
Ⅰ. Basic Theories and Principles (20%, 2 points for each)

Directions: Choose the best answer for the following questions.

1. Which of the following statements about Grammar-Translation Method is wrong? ( )

A. The text will be the basis of the lesson, its vocabulary drawn out and learnt with the mother-tongue translation.

B. The grammar points are drawn out and explained in the mother tongue.

C. Some practice is done with organizing the students in pairs or in groups to discuss or debate by using the structures and words learnt in the text.

D. The students will normally be tested by having to perform translations.

2. Which of the following items is the aim of the post-reading stage?( )

A. consolidating or reflecting on what has been read in the text

B. arousing the students'interest in the topic or type of text

C. motivating students to read the text by providing a purpose for reading

D. preparing the students for the content of the text

3. Which of the following statements is NOT the features of spoken language?( )

A. It is context dependent (It is comprehensible even without background information).

B. Its organization is largely unplanned.

C. It is produced with a high proportion of repetition or redundancy.

D. It has a low density of information.

4. Which of the following statements is NOT the benefit of inductive grammar teaching? ( )

A. Students are actively involved in working out the rules with the teacher.

B. By being actively involved, students tend to remember the structure and their usage better.

C. Meeting the new structures in realistic contexts gives the students a much better idea of their use, not just form.

D. The teaching process can be much more time-consuming, as students may need more time and more contexts and examples before they can work out an acceptable rule for themselves.

5. Which of the following word has a negative connotation?( )

A. confident

B. stubborn

C. famous

D. generous

6. Which of the following statements is wrong concerning CLT? ( )

A. CLT refers to Communicative Language Teaching.

B. CLT can develop the learners'communicative competence.

C. Authentic materials are recommended in CLT.

D. Littlewood proposed four categories of communicative activities for CLT.

7. Which of the following activities is NOT a kind of post-reading activities? ( )

A. writing a summary of the main content of the text

B. retelling the story of the text

C. oral discussion of the topic of the text

D. locating specific information

8. Which of the following things is NOT a factor for a teacher to consider when designing an effective listening task?( )

A. The teacher should take into account the students'interests, the students'needs, language level and potential problems.

B. The teacher should be clear about the purpose of the task.

C. The teacher should know the ratio of boys and girls in his class.

D. The teacher should consider the practical aspects of the class size, time available, and teaching aids.

9. Poor teaching emphasizes the follow items EXCEPT ?( )

A. cooperation

B. correctness

C. marks

D. end product

10. Which of the following statements is wrong for describing learning objectives?( )

A.Learning objectives are the essence of the lesson.

B. Learning objectives are the aims we want our learners to have achieved when the lesson is finished.

C. Learning objectives are what the teacher should know at the end of the lesson.

D. Learning objectives are what our students should be able to do at the end of the lesson.

Ⅱ.Problem Solving (30%, 10 points for each)

DIRECTIONS: Situations in classroom teaching are provided here. In each situation there are some problems. Firstly, identify the problems; secondly, provide your own solutions according to the communicative language teaching principles and explain in details.

1. An example of syllabuses is presented in the following. Please read and judge which kind of syllabuses it is and then list the other four kinds of syllabuses.

A case of syllabusesUnit 1 Introducing yourself

Unit 2 Talking about your hobby

Unit 3 Asking the way, giving directions

Unit 4 Making apologies

Unit 5 Inviting, accepting and refusing invitation

Unit 6 Describing a house

2. When a student listens to English, what worries him most is his limited vocabulary. If he comes across a new word, he stops to think about its meaning and so misses the next part of speech. Please judge what is the problem of the student and give some suggestions to solve his problem.

3. The students should be taught a set of procedures which will help them, not only when they are writing about topics, but also with any kind of ‘free’ writing. So please summarize the procedure of a ‘free’ writing.

Ⅲ. Mini-lesson Plan (50%)

DIRECTIONS: Read the following text carefully and complete the teaching plan.

The text is selected from STUDENTS'BOOK of Grade 7 for Junior II. Please design a teaching plan with the text.

Dear Isabel,

Thank you for your last letter. Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying. As you can see, in some ways we look different. We both have black eyes and black hair, although my hair is shorter than hers. We both like sports, although Liu Ying is more athletic than me. She's more outgoing, and I'm quieter, I think I'm smarter than her. My favorite subjects are physics and chemistry, and her favorite is P.E. However, we both enjoy going to parties.

Please visit us soon!


Liu Li

Your lesson plan should include the following aspects:

Lesson Plan:

(1) Name(s) of activity(ies)

(2) Objective(s) of the activity(ies)

(3) Type(s) of the activity(ies)

(4) Classroom organization of the activities

(5) Teacher's role(s)

(6) Students'role(s)

(7) Teacher working time

(8) Student working time

(9) Teaching aid(s)

(10) Predicated problem(s)

(11) Solution(s)

(12) Homework

(13) Procedures

A. Pre-

B. While-

C. Post-



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