read out of是什么意思 read out of的中文翻译、读音、例句

read out of的中文解释是”开除、驱逐”,还有被正式文告从社会的意思,在线读音是[ri:d aut ɔv],read out of是一个英语名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到95个与read out of相关的句子。

Read out of的释义


例句:I got something for you to read right here! (- I got something for you to read. – Anger. What?)


例句:You can read three languages. (You can read three languages.)


例句:# You can read me anything (∮ You can read me anything)


例句:I read the report this morning (翻译:我今早看过报告 I read the report this morning)


read out of一般作为名词使用,如在read … out(na. 大声读;【自动化】读出\n[网络] 宣读;朗读;读出来)、read out(宣告开除, 把…读出\n[经] 读出, 宣读)、read-out(读出 )等常见短语中出现较多。

read … out na. 大声读;【自动化】读出\n[网络] 宣读;朗读;读出来
read out 宣告开除, 把…读出\n[经] 读出, 宣读
read-out 读出
double read out 双倍读出
disturbed read out [网络] 受扰读出
intermediate read out 中间读出
radio read out [电子] 无线电读出
read out circuit un. 读出电路\n[网络] 读出电梯
read out command 读出命令
read out counter 读出计数器


1. # You can read me anything (翻译:∮ You can read me anything)

2. I read the report this morning (翻译:我今早看过报告 I read the report this morning)

3. ¶ not to read in between the lines ¶ (翻译:# not to read in between the lines #)

4. I have, like, three historical compilations here, I could just read them, and I’m not interested in that. (翻译:I could just read them.)

5. – Would you like to read it? (翻译:你想读吗? Would you like to read it?)

6. It-It’s a little too old for you. (翻译:Did yoead all these books?)

7. – I read about it in a book… (翻译:我从书上看到的… I read about it in a book)

8. We might even teach them to read. (翻译:even teach them to read.)

9. I printed out a PDF to read on the potty. (翻译:我把它打印出来了 准备上厕厕的时候拿出来读 上厕厕?)

10. Index and data read-aheads appear to all get consumed by the engine. (翻译:引擎消耗了所有索引与数据read – aheads。)

11. Do you want me to tell you, or do you want to read about it in the news?” (翻译:or do you want to read about it in the news?)

12. Yeah. You see, sirens can read minds. They see what you want most and then they can cloak themselves. (翻译:sirens can read minds. cloak themselves)

13. It seems I read you wrong. (翻译:It seems I read you wrong.)

14. – You saw him, Anika, I could read it on your face. (翻译:- Aidan. I could read it on your face.)

15. Look, just read Revelation. (翻译:just read revelation.)

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