open source community是什么意思 open source community的中文翻译、读音、例句

open source community在英语中代表”开源社区”的意思,在日常中也代表”开源社区”的意思,在线发音:[opensourcecommunity],open source community是一个英语名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到41个与open source community相关的例句。

Open source community的翻译




open source community一般作为名词使用,如在open community(稀疏[开阔]群落)、open source([计] 打开源)、open source code(开放源代码)等常见短语中出现较多。

open community 稀疏[开阔]群落
open source [计] 打开源
open source code 开放源代码
Open Source Definition n. 开源定义
open source ERP [网络] 中国开源百科
open source hardware [网络] 开源硬件;关于开源硬件;硬件开源
open source movement [网络] 开放源代码运动;开源运动;开放源码运动
open source program [网络] 开源产品
open source project [网络] 开源项目;开放原始码计划;开放源代码项目


1. Geronimo is one of the more complex projects undertaken by the open source community, comparable to Linux in its intricacy. (翻译:与Linux相比,Geronimo是由开放源码社区开发的比较复杂的项目之一。)

2. I’m talking about her long life, the source of her immortality. (翻译:the source of her immortality.)

3. Luckily, the open source community offers some commands that make it easy to identify and terminate such processes. (翻译:幸运的是,开放源码社区提供了一些命令,可以轻松地识别并终止这些进程。)

4. Is both free and fully open source software the Joomla! (翻译:是免费的完全开放源码的软件Joomla ! )

5. Others are asking RedGate to open source the code, or wondering if there is a way to take Roeder’s code and build an open source version on it. (翻译:还有人请求RedGate把代码开源,或者考虑是否有某种方法能够获得Roeder的代码,并在此之上构建开源的版本。)

6. This is truly a perversion of the open source spirit. (翻译:这完全是对开源精神的曲解。)

7. Both are open source and available from github. (翻译:它们都是开放源码的,可以从github获得它们。)

8. Geronimo is one of the more complex projects undertaken by the open source community, comparable to Linux in its intricacy. (翻译:与Linux相比,Geronimo是由开放源码社区开发的比较复杂的项目之一。)

9. Algernon is an ongoing open source project. (翻译:Algernon是一个正在开发的开放源码项目。)

10. Backbase’s community license allows developers to integrate the framework into open source projects for free. Jep describes the license. (翻译:Backbase的社区许可允许开发者免费的将框架集成到开源项目中。)

11. Of course, open source is hardly entirely noncommercial. (翻译:当然,开放源码并不完全是非商业性的。)

12. collaboration,global issues,open-source,peace,politics,social media,violence,war (翻译:collaboration,global issues,open-source,peace,politics,social media,violence,war)

13. – Open source is incredibly powerful. (翻译:那就不是那么容易关闭。开放源码是令人难以置信的强大。)

14. SIPp is a free open source tool for SIP. (翻译:SIPp是SIP的免费开放源码工具。)

15. business,community,economics,green (翻译:business,community,economics,green)

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