process control compiler是什么意思 process control compiler的中文翻译、读音、例

process control compiler在中文中有”计”的意思,还经常被翻译为进程控制编译程序,读音为[processcontrolcompiler],process control compiler来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到91个与process control compiler相关的句子。

Process control compiler的中文翻译


例句:Evaluate quality control situation for each work process . Publish the quality control result termly. (评估各生产工序质量控制状况。定期通报各工序的质量控制结果。)


例句:Youngberry, excellent control. (Youngberry, excellent control.)


process control compiler一般作为名词使用,如在compiler(编译程序 )、in process control(过程质量控制)、process control([计] 过程控制\n[化] 工艺程序的控制; 工艺管理)等常见短语中出现较多。

compiler 编译程序
in process control 过程质量控制
process control [计] 过程控制\n[化] 工艺程序的控制; 工艺管理
digit process control [自] 数字式过程控制
digital process control 数字程序控制;数字过程控制;数字顺序控制
electronic process control [自] 电子过程控制
fear control process 恐惧控制过程
industrial process control [计] 工业过程控制
keyboard control process 键盘控制处理


1. We must respect the process. (翻译:We must respect the process.)

2. And what they want is me, back under their control. (翻译:back under their control.)

3. Of whatever process transported the plane here? (翻译:造成了这些死亡 of whatever process transported the plane here?)

4. Control of the debinding process. (翻译:脱脂过程的控制。)

5. Brother, you got no control at all! (翻译:you got no control at all!)

6. In the front end of the compiler, the internal representation for GIMPLE was redefined, meaning that the compiler consumes less memory. (翻译:在编译器的前端,GIMPLE的内部表示被重新定义,这意味着编译器将消耗更少的内存。)

7. Switch from your current Java compiler to the AspectJ “ajc” compiler, which also compiles Java code. (翻译:从当前Java编译器切换到AspectJ的“ajc”编译器,它也可以编译Java代码。)

8. – The cleansing process is complete? (翻译:- 清除计划完成了吗 -没有 – The cleansing process is complete?)

9. The Process Control and Increase of Products Quality–Analyzing the Process Control of Wuhan Bluestar Computer Co, Ltd. (翻译:论过程控制与产品质量的提高–武汉蓝星电脑集团有限公司质量过程控制分析。)

10. yacc: yet another compiler compiler (翻译:yacc:另一个编译器的编译器 )

11. That’s fine for the compiler. (翻译:这对编译器来说是很好的。)

12. Control the flow of information. (翻译:Control the flow of information.)

13. A text editor and a Haskell compiler. (翻译:一个编辑器和一个编译器。)

14. Ccache ACTS as a cache to the compiler. (翻译:ccache用作编译器的缓存。)

15. QC FQC IPQC OQC quality control final quality control in process quality control output quality control (翻译:品质管理人员终点品质管制人员制程中的品质管制人员最终出货品质管制人员)

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