one by 17-year-old Jared Fiovorich. The Bevy – aprotective case for the iPod Shuffle that multitasks as a key ring, earbud wrap, andbottle opener – has outsold Mophie’s other products four to one. That kind ofresponse proves Kaufman’s point: “Together we can all make better decisions.”

Kaufman started Mophie when he was a high school senior with an idea toproduce the Song Sling, a case for the iPod Shuffle that you wear around your neck.Plenty of 18-year-olds have ideas; Kaufman made his happen. “I convinced mymomand dad to remortgage the house,”he says, “and they gave me the $185,000in equity and let me give it a shot.”Says his mother, Mindy, “When you seesomeone who has a dream and a great idea, you don’t want to stifle it.”

The $39.95 Song Sling turned out to be a success, and Kaufman ultimatelydesigned and manufactured 22 other products. In order to keep the buzz going, hesays, “I needed to hit the shelf with a new product within four weeks after eachnew iPod model dropped.”This meant a lot of trips to the factory in China. Toensure that his exacting standards were met, he’d sit in front of the machines as theparts were coming out,saying “no,”“yeah,”“maybe,”“closer.”He pushedsupervisors to speed up production times and stuck to his guns when they wantedto cut corners and raise prices.

What often motivates him, Kaufman admits, is danger. “Our accountant oncecalled me in and said, ‘Ben, we’ll be out of money in two weeks,’and I was like,Yes! That’s what gets me going.”Adds product engineer Peter Wadsworth, “Thereare two things that inspire Ben: lots of money and no money.”

Questions 21-25 are based on Passage Five.

21. At last year’s Macworld convention Ben Kaufman ______.

A. collected people’s ideas B. made a special display booth

C. sold many new products D. created three finished product

22. Which of the following best responds to Kaufman’s point “Together we can make better decisions”?

A. Mophie makes much money. B. His team produces numerous ideas.

C. The Bevy sells very well. D. He works together with supervisors.

23. As he first started his business, Kaufman got the money he needed when ______.

A. he sold the design of Song Sling

B. his parents mortgaged the house

C. his school granted him a scholarship

D. iPod sponsored him because of his talents

24. Kaufman manages to stay ahead in business by ______.

A. generating new ideas and making them happen

B. working hard and making his team work hard too

C. lowering prices of products while maintaining good quality

D. marketing a product soon after a new iPod model available

25. What keeps Kaufman going?

A. Danger. B. Impulsion.

C. Wealth. D. Ambition.

II. Vocabulary. (10 points, 1 point for each)

Directions: Scan the following passage and find the words which have roughlythe same meanings as those given below. The number in the brackets after eachword definition refers to the number of paragraph in which the target word is.Write the word you choose on the Answer Sheet.

Research in industrialized countries has shown the subtle method used toencourage girls to smoke. The impact of such method is likely to be even greater indeveloping countries, where young people are generally less knowledgeable aboutsmoking hazards and may be more attracted by glamorous, affluent, desirableimages of the female smoker. This is why WHO, together with other national andinternational health agencies, has repeatedly called for national legislation banningall forms of tobacco promotion, and for an appropriate “high price”policy whichwould slow down the “enthusiasm”of young women for tobacco consumption.

Young girls and women have a right to be informed about the damage thatsmoking can do to their health. They also need to acquire skills to resist pressure tostart smoking or to give it up. Several countries have developed integrated schooland preschool health education programs which have successfully reduced girls’smoking rates; but this education should not be restricted to what happens in school.There are many other examples of effective cessation programs in the workplaceand primary health centers. Unfortunately, many women do not have theopportunity to be involved in such programs, and programs have generally beenless successful with women than men.

In order for women to become, and remain, non-smokers they need support.Support over these difficult days when the addiction cycle is broken. Support tohelp them deal in other less damaging ways with the reasons that caused them tosmoke. Environments need to be created which enable them to break free of thishealth damaging behavior, to make the healthy choices the best choices. Smokingamongst women has already reached epidemic proportions and will continue toescalate unless action is taken now. Delays can only cause further suffering anddeaths of women; this is why WHO’s new program on tobacco or health is givinghigh priority to action to protect women and children.

26. delicate, hardly noticeable (Para. 1)

27. organizations or departments that do a specific job (Para. 1)

28. ordering with authority that something must not be done (Para. 1)

29. told about something formally or officially (Para.2)

30. to learn or develop (Para.2)

3 I. combining different groups, ideas or parts (Para.2)

32. the need to have something regularly, especially something harmful (Para.3)

33. spreading in great number (Para.3)

34. to become much worse (Para.3)

35. the most attention needed (Para.3)

III. Summarization. (20 points, 2 points for each)

Directions: In this section of the test, there are ten paragraphs. Each of theparagraphs is followed by an incomplete phrase or sentence which summarizesthe main idea of the paragraph. Spell out the missing letters of the word on yourAnswer Sheet.

Paragraph One

Surveys show that the average office worker sends and receives 108 e-mails aday. Even when we manage to clear out the in-box and escape our desks, most of usare still reachable by cell phone or some other handheld device. These gadgets addconvenience and fun to our lives, but there’s a price to be paid.

