









1. I can’t help wondering ________ that has made her so excited.

A. what it is B. how it is

C. what is it D. how is it

2.________ his leg was badly injured, the boy managed to attend class every day.

A. If B. Unless

C. Although D. Because

3. Some 40 percent of the hired hands left before they ________ their term of service.

A. finish B. finished

C. would finish D. have finished

4. His best novel was written in ________ he called the “sweet new style” of the language.

A. that B. where

C. what D. which

5. I think if I ________ stay in Italy for another three months, we, Jim and I, might become good friends.

A. will B. shall

C. would D. were to

6. When I arrived she greeted me at the door, her kids all ________ behind.

A. standing B. stood

C. have been standing D. were standing

7. Across the continent of South America ________ the Amazon River.

A. lie B. lies

C. is lying D. lying

8. According to a recent official report, Britain’s economy grew ________ the first quarter of the year.

A. half as fast as B. half faster than

C. half fast as D. as half fast as

9. Mr. Smith fully shares the view of the speaker ________ every man is as good as his neighbor.

A. which B. whom

C. who D. that

10. Henry’s plan was ________ the couple to dinner at a nice restaurant and then ask them for their forgiveness.

A. inviting B. invited

C. to invite D. going to invite

11. Most students make a study plan ________ the beginning of the new term.

A. on B. in

C. from D. at

12. The family found it hard to ________ from the traditions of their own country and adapt to the new environment.

A. break away B. break down

C. break out D. break up

13. Three years ________ a long time to be cut off from contact with your friends.

A. are B. were

C. is D. be

14. I wonder why Alice ________ to us recently. We should have heard from her by now.

A. hasn’t written B. hadn’t written

C. didn’t write D. doesn’t write

15. No fund has been provided to build a system ________ reading fingerprints more efficiently.

A. good at B. keen on

C. concerned for D. capable of

16. Drying is the oldest type of food storage. Drying fruit sometimes ________ a completely new product.

A. turns into B. results in

C. turns from D. results from

17. The police with a group of experts arrived at the ________ of the accident in ten minutes.

A. sight B. point

C. scene D. space

18. The governor spoke to the earthquake victims, ________them that everything would be done to help them rebuild their homes.

A. providing B. assuring

C. comforting D. advising

19. In many countries, there aren’t sufficient water resources ________ for future development.

A. offered B. provided

C. existent D. available

20. The flight has been delayed for four hours ________ the foggy weather.

A. for fear of B. owing to

C. for the sake of D. according to



Passage 1

Long ago, the. Earth was covered in darkness. None of the creatures living there knew what daylight looked like.

One day, all of the animals of the forest gathered together in a cleating (林中空地). They wondered if it would be better to remain in darkness, or if it would be better to also have light. Deer, Chipmunk (花松鼠), Raccoon (浣熊), Wolf, Bear,and many other creatures climbed to the top of the highest mountain. There were no trees on its top, and it was covered only with rocks. Millions of stars shone in the dark sky overhead. The biggest and most powerful animal in the forest was Bear, and he was the first to reach the mountaintop. Bear stood on the highest peak, looked out over the forest below, and argued for remaining in darkness. He said that the creatures of the forest would be able to sleep better in darkness because there would be no light to keep them awake. Most of the other animals were afraid, and they agreed with Bear. Raccoon said that he did not mind the darkness because he was so smart that he could find plenty of food, even in the dark. Wolf was easy to please, too. She didn’t mind the darkness because she could howl in darkness or in light.

But one animal did stand up to Bear. Chipmunk, the smallest of the animals,argued that it would be better to have both light and dark. Chipmunk was very clever. As Bear continued to argue for darkness, she made many good arguments for light.

Slowly, the night passed. Bear grew tired of talking, but Chipmunk chattered on and on, as if she had all of the energy in the world. As the other animals dropped off to sleep, one by one, Chipmunk kept arguing. Finally, the first sunrise ever seen by the animals appeared over the top of the mountain. They woke up and were amazed by what they saw.

