


Section I: Basic Theories and Principles

Questions 1-10 are based on this part.

Directions: Choose the best answer for the following questions.

1. In community language learning ( )

A. learners learn the target language in a community.

B. learners sit around a table in comfortable chairs and with a tape-recorder in the middle.

C. learners learn the target language by doing exercise for community.

D. learners learn the target language for communication in a common way in a common classroom.

2. Language appropriateness depends on factors such as ( )

A. setting and topics.

B. participants involved only.

C. channel of communication and register.

D. All of the above.

3. Language learning ( )

A. means learning a language by living with people who speak the language.

B. requires some formal training and conscious effort.

C. means learning a language with TPR Method only.

D. is the same as learning Maths.

4. In Total Physical Response, ( ).

A. you need to learn everything with actions and mime.

B. you are required to use the language you have acted out right away.

C. you only have to listen and act on the commands on the foreign language until you feel comfortable enough to give the commands to others.

D. drills and repetitions are the features of teaching.

5. Structural syllabus ( )

A. pays attention to a more comprehensive training of communicative competence.

B. focuses on the fluency rather than accuracy of the language.

C. pays attention to multiculture awareness of the learners.

D. focuses on the mastery of grammar structure and vocabulary.

6. The PPP Model refers to ( )

A. presentation, production and practice as in the order listed here.

B. production, presentation and practice as in the order listed here.

C. promoting people to practice.

D. presentation, practice and production as in the order listed here.

7. Experience gap ( )

A. refers to the situation in which the speaker has some personal experience which the listener does not have, so the speaker wants to share his experience with the listener.

B. refers to the situation in which the speaker has the same experience as the listener has, so the speaker can share his with the listener.

C. refers to the situation in which the speaker has the ideas which the listener does not know or the speaker wants to give him the information that the listener has already known.

D. covers all of the above.

8. Connotation ( )

A. refers to a positive implication that a word might carry. It carries the positive attitude of the person who produces it.

B. refers to a negative implication that a word might carry. It carries the negative attitude of the person who produces it.

C. refers to a neutral implication that a word might carry. It carries the neutral attitude of the person who produces it.

D. refers to a positive or negative implication that a word might carry. It carries the attitude of the person who produces it.

9. In inductive learning of grammar, ( )

A. the teacher does not explain the rule at the beginning, but presents a gapped dialogue. The learners listen to it and fill in with the new structure being taught. Then the teacher explains it to get the learners to work out the rule of use.

B. before giving some examples and asking the learners to apply the rule in exercises, the teacher presents the rule of the structure on the blackboard first and explains it to the students.

C. the teacher does not explain the rule at the beginning, but presents a gapped dialogue. The learners listen to it and fill in with the new structure being taught. Then the teacher explains the content of the dialogue to the learners.

D. the teacher starts with written exercises and the students have to use a grammar book for guidance.

10. The most important features of good writing include( )

A. beautiful hand writing

B. idiomatic usages

C. plenty of positive adjectives supporting the writer's attitude

D. clearly and convincingly developed and organized ideas


Section II:Problem Solving

DIRECTIONS: Situations in classroom teaching are provided here. In each situation there are some problems. Firstly, identify the problems; secondly, provide your own solutions according to the communicative language teaching principles and explain in details.

1. Roles of teachers. List here seven major roles of a teacher








2. What sort of activities can you use to train skills for the main reading skills such as skimming, scanning, drawing inferences about the author's purpose etc? List nine activities.










3. List seven situations in which you might embarrass a student in class:









Section III: Mini-lesson Plan or Text Analysis

DIRECTIONS: Read the following text carefully and complete the teaching plan according to instructions. Design lesson plan activities for the text provided below. Your lesson plan should include the following aspects:

1. Aims of the lesson

2. Name (s) of activity(ies)

3. Objective (s) of the activity (ies)

4. Type (s) of the activity (ies)

5. Classroom organization of the activities

6. Teacher's role (s)

7. Students' role (s)

8. Teaching aid (s)

9. Predicated problem (s) and possible solution (s)

10. Activity procedures

① Pre-reading activity(ies)

② While-reading activity(ies)

③ Post-reading activity(ies)

11. Follow-up activity(ies)

Reading Passage


If you are just starting to collect stamps, here is some advice.

At the beginning, collect as many stamps as you can. The ones which you decide not to keep can be traded with other people. Never throw stamps away. Don't keep the envelope, unless it is unusual. However, do keep the envelope if it is the first date when that particular stamp is used. Some people are very interested in these first day covers.

Sooner or later you will decide that you want to collect a certain kind of stamps. It may be stamps from a particular country, or stamps of a particular kind, like stamps with a bird design on them, for example. This will make your collecting much more interesting. You can then look for new ones to add to your collection.

Do join a group. There is a lot to learn about stamps and others can help you. Also it is great fun. You will soon learn which stamps other people are collecting and they will start to trade stamps with you too. Go to stamps sales and buy whatever you can afford. You can often pick up packs of used stamps very cheaply. Old stamps that have not been used are usually more expensive than used stamps. Perhaps at the beginning you may only afford used stamps.

Later on, you will find something unusual. It may even be valuable. Finally, remember that stamp collecting is fun. It can be exciting to get stamps which you do not have yet. Also many stamps have unusual and beautiful designs, so enjoy them.



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