








PART 1 Reading Comprehension

DIRECTIONS: In this part, there are 3 passages. Each of them is followed by 5 questions, and to each question, there are four possible answers marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the correct or best answer to each question.(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)

Passage One

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

The flight is fitted with independently mounted oxygen generators throughout the passenger cabin and crew areas. These generators supply oxygen masks that drop from compartments in the overhead panels. The masks are designed to be fitted over the nose and mouth. Once activated, each generator is capable of supplying a flow of oxygen to the masks that serves for a minimum of 15 minutes.

The passenger cabin masks are stored behind module doors above the seats. The doors are held closed by electrically operated latches. The latches are powered by the 115 V AC buses 1, 2, and 3. If the cabin pressure decreases below a value equivalent to the standard pressure at 14,400 feet, the latches release and the doors fall open, allowing the masks to drop. The doors can also be selected open by the pilots through a switch in the cockpit. The aircraft was equipped with 148 oxygen generators. There were three sizes of oxygen generators installed; each served either two, three, or four masks.

1. The passenger cabin masks are stored behind module doors ______ the seats.

A. above B. below

C. beside D. on

2. The aircraft mentioned was equipped with ______ sizes of oxygen generators.

A. three B. two

C. four D. only one

3. Each generator throughout the passengers and crew area is capable of supplying a flow of oxygen to the masks that serves for a minimum of ______ minutes.

A. 64 B.119

C.15 D. none is right

4. The passenger oxygen is supplied from ______.

A. independently mounted oxygen generators

B. aluminum, high-pressure oxygen cylinders

C. stainless steel lines

D. some masks

5. Module doors in the passenger cabin are held closed ______.

A. by the cabin pressure

B. by electrically operated latches

C. by the pilots and cabin attendants

D. by the passengers themselves

Passage Two

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

All aircraft are equipped with a communication and an entertainment system. The communication system is the cabin intercommunication data system. It includes the interphone system and the passenger address system. The entertainment system provides the passengers with varied and interesting videos, films and audio programs during the flight.

The function of the interphone is to provide communication and call facilities between: cockpit crew and cabin attendants, cockpit crew and ground service staff, cabin attendants and cabin attendants, cabin and ground service staff. Each main cabin attendant station is equipped with an attendant handset, which is accessible to attendants while strapped in their seats.

The passenger address system allows cabin announcements to be made to passengers through loudspeakers. It can be operated from the cockpit or from the cabin. The pre-recorded announcement and boarding music are transmitted to the passengers through the passenger address system. Five minutes before boarding, cabin attendants check the boarding music for the correct volume. The music is played until five minutes before takeoff but not during the flights. The announcements are also transmitted to the passengers through the headsets from the passenger entertainment system.

The passenger entertainment system transmits pre-recorded audio and video programs to the passengers. The passengers can hear the audio programs through the headsets connected to the passenger control units. The passenger entertainment system comprises audio reproducers and the passenger control unit. Each of the audio reproducers gives a number of different music programs from tape cassettes or compact disks by using the passenger entertainment system music controller. The passenger control unit is installed on the armrest of each seat.

6. A communication system includes ______.

A. the interphone system and the passenger address system

B. the audio programs and passenger control system

C. the passenger control system and music controller

D. the pre-recorded audio and video programs

7. The entertainment system provides the passengers with ______.

A. videos B. films

C. audio programs D. All above

8. The passenger address system allows cabin announcements to be made to passengers through ______ .

A. audio programs B. call button

C. headsets D. loudspeakers

9. The passenger entertainment system transmits ______ to the passengers.

A. the interphone system and the passenger address system

B. pre-recorded audio and video programs

C. the passenger control system and music controller

D. the audio programs and passenger control system

10. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The passenger entertainment system comprises audio reproducers and the passenger control unit.

B. Each main cabin attendant station is equipped with an attendant handset, which is accessible to attendants while strapped in their seats.

