ptsep是什么意思 ptsep的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The Jazz avg 106 pts a gam and they scored 69 ! (爵士平均每场106分,但是今天他们只拿到69分! )


ptsep一般作为名词使用,如在PTSEP([=Posterior Tibial Nerve Somatosensory Evoked Potential]胫后神经体感诱发电位)等常见短语中出现较多。

PTSEP [=Posterior Tibial Nerve Somatosensory Evoked Potential]胫后神经体感诱发电位


1. Did you know that Will McAvoy didn’t know that you were hired as EP and that he’s at his agent’s office right now? (翻译:你知不知道? 威尔不知道他们雇你当他的制片人 他现在在经纪人办公室谈这事)

2. Ep763 – Yingming gets into difficulties taking huge bank loans. Tang Zhen’s father helps him solve the problem soon after. (翻译:英明向银行借贷巨款遇到困难,幸得唐臻的父亲帮忙,问题才能解决。)

3. Sweet JP’s Transam is seventh at the very end. (翻译:所驾驶的彭斯飞弹EP4 第二集团最后方,第七顺位是 超温柔男JP的Transam疾风号)

4. Ep764 – After confirming that Meiyu is an undercover, Jinsheng is very upset and confronts her for her betrayal. (翻译:金生确定美玉是英明派来的卧底后,即与她决绝,且感到十分痛心。)

5. Every 27 years, a bright star called Epsilon Aurigae fades over period of two years, then brightens. (翻译:每隔xx年,一个被称为牧夫座ep silon的明亮恒星都会进入为期xx年的暗淡时期,然后再度变亮。)

6. Ep688 – Yingming fawns on Mingming’s father as he plans to woo Mingming. (翻译:英明百般讨好明明的父亲,希望他帮忙追求明明。)

7. The EP9 also beat the EV record at France’s Circuit Paul Ricard. (翻译:EP9也打破了法国保罗里卡尔赛道的EV记录。)

8. EP3 during meeting with Maiya – he felt very sad as he held the Contender and comparing its weight to Ilya; (翻译:第三话里面在和舞弥会面期间——他对于伊利亚还没有一支枪重感到伤心;)

9. And every single year, over 97 percent say — EP: The list grows — HF: Well, no. (翻译:每年 超过97%的人会说 诶斯特:清单越来越长了吧 海伦:呃,没有 )

10. Yeah, when you severed communication with the EP, you pretty much absolved him of responsibility. (翻译:let me say that Don was not responsible for that. 他当然不用负责了 {\3cH202020}you pretty much absolved him of responsibility.)

11. Strike Back Legacy Ep.6 subtitle by c2lia (翻译:- 《short change hero》 凸 -,)

12. The winner scored 10 pts. (翻译:获胜者得了10分。)

13. Ep654 – Mingming intentionally appears in front of Yingming to gain his attention. (翻译:明明故意在英明面前出现,以引起对方的注意。)

14. In 2001, the group recorded their first demo EP, o Acaso do Erro. (翻译:在xx年,该集团已记录了他们的第一个演示的EP,澳阿卡索做误差。)

15. The rate of CIN in high risk pts undergoing cardiac angiography is comparable after administration of iopamidol-370 or iodixanol-320. (翻译:使用碘帕醇-370或碘克沙醇-320后,接受心血管造影术的高危患者中 CIN 发生率是相当的。)

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