


PART1 Proper Nouns & Terms

DIRECTIONS:In this part, there are 10 proper nouns & terms. Please match the propernouns & terms with the Chinese meaning.(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)

()1. professional image A. 售票处

()2. boarding card B. 行李领取区

()3. fuselage C. 职业形象

()4. low salt meal D. 远程航班

()5. maintenance personnel E. 平衡,配重

()6. Baggage Claim Area F. 机身

()7. deep shock G. 深度昏迷

()8. long-range flight H. 低盐食品

()9. booking office I. 维修人员

()10. weight-and-balance J. 登机牌

PART2 Reading Comprehension

DIRECTIONS:In this part, there are 3 passages. Each of them is followed by 5 questions, andto each question, there are four possible answers marked with A, B, C, D. Pleasechoose the correct or best answer to each question. (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)


Cabinattendants need to see that passenger seat belts are fastened tightly and thatno smoking rule is observed. Then they will report the result of this check tothe purser. Special care must be taken in checking the seat belts of certaintypes of passengers, especially the elderly, handicapped passengers,unaccompanied minors and others.

Whenthere are infants among the passengers, cabin attendants should ensure thatinfants are seated so that there are sufficient oxygen masks for all thepassengers in the row. For small children, it is recommended that a blanket beplaced behind them so that the seat belt can hold them more securely.

Otherchecks that must be made are: confirming that all compartments, carts andcontainers are locked and that they are secured by stoppers where these arefitted; confirming that window shades are open for take-off, and that all traysare stowed and the seat backs are in the upright position.

11.Before taking off, cabin attendants do the safety check and inform ______ of theresult.( )

A.the captain

B.the purser

C.the controller

D.the flight engineer

12.When checking the seat belts of passengers, cabin attendants should take specialcare of______.( )

A.the elderly

B.handicapped passengers

C.unaccompanied minors

D.All of the above

13.Which of the following statement is NOT true?( )

A.Cabin attendants can give the small children a blanket to place behind them.

B.Passengers must fasten their seat belts tightly when taking off.

C.When in an emergency, the infants can not have enough oxygen masks.

D.Unaccompanied minors are permitted to travel by air alone.

14.Other checks should be made before take-off except______.( )

A.confirming that all compartments are locked

B.confirming that all carts and containers are empty

C.confirming that window shades are open

D.confirming that all trays are stowed

15.For take-off, passengers’ seat backs should be______.( )

A.in the upright position

B.inclined forward

C.very clean

D.kept balance


Dutyfree sales are very important to Airlines. They represent eight percent of thetotal world trade of duty free sales. However, last year represented a reductionof 0.3% from the previous year. 1999 was a year of uncertain changes. After thestrong sales of the previous two years, global duty and tax-free sales showedsome decline. Although it is a global industry, there are major changes inperformance in different regions of the world. Sales in the Asia regioncontinued to grow slower than had been expected, the elimination of tax freesales within the European Union had a dramatic effect on sales. The region thatshowed the biggest growth last year was the America. Next year, sales areexpected to reach US$6.4 billion. This optimistic growth is well spread amongall channels——airports, airlines, border shops, downtown shops etc.

16.Airlines duty free sales ______ of the total world trade of duty free sales.()

A.decline to eight percent

B.decreased by about eight percent

C.last year increased by 0.3 percent

D.represent eight percent

17.Which of the following is NOT true? ( )

A.The year before last was a good year for duty free sales.

B.Last year was a good year for duty free sales.

C.This year was a good year for duty free sales.

D.This year is an uncertain year for sales.

18.The region that showed biggest growth last year was the______.( )


B.European Union



19.Duty free sales of the America are expected to reach______ the next year.( )

A.64,000,000,000 dollars

B.6,400,000,000 dollars

C.640,000,000 dollars

D.64,000,000 dollars

20.The optimistic sales incomes in the America will come from______.( )

A.airports and airlines

B.border shops

C.downtown shops

D.All of the above


TheBoeing 747-400 airplane has reached its cruising altitude of 10 000 meters andcruising (巡航)speed of 900 km per hour on its way from London to Beijing. Thepurser has announced that the passengers are now free to unfasten their seatbelts and move around the cabin,however ,passengers should keep their seat beltsfastened when seated.

