outline plan是什么意思 outline plan的中文翻译、读音、例句

outline plan在英语中代表”提纲”的意思,作为名词时有”提纲”的意思,在线读音是[outlineplan],outline plan在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到98个与outline plan相关的例句。

Outline plan的释义


例句:-I wanna know what the plan is. (- What do you want? – I wanna know what the plan is.)


outline plan一般作为名词使用,如在outline audit plan([审计] 审计计划纲要)、outline(①概要②轮廓 )、in outline(扼要地)等常见短语中出现较多。

outline audit plan [审计] 审计计划纲要
outline ①概要②轮廓
in outline 扼要地
outline for 提出提纲
dynamic outline 动态外形
expanded outline un. 伸张轮廓\n[网络] 展开轮廓;扩充的草案
expended outline 伸张轮廓
fictitious outline 虚拟轮廓
font outline [计] 字形外形, 字形尺寸


1. We could wait on that plan make all new strategy (翻译:We could wait on that plan make all new strategy)

2. Watch out of Yeung, she still has a plan (翻译:she still has a plan)

3. “I’m pleased to say we just got the basic outline of a plan from the government of Sudan and it is a very, very good plan, ” Gration added. (翻译:格雷申补充说:“我很高兴地告诉大家,我们刚收到了苏丹就此问题拟订的一个计划的基本纲要,那是一个非常好的计划。”)

4. The different colors of the crops will outline the eight-trigram. (翻译:八卦田将会用不同颜色的农作物勾边。)

5. Then come up with a better plan. (翻译:Then come up with a better plan.)

6. Our plan worked perfectly. (翻译:我们的计划无懈可击 Our plan worked perfectly.)

7. How does this sound for a plan? (翻译:吃这个怎么样? How does this sound for a plan?)

8. – How do we get out of here? (翻译:- You got a plan, kid? – How do we get out of here?)

9. Well, Donnelly? I don’t know, sir. (翻译:How many of us do you plan to murder in the name of that golden plan of yours?)

10. Franco has this crazy open floor plan. (翻译:Franco has this crazy open floor plan.)

11. This fakakta plan… Not so much. (翻译:这破计划 不太信 This fakakta plan)

12. If Lane wants it, you can bet that he has a plan to open it. (翻译:you can bet that he has a plan to open it.)

13. U. S. President Barack Obama will outline ideas for creating jobs when he unveils a plan to put millions of Americans back to work Tuesday. (翻译:美国总统星期二将公布一项让数百万美国人重返就业市场的计划,并将阐述如何创造就业机会。)

14. Plan B: a population bomb. (翻译:B计划 人口 Plan B, a population bomb.)

15. She drew the figures in outline. (翻译:她简略地勾勒出人物的轮廓。)

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