producing reserves是什么意思 producing reserves的中文翻译、读音、例句

producing reserves通常被翻译为”动用可开采储量”的意思,还经常被翻译为动用可开采储量,发音音标为[producingreserves],producing reserves在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到87个与producing reserves相关的句子。

Producing reserves的翻译


例句:They’d love to see all the Negroes in America living on the reserves. (他们很乐意看到所有的黑人 在美国生活的储备。)


producing reserves一般作为名词使用,如在producing(a. 生产的)、reserves(n. 储量, 后备队\n[经] 准备金)、the reserves([网络] 准备金;预备队;银行储备金)等常见短语中出现较多。

producing a. 生产的
reserves n. 储量, 后备队\n[经] 准备金
the reserves [网络] 准备金;预备队;银行储备金
disease producing 致病
executive producing [网络] 执行制作
light producing 发光
power producing adj. 生产动力的
producing area 开采面积,采区
producing capacity [化] 产量\n[经] 生产能力, 产量


1. ♪ Infiltration push reserves ♪ (翻译:* Infiltration push reserves *)

2. CIMA reserves the rights to adjust the agenda. (翻译:CIMA保有对议程进行调整的权利。)

3. And we’re doing this on the second largest oil reserves on the planet. (翻译:这就是我们在世上第二大 石油蕴藏地所做的事 )

4. No, one that we’re producing. (翻译:我演的一部电影? 不,我们现在拍的那部。)

5. The tiny raptors can go no further until they build up their fat reserves… (翻译:The tiny raptors can go no further 直到获得足够的脂肪贮备 until they build up their fat reserves. 这些小型猛禽才能继续迁徙)

6. The term ” unearned premium reserves” refers to the reserves made by an insurer for unexpired non-life insurance liabilities. (翻译:未到期责任准备金,是指保险人为尚未终止的非寿险保险责任提取的准备金。)

7. It enables an estimate to be made of the reserves, including sphalerite. (翻译:它可以用来估计包括闪锌矿在内的储量。)

8. It is mainly used for producing epoxy ethane with ethylene, formaldehyde with methanol and producing ethylene glycol. (翻译:银作催化剂用的场合不多,主要用于乙烯氧化制环氧乙烷、甲醇氧化制甲醛及乙二醇的生产。)

9. KWNC reserves the right to withdraw any program. (翻译:本学院有权撤销开办任何课程。)

10. She feeds the larvae by regurgitating from her fat reserves. (翻译:它把身体储存的脂肪反刍出来给幼蚁喂食。)

11. Whitehead draws a distinction between cash reserves and emergency reserves. (翻译:Whitehead区分了现金储备和应急储备金。)

12. To move is risky, it will tap into their now dwindling energy reserves. (翻译:要移动必须冒风险 会耗费它们不断消减的能量)

13. Bearing or producing bulbs or bulbils. (翻译:拥有或产生球茎、球根。)

14. The normal Kriging is a reformation and innovation to the traditional calculation of reserves . (翻译:正态化克立格法是对传统储量计算方法的改革和创新。)

15. Reserve distribution model can better calculate the reserves of badaowan formation of group 7, which can better reflect heterogeneity of reserves distribution in the work area. (翻译:利用储量分布模型核算的七区八道湾组油藏储量更加准确,更能反映该区储量分布的非均质性。)

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