


1. Our ______ catalogue will give you details of the model. ( )

A. illustrated B. illustrating

C. illustrate D. to illustrate

2. The global economic crisis results ______ an increase in unemployment. ( )

A. in B. from

C. for D. to

3. Please instruct your bank to amend the L/C as ______. ( )

A. follow B. follows

C. following D. followed

4. If we still haven’t received the relevant L/C by the end of this month, the ______ of the contract will be delayed. ( )

A. negotiation B. conclusion

C. execution D. position

5. The ______ will take delivery of the goods at the port of destination. ( )

A. consignor B. consignee

C. bank D. shipper

6. ______ account of lack of direct steamer, please allow transshipment in your L/C. ( )

A. On B. For

C. With D. In

7. We are pleased to accept your Order No.AH43 ______ 500 sets of Forever brand bicycles for July shipment. ( )

A. selling B. shipping

C. paying D. covering

8. Our order is subject to ______ the import license. ( )

A. obtain B. be obtained

C. us obtain D. our obtaining

9. It is ______ our long-standing business relationship that we accept your counter offer. ( )

A. in view of B. in the view of

C. with view of D. with the view of

10. The ______ balance of the contract should be transferred by teletransmission to the Seller’s bank in one week. ( )

A. standing B. understanding

C. upstanding D. outstanding

11. As you can not supply your products from stock, we regret to have to turn ______ your offer. ( )

A. down B. off

C. away D. out

12. The terms of the L/C should strictly ______ the stipulations set forth in the sales contract. ( )

A. accord to B. conform to

C. same as D. like

13. Owing to the increasing cost of raw materials, we find it difficult to maintain the current price level, ______ to lower our prices. ( )

A. let alone B. only

C. more than D. despite

14. The exporter should ______ a draft on us at 30days’ sight. ( )

A. open B. issue

C. draw D. establish

15. We lodge a claim ______ the manufacturer______ the shortweight. ( )

A. with, against B. against, for

C. with, with D. against, to

16. ______ being the case, we are compelled to decline your order. ( )

A. This B. So much

C. Such D. Which

17. If your business with us had been carried on to our satisfaction, we ______ to renew the agency agreement. ( )

A. had agreed B. should have agreed

C. shall agree D. already agreed

18. We shall do our best to ______ your requirements. ( )

A. answer B. reply

C. supply D. meet

19. The relative L/C should be established through a third country bank ______ the sellers. ( )

A. available by B. available to

C. acceptable by D. acceptable to

20. The term CIF should be followed by ______. ( )

A. port of destination B. port of shipment

C. port of loading D. port of inland



21. We should appreciate ____________ if you would quote us your lowest price.

22. You may refer ____________ the catalogue ____________ complete details of our mobile phone.

23. The buyer will only accept a clean and shipped Bill of Lading made out____________ order.

24. Any delay ____________ delivery will cause us much inconvenience.

25. Our garments should be packed ____________ special water-proof cases.

26. Our quotation ____________ groundnuts is valid ____________ five days.

27. The S.S Haihe is scheduled to sail ____________ Shanghai ____________ the port of destination about April 10th.

28. We are sending you herewith the required invoice ____________ triplicate.

29. The premium varies ____________ the scope of insurance, and extra premium will be ____________ your account.

30. We are glad to inform you that the goods ____________ Contract N0.6732 have arrived here ____________ good condition.

31. You are not supposed to duplicate our design ____________ our written approval.

32. If any of the items in the booklet are ____________ interest to you, please let us have your specific enquiry.

33. The goods have been ready ____________shipment ____________ a long time, but we still haven’t received your L/C.

34. The insurance will be responsible ____________ the claim as far as it is ____________ the scope of cover.

35. ____________ examination, we have found that some of the cases are severely damaged.

36. We would like to pay you a commission ____________ 5% ____________ the net values of all shipments to Africa.

37. We can not make you an offer as the goods are ____________ of stock.


38. We are enclosing our pro-forma invoice in triplicate for your applying for the necessary import license.

39. The manufacturers insist that there is no valid ground for your complaint.

40. The depressed market results in the stagnation of trade.

41. FPA coverage is too narrow for a shipment of this nature, please extend it to include TPND.

42. Provided you fulfill the terms of the credit we will accept and pay on maturity the draft presented to us under this credit.

43. Please inform us one week before the shipment of the name of the vessel, ETA and loading capacity.

44. You may be assured that we will carefully and seriously carry out your order sheet to your entire satisfaction.

45. The remittance is in payment of all commissions due to you up to date.

46. The goods are to be shipped in two lots of 100 metric tons each on separate Bill of Lading.

47. When doing business with foreign dealers, we adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit.


48. 请寄我一份贵公司目前可供出口的各式微波炉的最新价目单。

49. 由于最近原材料成本的上涨,我们无法降低价格。

50. 除非你们找一家有信誉的公司担保,否则我们不接受用承兑交单付款。

51. 我们认为供应商要对短量负责,因为破包是由于包装不良引起的。

52. 根据合同规定,唛头应由买方选定。










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