personal correction的中文解释是”网络、人因误差修正”,还经常被翻译为人差修正,读音为[personalcorrection],personal correction是一个英语名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到19个与personal correction相关的例句。
Personal correction的中文翻译
例句:We have to make it personal now. (你必须谨慎行事 We have to make it personal now.)
例句:evolution,humanity,personal growth,science,self (evolution,humanity,personal growth,science,self)
例句:I signed up for something called the Personal Genome Project. (我签署了一个叫Personal Genome的项目)
例句:He handles their itineraries, their personal needs. (翻译:their personal needs.)
personal correction一般作为名词使用,如在correction(改正 )、no correction(无须更正)、personal(个人的 )等常见短语中出现较多。
correction | 改正 |
no correction | 无须更正 |
personal | 个人的 |
difference correction | [计] 差分校正 |
differential correction | 差动[微分]修正 |
digital correction | 数字校正 |
dip correction | 俯仰角修正 |
directional correction | 方位校正 |
downwash correction | 下洗流修正 |
1. I signed up for something called the Personal Genome Project. (翻译:我签署了一个叫Personal Genome的项目)
2. He handles their itineraries, their personal needs. (翻译:their personal needs.)
3. Consider it a personal favor. (翻译:就当是帮我们个忙 Consider it a personal favor.)
4. Correction, ladies and gentlemen. (翻译:纠正 女士们先生们 Correction, ladies and gentlemen.)
5. Their personal valet and trainer. (翻译:预定了豪华套房 their personal valet and trainer.)
6. Putting personal feelings aside. (翻译:no.. no! Putting personal feelings aside.)
7. There are some programming errors that need correction. (翻译:有一些程序错误需要改正。)
8. My own personal invention: (翻译:我的个人发明 My own personal invention:)
9. The gravity data processing includes displacement rectification, normal field correction, Eotvos rectification, Bouguer correction and Grany anomaly correction. (翻译:重力资料内业整理包括零点位移校正、正常场改正、厄特渥斯校正、布格改正及格莱尼异常改正等。)
10. And your girlfriend, correction, robotic girlfriend. (翻译:还有你的女朋友 不对 是机器人女朋友 And your girlfriend, correction, robotic girlfriend.)
11. If the much-feared correction is over, then investors are still waiting for the kind of 10% correction that normally punctuates a rally. (翻译:如果更为吓人的整理结束了的话,接下来投资者还得等候那个通常标志着回升的接近10%的整理。)
12. A personal letter from the Prime Minister. (翻译:首相写来的私人信件 A personal letter from the Prime Minister.)
13. It might look like a personal attack. (翻译:It might look like a personal attack.)
14. Retainers, personal donations, special discounts. (翻译:聘金 私人捐献 特别折扣 Retainers, personal donations, special discounts.)
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中国自考网 » personal correction是什么意思 personal correction的中文翻译、读音、例句