36. With new technologies work t______ up more of people’s private time.

Paragraph Two

Researchers tested obese men before and after they joined a one-year modestwalking plan. The result: Their blood pressure improved and the amount of bodyfat around their abdomen – the dangerous kind of fat that leads to higher rates ofheart disease and diabetes – significantly decreased.

37. The surprising e______ modest walking has on health.

Paragraph Three

There are 15 million of us who fly across multiple time zones every year, with500,000 of us in the air at any given moment. And for those of us who fly morethan a couple of time zones from home jet lag can be a serious challenge.

38. Millions of people s______ from jet lag every year.

Paragraph Four

Health care workers in Senegal, Namibia, and other African nations usuallywalk miles over dusty roads to deliver food, medicine, and companionship topeople with HIV/AIDS. But with the donation of 1,500 single-speed bicycles byBikeTown Africa, caregivers now visit as many as six times more people in need.

39. Care workers now help more people with d______ bicycles.

Paragraph Five

Harsh garden chemicals kill beneficial organisms as well, including butterflies,ladybugs, and bees, all of which help our gardens grow and stay healthy. Moretroubling is that garden chemicals can leach into the groundwater, where they canleave a toxic residue that poisons fish, small plants, and waterfowl.

40. Garden chemicals can be quite h______.

Paragraph Six

Nowadays sophisticated solar-energy systems called photovoltaics produceelectricity from the sun. Photovoltaics run $14,000 to $20,000, but these systemscan substantially cut homeowners’ electric bills, depending on sun exposure andelectric rates. Excess energy can even be sold back to the electric company formore savings.

41. Expensive photovoltaics can help save a lot in the long r______.

Paragraph Seven

There is too much monkey business in Hong Kong, and the government isdetermined to do something about it. Packs of wild monkeys are invading parksand neighborhoods in greater numbers, aggressively begging for food andsometimes snatching bags from frightened passersby.

42. Hong Kong c______ are harassed by monkeys.

Paragraph Eight

Consumed by sorrow after their son Peter died in the second plane to hit theWorld Trade Center, Sally and Donald Goodrich of Bennington, Vermont, fell intolives of silent despair. Sally began to drink; then, diagnosed with cancer, sheconsidered taking her own life.

43. Sally considered s______ because of cancer and loss of her son.

Paragraph Nine

Genetic Engineering is quite a new science which is a rapidly expanding anddeveloping technology. It has the potential for many useful developments in thefields of medicine, agriculture, industry and conservation. However, balanced withthis, it has the potential to produce catastrophic problems.

44. Genetic Engineering can bring problems as well as b______ to people.

Paragraph Ten

Interest in dreams is as old as mankind himself. Mankind’s oldest book theBible is full of them, with the first recorded dream occurring around 1900 B.C. TheGreeks, Romans and Babylonians all put great hope in dreams, especially on theeve of battle. Today the interest in dreams and their interpretation is no lessprofound.

45. Human beings have long been a______ by dreams.

IV. Translation. (20 points, 4 points for each)

Directions: In the following passage, there are five groups of underlinedsentences. Read the passage carefully and translate these sentences into Chinese.Write the Chinese version on your Answer Sheet.

Excellencies, you are the United Nations. The staff who were killed andinjured in the attack on our Baghdad headquarters were your staff. You had giventhem a mandate to assist the suffering Iraqi people, and to help Iraq recover itsnational sovereignty.

46. In future, not only in Iraq but also wherever the United Nations is engaged,we must take more effective measures to protect the security of our staff.I count onyour full support – legal, political and financial.

Subject to security considerations, the United Nations system is prepared toplay its full part in working for a satisfactory outcome in Iraq, and to do so as partof an effort by the whole international community, pulling together on the basis ofa sound and viable policy. 47. If it takes extra time and patience to make a policythat is collective, coherent and workable, then I for one would regard that time aswell spent.Indeed, this is how we must approach all the many pressing crises thatconfront us today.

Three years ago, when you came here for the Millennium Summit, we had ashared vision of global solidarity and collective security, expressed in theMillennium Declaration. But recent events have called that consensus in question.

48. All of us know“there are new threats that must be faced—or, perhaps, oldthreats in new and dangerous combinations: new forms of terrorism, and theproliferation of weapons of mass destruction.But, while some consider thesethreats as self-evidently the main challenge to world peace and security, others feelmore immediately threatened by small arms employed in civil conflict, or byso-called “soft threats”such as the persistence of extreme poverty, the disparity ofincome between and within societies, the spread of infectious diseases, or climatechange and environmental degradation.

In truth, we do not have to choose. The United Nations must confront all thesethreats and challenges—new and old, “hard”and “soft”. It must be fully engaged inthe struggle for development and poverty eradication, starting with the achievementof the Millennium Development Goals; in the struggle to protect our commonenvironment and in the struggle for human rights; democracy and goodgovernance. In fact, all these struggles are linked. We now see, with chilling clarity,that a world where many millions of people endure brutal oppression and extrememisery will never be fully secure, even for its most privileged inhabitants.

49. Yet the “hard”threats, such as terrorism and weapons of mass destruction,are real, and cannot be ignored. Terrorism is not a problem only to rich countries.Weapons of mass destruction do not threaten only the western or northern world.Where we disagree, it seems, is on how we respond to these threats.

50. Since this Organization was founded, States have generally sought to dealwith threats to the peace through containment and deterrence, by a system based oncollective securityand the United Nations Charter.



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