C. The passenger control unit is installed on the armrest of each seat.

D. Fifteen minutes before boarding, cabin attendants check the boarding music for the correct volume.

Passage Three

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

Duty free sales are very important to Airlines. They represent eight percent of the total world trade of duty free sales. However, last year represented a reduction of 0.3% from the previous year. 1999 was a year of uncertain changes. After the strong sales of the previous two years, global duty and tax-free sales showed some decline. Although it is a global industry, there are major changes in performance in different regions of the world. Sales in the Asia region continued to grow slower than had been expected; the elimination of tax free sales within the European Union had a dramatic effect on sales. The region that showed the biggest growth last year was the America. Next year, sales are expected to reach US$6.4 billion. This optimistic growth is well spread among all channels—airports, airlines, border shops, downtown shops etc.

Asia is feeling the cold wind of economic crisis and uncertain consumer attitudes. Suppliers and Airline and Airport operators will experience difficulties in budgeting for next year. Sales of perfume and premium whisky and brandy continue to be under pressure. Tobacco products showed some progress, but most growth was coming from the newer product categories such as chocolates and sweets, electronics and a smaller growth in jewelry sales. The ever increasing and changing range of products of the industry and the continued growth of retail outlets for travelers were key issues in the past year and showed no sign of changing in next year’s duty free goods.

11. Airlines duty free sales ______.

A. declined to eight percent

B. decreased by about eight percent

C. last year increased by 0.3 percent

D. were increasingly important

12. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The year before last year was a good year for duty free sales.

B. Last year was a good year for duty free sales.

C. This year was a good year for duty free sales.

D. This year is an uncertain year for sales.

13. The region that showed biggest growth last year was ______.

A. South America B. North America

C. both A and B D. Australia

14. The optimistic sales incomes in the America will come from ______.

A. airports and airlines B. border shops

C. downtown shops D. all of the above

15. The duty free sales this year ______.

A. declined partly resulted in Asian economic crisis

B. decreased with respect to tobacco

C. increased with respect to perfume

D. increased with respect to premium spirits

PART 2 Translation

DIRECTIONS: In this part, there are ten sentences written in English. Translate these sentences into Chinese. Each of the sentences is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Make the best choice.(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)

16. Dignity, warmth and a sincere liking for people are the best qualities.

A. 尊重他人、为人热情、乐于助人是乘务员应具备的最优秀的品质。

B. 尊重自己,为人开朗、服务热情是衡量乘务员最好的品质的方面。

C. 尊重他人、助人为乐、为人热情是衡量乘务员最好的品质的方面。

D. 保持自己的尊严、为人热情而真诚是乘务员应具备的最优秀的品质。

17. Cabin attendants should ensure that infants are seated so that there are sufficient oxygen masks for all of the passenger in the row.

A. 乘务员要确保婴儿在座位上,这样能保证机上所有的乘客能充分使用氧气面罩。

B. 乘务员要确保婴儿要坐好,确保机上所有的乘客能充分使用氧气面罩。

C. 乘务员要确保婴儿要坐好,以便有足够的氧气面罩供应给每一排所有的乘客。

D. 乘务员要帮助婴儿坐好,以便有足够的氧气面罩供应给每一排所有的乘客。

18. They must also prepare the newspapers and moveable parts like carts are locked so that they will not slide while taking off.

A. 他们还要准备报纸,活动部件如手推车已固定住,这样,在起飞时就不至于滑动。

B. 他们还要准备报纸,手推车是否已固定住,这样,在起飞时就不至于滑动。

C. 他们还要准备报纸,手推车是否已固定住,这样在起飞和降落前就不至于滑动。

D. 他们还要准备报纸,活动部件如手推车已固定住,这样在起飞和降落前就不至于滑动。

19. This means that they must watch the passengers as they stow their carry-on luggage and sit down.

A. 这意味着乘务员看着乘客放好随身包裹然后坐下。

B. 这就是看着乘客放好交运行李坐下。

C. 这意味着乘务员需要认真地看着乘客放置东西。

D. 这意味着乘务员需要仔细地看着乘客放下东西。

 20. The quality of the food and the service play a big part in determining the passenger’s overall impression and hence the likelihood of him wanting to choose the airline again.

