Poa pratensis是什么意思 Poa pratensis的读音、翻译、用法

‘Poa pratensis’是拉丁语,意为草地早熟禾。它是一种常见的草地植物,原产于欧洲和西亚地区,现已广泛分布在全球各地的草原和草地中。它的常见翻译还包括牧草、早熟禾等。

以下是9个含有’Poa pratensis’的例句:

1. The pasture was covered in ‘Poa pratensis’, it ideal for grazing sheep.(这块草地上长满了早熟禾,从而成为了放牧羊的理想场所。)

2. ‘Poa pratensis’ is a popular choice for golf courses and sports fields due to its hardiness and ability to withstand heavy traffic.(早熟禾因其耐久性和承受重负的能力被广泛用于高尔夫球场和运动场地。)

3. The ‘Poa pratensis’ in this field was particularly lush and green, indicating the excellent soil quality.(这片草地上的早熟禾特别茂盛和翠绿,说明土壤品质非常优秀。)

4. Farmers often mix ‘Poa pratensis’ with other gres to create a more diverse pasture that is better for livestock.(农民经常将早熟禾与其他草种混合,创造出更多样化的牧场,更适合牲畜。)

5. ‘Poa pratensis’ is a cool-season gr that thrives in the spring and fall, but can struggle during the hot summer months.(早熟禾是一种喜爱春季和秋季的凉生草,但在炎热的夏季可能较难生长。)

6. The ‘Poa pratensis’ on this golf course was cut to a precise height to create the optimal putting suce.(这个高尔夫球场上的早熟禾被修剪成精确的高度,创造出最优的推杆表面。)

7. The meadow was full of wildflowers and ‘Poa pratensis’, creating a colorful and vibrant landscape.(草地上充满了野花和早熟禾,创造出了一幅色彩丰富和充满活力的景象。)

8. ‘Poa pratensis’ is highly tolerant of shade, it a popular choice for lawns in areas with limited sunlight.(早熟禾对遮阴非常耐受,因此在阳光有限的地区,它是草坪的常用选择。)

9. The ‘Poa pratensis’ in this park was allowed to grow tall and wild, creating a natural and untamed feel.(这个公园里的早熟禾被允许长得高高的并且自然野放,创造出一种自然而不受约束的感觉。)

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中国自考网 » Poa pratensis是什么意思 Poa pratensis的读音、翻译、用法


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