maximal ideal是什么意思 maximal ideal的中文翻译、读音、例句

maximal ideal在中文中有”极大理想”的意思,在英美地区还有”极大理想”的意思,发音音标为[ˈmæksəməl aiˈdiəl],maximal ideal常被用作名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到83个与maximal ideal相关的例句。

Maximal ideal的词典翻译


例句:No Predacon will become a Maximal prisoner while I rule. (只要是我在统治,就不会有一个原始兽成为巨无霸的囚犯! )


maximal ideal一般作为名词使用,如在maximal ideal space(极大理想空间)、maximal left ideal(极大左理想)、maximal right ideal(极大右理想)等常见短语中出现较多。

maximal ideal space 极大理想空间
maximal left ideal 极大左理想
maximal right ideal 极大右理想
regular maximal ideal 正则极大理想
maximal 最大的
the ideal [网络] 理想;完美事物;理想现实
maximal acceleration 最大加速度
maximal accretive [数] 极大增值的
maximal algebra 极大代数


1. Designing and producing Loudspeakers With Small Size, Maximal Output And Good Quality Wolfgang Klippel KLIPPEL GmbH (翻译:设计并生产小尺寸,大输出和高质量的扬声器)

2. The objective function that minimizes the maximal link utilization is usually adopted to avoid the network congestion. (翻译:其中,我们最常采取最小化“最大链路使用率”的目标式,来降低网路壅塞的情形。)

3. A naked mound was the ideal of beauty. (翻译:可以要到两倍的价钱 光溜溜的小丘在那时是理想的美)

4. In the intrarenal pelvis, caliceal dilatation and renal parenchymal damage are maximal. (翻译:而若为肾内肾盂,肾盏扩张和肾实质损害均严重。)

5. Further, if S is a semiprime ring, then every maximal kernel of M is a direct summand of M. (翻译:进一步,如果S是半素环,那么M的每个极大核是M的一个直和项。)

6. The generalized inverse of partitioned matrices and the expression of generalized inverse using maximal nonsingular submatrix are discussed. (翻译:摘要讨论了分块矩阵的广义逆,以及用矩阵的满秩子块表示广义逆。)

7. And love, young men , and venerate the ideal. The ideal is the word of God. (翻译:仁爱,青年们都有理想,理想是上帝的承诺。)

8. Is hardly likely to make an ideal q c. (翻译:很难成为一名杰出的王室法律顾问 is hardly likely to make an ideal Q. C.)

9. That’s impossible to have an ideal life, so, an unideal life is the most ideal life! (翻译:人不可能拥有十全十美的生活,所以,有缺憾的生活状态也许就是最理想的了!)

10. An ideal relationship with your father, (翻译:你和你父亲的关系并不理想 an ideal relationship with your father,)

11. An ideal as elusive as a dream. (翻译:完美 却如幻梦般遥不可及 An ideal as elusive as a dream.)

12. Public goods that can be offered are the amount limited by the maximal tax revenue implied in laffer curve. (翻译:能够提供的公共品是指征到拉弗曲线隐含的最大税收量所能提供的公共品。)

13. Real estate is that Chinese carbon discharges a maximal industry , Zhan is compared to 42% presumedly . (翻译:房地产是中国碳排放最大的一个行业,大概占比42%。)

14. Technically, a gap is a maximal sequence of contiguous Spaces. (翻译:从技术上讲,间隙是最大的连续空格序列。)

15. Mm. The situation is not ideal, (翻译:情况不太乐观 The situation is not ideal,)

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