secondary junctional fold是什么意思 secondary junctional fold的中文翻译、读音

secondary junctional fold的中文解释是”次级接头褶”,在英美地区还有”次级接头褶”的意思,发音音标为[secondaryjunctionalfold],secondary junctional fold在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到75个与secondary junctional fold相关的例句。

Secondary junctional fold的翻译


例句:program flowchart which can calculate the length of secondary critical path and display secondary critical path is supplied. (提供了计算次关键路线路长和显示次关键路线的程序框图。)


secondary junctional fold一般作为名词使用,如在junctional fold(接头褶)、secondary fold(次生褶皱)、junctional(接合的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

junctional fold 接头褶
secondary fold 次生褶皱
junctional 接合的
fold on fold 层层折叠
junctional activity 接合处活性
junctional comples 【细胞生物学】复合连接体,联络复合体
junctional complex 复合连接体,联络复合体
junctional cyst [医] 结合囊肿
junctional epithelium 结合上皮


1. The dentin side between the odontoblasts was connected by junctional complex and the other area was connected by the desmosomes. (翻译:相邻成牙本质细胞间的牙本质侧有连接复合体相连,其他区域则为桥粒。)

2. Compared to the placebo treatment, kisspeptin led to a 48-fold increase in LH and 16-fold increase in FSH. (翻译:与安慰剂相比,kisspeptin引起LH激素增长48倍,FSH激素增长16倍。)

3. Now then, fold it in half like that. (翻译:ﺍﺬﻜﻫ ﺔﻔﺻﺎﻨﻣ ﺎﻫﻭﻮﻃﺍ ،ﻥﻵﺍﻭ)

4. If you want to do something, you can help me fold this sheet. (翻译:帮我一起叠床单吧 you can help me fold this sheet.)

5. Anticline and syncline, geometrical elements of fold, description and recognition of fold in the field. (翻译:背斜和向斜、褶皱的几何要素、褶皱的描述和褶皱的野外描述。)

6. Front page above the fold. (翻译:头版头条 Front page above the fold.)

7. Results: Nifedipine promoted junctional communication and expression of connexin 43 in cultured rat SMC. (翻译:结果显示,硝苯吡啶促进细胞连接蛋白43的表达和细胞连接通讯。)

8. Okay, yeah, but you fold my nice clothes way better than you fold my regular clothes. (翻译:好吧 是 的好衣服你会叠得比普通衣服更整齐)

9. The characteristics of compaction and solution, cementation, secondary porosity during diagenesis processes and the distribution of secondary porosity zone in Chezhen Depression are described. (翻译:以岩石学特征为基础,描述了成岩过程中压实与压溶作用、胶结作用、溶解作用与次生孔隙的特征,以及次生孔隙带在本区的分布。)

10. Now we begin to fold it in half. (翻译:我们开始将它对折 你觉得我们可以对折几次? )

11. The air distributor of UHDE Secondary reformer was partly destroyed, resulting in the erosion of the cone refractory liner of the Secondary reformer. (翻译:UHDE型二段转化炉由于空气分布器的局部损坏,导致二段炉锥体耐火衬里的冲蚀。)

12. We can fold a million times faster, we can fold in hundreds and hundreds of variations. (翻译:我们能将速度提升到一百万倍 我们能折出成千上万种变化 )

13. Take a square. Fold it in half, fold it in half, fold it again, until it gets long and narrow, and then we’ll say at the end of that, that’s a flap. (翻译:拿一张正方形的纸,把它对折再对折, 直到它变得又长又细, 然后这个的尾部就是一个片状物。)

14. In the transection section, the area of secondary phloem is much larger than secondary xylem. (翻译:在横切面上,次生韧皮部的面积比次生木质部大得多。)

15. We can fold a million times faster, we can fold in hundreds and hundreds of variations. (翻译:我们能将速度提升到一百万倍 我们能折出成千上万种变化)

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