







Complete each of the following 15 sentences with the most likely answer. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (1 point each, 15 points in all)

1. the help and support of her peers, Sue would not have suceeded in her project.

A. Besides

B. Regardless of

C. But for

D. Despite

2. The customer insisted on getting of the discount than what she had been offered.

A. thirty percent more

B. thirty more percent

C. more thirty percent

D. more percent thirty

3. Usually, I am sensible with money, as I have to be, I don't ear that much.

A. despite that

B. provided that

C. so that

D. given that

4. Test anxiety can cause nervousness, memory loss and an inability

A. to be concentrating

B. to concentrate

C. concentrated

D. concentrating

5. She was a productive writer; she ten novels when she was awarded the prize.

A. has published

B. have published

C. had published

D. had been published

6. The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point he can walk by himself.

A. that

B. where

C. what :

D. which

7. I admire my math teacher very much. There were very few occasions she stopped working because of ilness.

A. when

B. where

C. which

D. that

8. The girl was so scared that she just wouldn't her grip on her mother's arm.

A. remove

B. dismiss

C. relieve

D. loosen

9. After years of hard work, she has emerged in the first of fashion designers.

A. category

B. circle

C. rank

D. status

10. Due to competitions among travel agencies, travel expenses have been considerably reduced.

A. serious

B. strained

C. critical

D. fierce

11. The wife complained to her husband that much of her time was with housework.

A. taken after

B. taken in

C. taken up

D. taken for

12. Tigers in the circus, though well trained, can attack their trainers.

A. unexpectedly

B. hopelessly

C. reluctantly

D. ilallyl

13. It had rained heavily for a long timne, which completely our summer vacation.

A. destroyed

B. ruined

C. damaged

D. troubled

14. What I just told you is absolutely . Do not let anyone else know of it.

A. intimate

B. individual

C. privileged

D. confidential

15. Though in a big city, the girl prefers the pleasures of country life.

A. raised

B. cultivated

C. fed

D. nurtured



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