A. 食品和服务的质量起重要部分,乘客对航空公司的总体印象会提升,乘客会一直选择这家航空公司。

B. 食品和服务的质量起着重要作用,决定了乘客对航空公司的总体印象,乘客就此有可能会再次选择这家航空公司。

C. 食品和服务的质量至关重要,这会直接影响乘客对航空公司的总体印象,也会影响乘客会一直选择这家航空公司。

D. 食品质量起着最重要角色作用,决定了乘客对航空公司的总体印象,乘客就此有可能会再次选择这家航空公司。

21. However, the most dramatic change is seen in a variety of other goods—fashion, gifts, jewelry, etc. which are now available.

A. 然而,最大的变化是各种其他的商品——时尚品、手链、珠宝等,这些现在都可以买到。

B. 因此,突出的变化是各种其他的商品——时尚品、手链、珠宝等,这些现在都可以买到。

C. 因此,最大的变化是各种商品如流行品、礼物、珠宝等,这些现在都到处可以见到。

D. 然而,最大的变化是各种其他的商品——时尚品、礼物、珠宝等,这些现在都可以买到。

22. Any valuables should be kept with you at all times.

A. 请放好有价值的东西。

B. 有价值的东西要一直保存好。

C. 贵重物品请您放好。

D. 贵重物品应随身携带。

23. The passengers must be shown how to fasten, adjust and release their seat belts.

A. 乘务员必须会系紧、校正、松开他们的安全带。

B. 乘务员必须帮助乘客系、调整、松开安全带。

C. 乘务员必须示范怎么系、调整、松开安全带。

D. 乘务员必须了解如何系紧、校正、松开他们的安全带。

24. All exits are equipped with exit signs above and adjacent to the exits.

A. 所有出口的上方和附近都配备有出口标志。

B. 所有的出口标志都配备在最近的地方。

C. 所有的安全门以及附近的地方都显示出口标志。

D. 所有的出口标志都显示在最近的地方。

25. Major airports provide a wide range of facilities for the convenience of millions of air travelers.

A. 大型机场配备有大量的设施来方便数百万旅行者。

B. 国际机场配备有大量的安全来方便数百万旅行者。

C. 国际机场具备有大量的设施来方便数百万旅行者。

D. 大型机场配备有大量的安全设施来方便数百万旅行者。




PART 3 Proper Nouns & Terms

DIRECTIONS: In this part, there are 10 proper nouns & terms. Please match the proper nouns & terms with the Chinese meaning.(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)

26. aisle A. 晕机

27. aviation industry B.飞行导航设备

28. flight deck C. 安检

29. run-way D. 对讲机

30. vegetarian E. 时刻表

31. nausea F. 过道

32. schedule G. 素食者

33. interphone H. 跑道

34. security check I. 驾驶舱

35. flight navigation equipment J. 航空业

PART 4 Cloze Test

DIRECTIONS: In this part, the words and phrases are missing in the following paragraph. Choose the most appropriate words from the following FORM.(w本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)



If a passenger wants to travel by 36 , he can purchase a ticket in advance at the airline booking office or its 37 , or on the world-wide web, “the internet”, according to relevant regulations. A domestic passenger purchasing a 38 , needs to produce an “Inhabitant

39 Card” or other 40 identity certificate and fill in the “Passenger Reservation Record”. A foreigner needs to produce a valid passport, or 41 valid identity card. An issued ticket is valid only for the passenger 42 name appears on the ticket. It is not transferable. A passenger taking an international or regional 43 must arrive at the designated airport 90 minutes before the scheduled time of the flight departure. This is needed for the 44 to have his ticket, passport, visa and any other travel documents 45 at check-in and to go through exit procedures.



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