星团用英语怎么说 星团的英语翻译

星团的英语为”  sust”,还经常被译作  [天] cer,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到59个与星团相关的译文和例句。


1.   sust

星团翻译为   sust。

Globular cers once ruled the Milky Way.


2.   [天] cer

星团翻译为   [天] cer。

示例:如果 NGC 4258 的中心是一个星团,恒星之间的距离会非常近,以至于在很久以前单个恒星之间的碰撞就会把星团撕裂。
If the center of NGC 4258 were a star cer, the stars would be so closely spaced that collisions between individual stars would have long ago torn the cer apart.


3.   Praesepe

星团翻译为   Praesepe。

Galaxies tend to clump together in cers.


4. star cer

星团翻译为star cer。

示例:Silver Star. Navy Cross. Purple Heart with cer.
获银星奖 海军十字奖 紫心勋章加饰徽



1. star cer(星团)

2. star dust(星团)

3. stellar cer(星团)

4. open cer(疏散星团,银河星团)

5. open cers( 疏散星团;开放式星团;开放星团)


Tzium Cer ( 猎户四边形星团 )

globular cer globular star cers ( 球状星团 天 )

open cer open star cer galactic cer ( 疏散星团 天 )

seulaset zevengesternte Pleiadvertes ( 昴宿星团 )

Arches Cer ( 圆拱星团 )

Hyades Cer ( 毕宿星团 )

Butterfly Cer ( 蝴蝶星团 )

Double Cer ( 双星团 天 )

Quintuplet cer ( 五合星团 )


1. (Adama)each raptor could lead a civilian ship through the cer.


2. Since galaxy cers are representative slices of the universe, scaled-down versions.

译文:因为星团可以看做 是宇宙的缩小版。

3. Now, by showing you some of these images, i hope that you will quickly see that galaxy cers are these beautiful objects, but more than that, i think galaxy cers are mysterious, they are surprising, and they’re useful.

译文:现在通过展示这些图片 希望你已经看到 星团是很美丽的东西 都不止于此 我认为星团是神秘的 它们让人惊奇 而且它们很有用。

4. Virgo cer, unknown planetary m.


5. But there was one particularly gorgeous group of stars known to the Ancient Greeks and to us today as the Pleiades, a star cer formed about 100 million years ago.

译文:除了一组特定的美丽星团 But there was one particularly gorgeous group of stars 从古希腊人到现在的我们都叫它 known to the Ancient Greeks and to us today 昴宿星团 as the Pleiades。

6. Globular cers aren’t the only groups of stars orbiting the Milky Way.

译文:原球状星团 不是绕银河运行的唯一星团.。

7. Globular cers are really fascinating groups of stars.

译文:原球状星团 是非常漂亮迷人的恒星群.。

8. Once we get through the star cer, you will all be returned to your designated ships.

译文:当我们通过星团 你们就可以返回原来所在的飞船。

9. There’s not solution with a single jump?

译文:是否可能只跳跃一次? 不行 这个星团太大了。

10. We peered into globular star cers that hang over the galaxy like starry chandeliers.

译文:我们凝望着球状星团 那就像银河上星光灿烂的吊灯。

11. i was some Ray Barone “groupie”?

译文:Ray Barone的”追星团员”。

12. You’re really stepping into an all-star team.


13. Christa, you see that star cer?

译文:克里斯塔, 你看到的星团。

14. Orion and Sirius constellations?


15. Here are some images of cers of galaxies.


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