myristylate是什么意思 myristylate的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Ty, you mentioned the last time you saw your father, he was working a wedding? (Ty 你说上次见到你父亲时 他在一个婚礼上工作?)

例句:Well, what are they doing there so late? (他们怎么这么晚? Well, what are they doing there so late?)


1. Yeah, I know where I work. (翻译:Max今天得迟到了 Max is going to be late today)

2. Youse are going to be late. (翻译:Youse are going to be late.)

3. Well, better late than never. (翻译:better late than never.)

4. ♪ Late one night I awoke from a dream (翻译:# Late one night I awoke from a dream)

Willow, but we were too late. (翻译:but we were too late.)

6. “trying” being the operative word. (翻译:你经常熬夜吗 Did you often stay up late?)

7. Is it too late to get it sugar-coated? (翻译:来不及听好消息了? Is it too late to get it sugarcoated?)

8. Please, too little, too late. (翻译:算了吧 晚了 Please, too little, too late.)

9. Ty Cobb, a rival baseball star, was even ruder. (翻译:泰•科布是洋基对手球队的棒球明星,甚至有些粗鲁。)

10. We arrived 15 minutes late. (翻译:- Yeah. Yeah. We arrived 50 minutes late.)

11. The late nights are getting to me. (翻译:The late nights are getting to me.)

12. I was afraid I was too late. (翻译:I was afraid I was too late.)

13. Late tonight or tomorrow morning. (翻译:我会带来 Late tonight or tomorrow morning.)

14. I think it’s, uh, inventory night, so probably not till really late. (翻译:so probably not till really late.)

15. But, after you convert it into MYR, that’s not really the case then. (翻译:但是如果我们转换过去我们的货币价值,就不会觉得真的很便宜了。)

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