Thepassenger cabin layout consists of three sections. The 747-400 is unique inhaving two decks; on the upper deck, behind the flight crew there is the firstclass section. On the lower deck, at the front, the business class section, forpassengers who pay the full fare: while behind is the much larger economysection for passengers who have special cheap rate tickets.

Thestewards and stewardesses—14 in all—are now busy around the galleys. A choice ofdrinks, followed by dinner, video entertainment including a film and finallybreakfast in the morning is the order of service. Individual headphones aredistributed, and these, when plugged in to the arm of the seat—give a variety ofin-flight musical programs. Also in the arm of the seat are the controls for apersonal reading light, fresh air control and call button.

Dinneris served on special prepared trays, perhaps prawn cocktail, followed by achoice of roast chicken or braised steak with chocolate mousse to finish. Thechicken and beef has been heated in the special microwave ovens in the galleys.It is hard to believe that a hot, three-course meal can be served while theplane is flying at this altitude and speed.

Dinnerover, the cabin lights are dimmed, the blinds by the windows are drawn, thescreens unfold and the film begins. Now, for the first time the cabin crew takeit in turns to have a rest while the passengers watch the film or snoozedreaming of arriving in Beijing in the morning.

21.When the plane is flying, the passengers______ when seated. ( )

A.are free to talk

B.are free to come into the flight deck

C.are advised to fasten their seatbelts

D.must unfasten the seatbelts

22.The passenger cabin layout consists of three sections. They are the followingexcept ______.( )

A.the first class

B.the cockpit

C.the business class

D.the economy class

23.During the flight, the cabin attendants should do the following except ______.()

A.collect the passengers’ passports

B.serve the drinks

C.serve the meals

D.give out headsets

24.Before the meal, the cabin attendants should heat ______ in the ovens in thegalley. ( )

A.the chocolate mousse

B.the salad

C.the chicken and beef

D.the snack

25.During the film, the cabin attendants will ______.( )

A.wake up the passengers so they don’t miss the film

B.watch the film with the passengers

C.have a chat in the cabin

D.have a rest in turn

PART3 Cloze Test

DIRECTIONS:In this part, the words and phrases are missing in the following paragraph.Choose the most appropriate words from the following FORM.(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)











Thepassenger address system allows cabin announcements to be made to passengersthrough loudspeakers. It can be operated from the cockpit or from the cabin. Thepre-recorded announcement and boarding music are 26 to the passengers throughthe passenger address system. Five minutes 27 boarding, cabin attendants checkthe boarding music for the correct

28The music is played 29 five minutes before take-off but not during the flights.The passenger entertainment system transmits pre-recorded audio and 30 programsto the passengers. The passengers can hear the audio programs through theheadsets 31 to the passenger control unit. The passenger entertainment system 32audio reproducers and the passenger control unit. Each of the audio reproducersgives a 33 of different music programs from tape cassettes or compact disks by34 the passenger entertainment system music controller. The passenger controlunit is 35 on the armrest of each seat.

 PART4 Translation

DIRECTIONS:In this part, there are ten sentences written in English. Translate thesesentences into Chinese. Each of the sentences is followed by four choices ofsuggested translation marked A, B, C, and D. Make the best choice.(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)

36.They must provide a courteous and efficient service to the passengers.( )





37.Please refrain from smoking. ( )





38.Your life vests are stowed under your seat, and the magazines are in theseatback pockets. ( )





39.Your carry-on luggage must not exceed the regulated weight. ( )





40.Lunch and dinner consist of basically the same dishes. ( )





41.Liquor and tobacco sales have continued to grow in volume. ( )





42.Adjust the volume pushbutton to the proper place you like. ( )





43.Cabin attendants must show the passengers how to fasten, adjust and releasetheir seat belts.( )





44.As we all know, there is emergency and survival equipment on board all aircraft.( )





45.Modern airports provide such facilities as runways, apron, and passengerterminal areas, etc..( )







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