resengle是什么意思 resengle的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:”to read the first pages of the novel by Benjamin Constant,” (我尝试着阅读贡斯当的小说 tentant de lire les premières pages doman de B. Constant,)


例句:It’s not high res satellite but there appear to be a number of vehicles and bodies nearby but we have no idea what they are. (不是高速率卫星,但是… 看起来附近有一些的车辆和人, 但是我们不知道是些什么)


1. Would you prefer I’d be childish, self-centered or make grimaces? (翻译:你更喜欢我幼稚自私的时候吗 Tu préfères quand je suis puéril, égocentrique?)

2. To me, the two most important people in my life are my mother and Paul Engle (翻译:我是觉得我一生最重要的人 是我母亲和保罗安格尔)

3. But the torta de milanesa de res—or breaded beef cutlet sandwich—was the highlight. (翻译:不过,夹着炸牛肉排的饼——或者说裹着面包屑的炸牛肉片三明治——才是这顿饭的亮点。)

4. Jan Engle, professor of pharmacy at the College of pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago. (翻译:扬•恩格尔,伊利诺伊大学药学院教授,芝加哥。)

5. Count Fernando D’Aillieres, at your service. (翻译:费尔南多・孔德德Aillières为您服务。)

6. Old habits die hard, and if you guys still want to meet for your early morning chats, then this table has a standing res in my name. (翻译:俗话说 旧习难改 如果你们还是想每天早上见面的话 这张桌子我已订下来)

7. According to such provisions, is it possible to violate the general principle of res judicate? (翻译:根据这些规定,有可能违反既判力的一般原则吗? )

8. That’s equivalent to a constellation of 12 satellites at highest res capacity. (翻译:那相当于一个12个卫星的星座用最高清分辨率拍摄的数据量. )

9. Suspect on a bike heading east of South Hampton up a mile from the Res’ (翻译:嫌犯朝向南汉普顿东部骑,离保留区还一英里)

10. That’s equivalent to a constellation of 12 satellites at highest res capacity. (翻译:那相当于一个12个卫星的星座用最高清分辨率拍摄的数据量.)

11. If οne and all we keep resοlutely faithful tο it, then, with Gοd’s help, we shall… prevail. (翻译:如果我们大家坚定信念 上帝会保佑,我们必将获胜)

12. The major measures against APR are striking out a suit or an appeal, fine, fee of the suit and overturning of res judicata. (翻译:对APR进行预防和处罚的措施主要有:驳回起诉或上诉、罚款、承担诉讼费用、推翻既判力等。)

13. Res ipsa loquitur does not normally entail a presumption of the defendant’s fault, nor a shift in the burden of proof. (翻译:事实自证制度通常并不涉及对被告过错的推定,也不必定导致举证责任的倒置。)

14. Iowa is made special not so much by the program but by Paul Engle and Hualing (翻译:那我一直觉得 这是爱荷华很特别 可是我不觉得是这个项目)

15. RES means research, and 360 means he was the 360th specimen over the course of about 10 years. (翻译:RES是指“研究”, 360是指他是 整个项目进行xx年来 第360个样本。)

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