relative compaction是什么意思 relative compaction的中文翻译、读音、例句

relative compaction通常被翻译为”相对密实度”的意思,作为名词时有”相对密实度”的意思,发音是[relativecompaction],relative compaction来源于英语,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到49个与relative compaction相关的句子。

Relative compaction的释义


例句:Due to the single output, the best compaction ratio can he obtained by the Awl- compactor . (由于该电路是单输出的,所以总能保证最大压缩率。)


relative compaction一般作为名词使用,如在compaction(紧密化 )、differential compaction(分异致密)、disequilibrium compaction(不平衡压实)等常见短语中出现较多。

compaction 紧密化
differential compaction 分异致密
disequilibrium compaction 不平衡压实
equilibrium compaction 平衡压密
elastic compaction 塑性致密作用
explosive compaction 爆炸成形
field compaction 野外压实
formation compaction 地层压实
full compaction [计] 完全压缩


1. The head has a well-developed but compaction of the sarcoma, eyes and mouth within a concave in the sarcoma. (翻译:头部有着发达而又紧实的肉瘤,眼睛和嘴凹在肉瘤内。)

2. We wrote a compaction routine that reduces the size of all fonts by an order of magnitude. (翻译:我们写了一个压缩程序 把所有字体的大小都缩小了一个数量级。)

3. The clastic rock shallow gas layer has the characters of lower deep and infirmness compaction, so that the compaction extent of mud and the pressure of pore volume and liquid are low. (翻译:碎屑岩浅气层具有储层埋深浅,岩体弱压实的特征,故其间泥质的压实程度低,孔隙空间及所含流体承受的压力较小。)

4. The special advantage of this roller is of high compaction efficiency, but its self-moving speed is not stab le. (翻译:它的主要特点是压实效率高,但自行速度还不稳定。)

5. No relative contacted her. (翻译:{\1cHFF8000}有亲人的都联系上了)

6. In the design of strengthening projects under dynamic compaction, the replacement depth was an important parameter. (翻译:在强置换加固工程设计中,置换深度往往是设计者最为关心一个设计参数。)

7. Constant speed in a straight line has only relative meaning, a kind of relative reality. (翻译:在一条直线上的匀速 只有相对意义 就好像是一种相对的现实 )

8. The first actual instruction you hit is lqr $3, number. (翻译:您所看到的第一个实际的指令是 lqr $3, number,其含义是 “load quadword relative”。)

9. The compaction and cementation are responsible for the disappearance of primary pores in the submarine-exposure-shallow burial environments. (翻译:首先在海底-暴露-浅埋藏环境下,压实及胶结使原生孔隙基本消失;)

10. The relative molecular weight is 852 by using viscometry, its relative density is 1. (翻译:采用黏度法测定膦基聚马来酸的相对分子质量为852、相对密度为1。)

11. The compaction is the main force that expels the hydrocarbon from source rocks in Fulin subsag. (翻译:富林洼陷油气从烃源岩中排出的主要动力是压实作用。)

12. The only way to break down soil compaction is through traditional moldboard plowing or the use of a subsoiler. (翻译:唯一的办法是用传统的犁板耕作或使用深耕铲打散压紧的泥土。)

13. Compaction and early cementation are the main reasons for destroying primary pores. (翻译:压实作用及早期胶结作用是促使原生孔隙遭受的主要原因;)

14. You are not relative to Elizabeth Taylor. (翻译:汉弗莱 你和伊丽莎白・泰勒毫无可比性 You are not relative to Elizabeth Taylor.)

15. Maintaining this compaction head position tends to break down the memory of the material. (翻译:保持该压缩头的位置容易把存储的材料分解。)

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