prunus triloba是什么意思 prunus triloba的中文翻译、读音、例句

prunus triloba在中文中有”榆叶梅、网络”的意思,还有红花榆叶梅的意思,发音音标为[prunustriloba],prunus triloba是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到46个与prunus triloba相关的句子。

Prunus triloba的释义


例句:In this study the extraction technology and the stability of Prunus salicina Lind were investigated. (对西梅果皮色素的提取工艺及其稳定性进行了研究。)

例句:The main factors effecting browning were PPO and POD in the Prunus mume juice during processing. (PPO和POD是青梅果汁加工中褐变的主要影响因素;)


例句:Relationship between transpiration character of Prunus armeniaca and environmental factors under different soil moisture (不同土壤水分条件下山杏的蒸腾特性与影响因子)


例句:And he – Prunus padus, was the son of a wealthy landowner. (翻译:而他 – -稠李, 是一个富有地主的儿子.)


prunus triloba一般作为名词使用,如在Prunus triloba([网络] 榆叶梅;红花榆叶梅;李属)、triloba([网络] 榆叶梅;三裂叶薯;三裂瓣狸藻)、Prunus triloba Lindl.([医] 截形榆叶梅)等常见短语中出现较多。

Prunus triloba [网络] 榆叶梅;红花榆叶梅;李属
triloba [网络] 榆叶梅;三裂叶薯;三裂瓣狸藻
Prunus triloba Lindl. [医] 截形榆叶梅
lecanorchis triloba 三裂皿兰
placenta triloba [医] 三叶胎盘
porcellanella triloba 三叶小瓷蟹
Primula triloba n. 三裂叶报春
Prunus [医] 李属
genus Prunus [网络] 梅属;李属;樱属
prunus alleghanienses [网络] 杏李\n(prunus alleghaniensis 的复数)


1. Relationship between transpiration character of Prunus armeniaca and environmental factors under different soil moisture (翻译:不同土壤水分条件下山杏的蒸腾特性与影响因子)

2. And he – Prunus padus, was the son of a wealthy landowner. (翻译:而他 – -稠李, 是一个富有地主的儿子.)

3. Objective: to optimize the preparation process and to set up the quality standard of Prunus armeniaca dispensing granules. (翻译:目的:优化苦杏仁配方颗粒制备工艺,并建立苦杏仁配方颗粒质量标准。)

4. This article was created to meet the increasing demand for information on cultivation of the native American pawpaw, Asimina triloba. (翻译:这篇文章是为了满足种植者对美国本土泡泡树种植技术日益增长的需要而撰写的。)

5. Effects of environmental factors on the progress of defoliation dormancy and flowering of late-ripening cultivar of Prunus persica (翻译:环境因素对晚熟桃落叶休眠与开花进程的影响)

6. An investigation of Prunus mume planting in Beijing districts is carried out for the first time. (翻译:首次开展了北京行政区划内梅花栽植情况摸底调查。)

7. Trial materials (Prunus persica) were pretreated with diluted 2000times 70% thiophanate-methyl, the survival rate of inoculation has risen greatly. (翻译:用稀释2000倍的70%甲基托布津预处理桃树可以提高接种成活率。)

8. Among Prunus divaricata, living condition is different and genotype is different, resistance to coldness is different too. (翻译:而在野乍樱桃李中,生境不同,基因型不同其抗寒力也有差异。)

9. Pyramidalis, Prunus triloba and Prunus cerasifera cv. Ptropurpurea and so on as tested tree species, the control effects of various control technologies were studied. (翻译:在陕州风景区内,以龙柏、蜀桧、榆叶梅、红叶李等作为供试树种,研究各种防治技术的防治效果。)

10. This study provides theoretic basis for the multiple utilization and developments of Prunus padus Linn. (翻译:本研究结果为稠李的综合开发利用提供理论依据。)

11. Effect of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Some Parameters of Cell Membrane in Postharvest Prunus persica Fruits (翻译:水杨酸对采后桃果实脂氧合酶及相关指标的影响)

12. Research on and cultivation techniques of Prunus Australia-14′. In Taohe’coastwise (翻译:澳大利亚14号李在洮河沿岸的引种试种与主要栽培技术)

13. Prunus cistena is a world famous purple tree species, which belongs to Prunus of Rosaceae . (翻译:紫叶矮樱属蔷薇科李属落叶灌木或小乔木,为世界著名的紫叶树种。)

14. Occurrence and Prevention of Vitrification in Tissue Culture of Prunus cerasus (翻译:酸樱桃组织培养中试管苗玻璃化的发生与防止)

15. Apricot Oil – Prunus Armeniaca. (翻译:杏油-山杏。)


prunus triloba作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、prunus、trilobas等。

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