Chipmunk began to dance from rock to rock. Bear became angry because he didn’t get his own way. He roared loudly and ran after Chipmunk. He chased Chipmunk all the way down the mountain. Bear was fast, and he reached out his giant paw to grab Chipmunk. Chipmunk got away, but not before Bear managed to scratch her back with his long claws. And that is why, to this day, you can see stripes on Chipmunk’s back!

21. The lesson of this story is that _______.

A. making decisions is difficult

B. there is only one right way to do things

C. one should hold out for what he believes

D. it is always better to go along with the crowd

22. According to the passage, Bear is _______.

A. a good listener B. used to having his own way

C. unsure about what he wants D. well liked by the other animals

23. The word “chattered” (Paragraph 4) means _________.

A. talked quickly B. laughed loudly

C. sang softly D. argued angriIy

24. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Raccoon loved to live in darkness because he was smart.

B. Deer kept quiet because she liked both darkness and light.

C. Wolf liked darkness because she was pleased to howl at night.

D. Chipmunk believed it was better to have both darkness and light.

25. Bear was angry when he saw the sunrise because ________.

A. he loved darkness B. his authority was challenged

C. Chipmunk became the leader D. other animals didn’t listen to him





31. wicked 32. tasteless

33. charming 34. breathing

35. backwards 36. acts

37. entirely 38. courtesy

39. initiate 40. length

41. repair 42. pleasure

43. banquet 44. chemistry

45. conceit 46. beyond

47. among 48. sew

49. because 50. growl

Ⅳ.完形填空。请将你的答案写在答题纸上的相应位置。(本大题共20小题,每小题 0.5分,共10分)














The person I am very close to in my family is my mother. My mother is medium height who always wears a  51  smile on her face. Blue is her favorite color as she thinks it stands for peace and  52 . I think it has a lot to do with her personality. As a music teacher, she is always very  53  and kind to her students. There are quite a few  54  between us. People always say that I look like my mother more than my father. We  55  like listening to the music and watching movies. On weekends, we often go shopping in the  56  or the department stores. But we are also different  57  many ways. My mother is a good gardener. I am not so patient in  58  care of the plants. Besides, my mother can cook many delicious dishes,  59  I can’t cook at all. I have learned from her how to treat people and how to deal  60  problems on my own. She is the one I am close to as she really influences me a lot.


I had planned to stay at this job for only two days. But now I’m going to stay.The exercise is great. The lifting gets easier with every load,  61  if my left shoulder stays sore. I become faster and neater as time goes  62 . I’m outdoors in clean air. And, contrary  63  what people think I don’t get dirty on the job.

I have  64  up my mind, too, to go on saying hello in backyards. It doesn’t  65  any harm, and it still feels fight. Frankly, I’m proud. I’m doing an essemial task, “like a police officer or a fire fighter.” I left this country a little cleaner  66  I found it this morning. Not many people can say that tonight.

John Gardener has said that a society  67  praises its philosophers and looks down on its plumbers is in for  68 . “Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold  69  ,” he wams. He might have gone a step further and called  70  respect for both our economists and our trashmen; otherwise they’ll both leave trash behind.

Ⅴ. 根据所学课文内容完成句子。将你的答案写在答题纸上的相应位置。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)

71. In “Freedom in Dying”, Jim’s bravery and courage in the face of death has taught the author __________.

72. According to “The English Character”, the four typical qualities of the English people are modesty, reserve, sportsmanship and ________.

73. In “The Emotional Bank Account—Secrets of Happy Families”, the author tells us that in relationships, the little things are the big things because they help us to _______.

74. In “I Got My B.A. by Sheer Luck”, the author Walter Pauk said he got full score by sheer luck, but it is actually due to ______. 

75. In “The Joker”, though Henry Ground was believed to be a good-for-nothing, people could not help liking him for ________.

76. In “Hobbyist”, the druggist says that he sells an undetectable poison simply to ________.

77. In Jack London’s short story “Love of Life”, what drove the man to walk on despite all the difficulties and dangers was _________.

78. In “How Dictionaries Are Made”, the author believes that the writing of a dictionary is a task of _________.

79.“Hans Christian Anderson’s Own Fairy Tale” tells the story of how a shoemaker’s son became _________.

80. According to the author of “The Time Message”, time is tricky because it’s ________.














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