

Multiple choices: for each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D, choose the one that best completes the sentence (19 points, 1 point for each):

1. In the past men generally preferred that their wives ____________ in the home.

A. worked B. would work

C. work D. were working

2. ____________ of the burden of ice, the balloon climbed up and drifted to the South.

A. To be free B. Freeing

C. To free D. Freed

3. Those part-time students expect____________ some jobs on campus during the coming summer vacation.

A. to offer B. be offered

C. to be offered D. been offered

4. Some bosses dislike____________ people to share their responsibilities; they keep all important matters tightly in their own hands.

A. to allow B. allowing

C. been allowed D. be allowed

5. From the tears in Tom’s eyes we can deduce that something sad____________.

A. must have occurred B. might be occurring

C. would have occurred D. should occur

6. Do they have____________ air-conditioners for cooling the rooms in summer?

A. many a B. enough

C. a great deal of D. a bit of

7. There is____________ iron in this mine than in that mine.

A. much B. a great deal of

C. less D. a lot of

8. ____________ work has to be done before the plant goes into operation.

A. Much B. Double

C. A number D. Neither

9. Don’t worry about the seats. There are____________ chairs in the room.

A. plenty of B. any

C. both D. most

10. The students spent____________ their time working in the fields.

A. both B. most

C. more D. half

11. His ill-health may well be____________ malnutrition.

A. due to B. next to

C. thanks to D. up to

12. ____________ the many delays, we shall get to our destination in time.

A. In the way of B. In case of

C. In spite of D. In the event of

13. Expenditure is twenty pounds____________ income.

A. in point of B. in the pay of

C. in the wake of D. in excess of

14. I consulted the lawyer____________ my claim.

A. in view of B. with reference to

C. with a view to D. with an eye to

15. Agriculture is the country’s chief source of wealth, wheat____________ by far the biggest cereal crop.

A. is B. are

C. to be D. being

16. He____________ to escape but his conscience prevented him from doing that.

A. had intended B. has intended

C. had been intending D. has been intending

17. The policy____________ made, the next problem was how to carry it out.

A. having been B. being

C. had been D. was

18. All flights____________ because of the storm, they decided to take the train.

A. having canceled B. were canceled

C. having been canceled D. have been canceled

19. ____________ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his bedroom.

A. There was B. Since

C. Being D. There being


Fill in the blanks with the proper subjunctive form of the verbs in brackets (10 points, 1 point for each):

1. I recommend that favorable consideration ____________ (be) given to his application for admission.

2. If he ____________ (be) here now, I don’t know you’d have the guts to flirt with his secretary.

3. My father suggested that I ____________ (enter) Harvard rather than to start a business now.

4. When I entered his big office that afternoon, he didn’t say a word, nor did he raise his head, as if I ____________ (be) invisible.

5. Far ____________ (be) it from me to turn my back to her when she is in need of my help.

6. He ran away lest they ____________ (catch) him.

7. I wish I ____________ (be) taller and stronger so that they wouldn’t dare to treat me by rough handling.

8. It is desirable that everybody ____________ (mind) his or her own business.

9. I propose that a woman member of the committee ____________ (be) appointed for the chair.

10. It is very important that the textbooks ____________ (be) available before school starts.


Define the following terms withexamples(15 points, 3 points for each):

1. bound morpheme

2. collective nouns

3. foreign plurals

4. conversion

5. simple sentence


Rewrite the following sentences as required (20 points, 2 points for each):

A. Rewrite the following sentences using passive voice:

1. All the students who are applying for the government loan must observe this rule.

2. A group of children built the sand castle.

3. The removal men damaged our grandfather’s clock.

4. This studio will probably blow up your photograph well.

5. The government must put an end to the political crisis as soon as possible.

B. Combining sentences using the relative clause:

6. My special gratitude goes to Professor Weir. Without his help this project would have been impossible.

7. She was afraid people would consider her ambitious and aggressive. She was actually not ambitious or aggressive.

8. He is a psychiatrist. I know him. He can give you advice.

9. He is a Jack of all trades. He has done thousands of things. He has accomplished nothing.

10. When I was in Stratford, I visited the house. Shakespeare is said to have lived there for several years before he left for London.


Answer the following questions with the help ofexamples(36 points):

1. What are determiners? (5 points)

2. What are the two major semantic categories of modal auxiliaries? (6 points)

3. When adjectives are used in the dynamic sense, what are their syntactic and semantic features? (5 points)

4. What is the difference between coordination and subordination? (6 points)

5. Discuss various grammatical forms that disjuncts may take. (10 points)

6. As a future time expression, what special meaning does the simple present impart? (4 points)



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